Necromantic Myth

Chapter 190: Open (60 monthly pass plus more)

  Chapter 190 Opening (60 monthly pass plus more)

  Different from the gate on the first floor, the gate on the second floor here is an upward opening. There is no such thing as a moat here. Ryuzhi and the others easily came under the gate.

  However, there is no moat, which does not mean that the gate of the city gate is not guarded. After Liu Zhi and the others arrived here, the first-tier pursuit troops actually stopped. At the same time, Liu Zhi noticed that some guards appeared at the head of the city.

Much like Mander’s command method, most of the forces of this garrison are concentrated near the city gate. They should be divided into two parts, one part is the long-range force on the top of the city wall. They are the same as the one that appeared before. Like the crossbowmen, all they use are crossbows, but the crossbows in their hands are no longer light crossbows, but heavy crossbows that need to be pulled together with hands and feet.

  The other part is the melee troops guarding behind the city gate to prevent someone from stealing the city. When Liu Zhi came here, he had heard the sound of fighting coming from behind the city gate.

   "Letoz is behind the city gate, we are ready, Rusty bone, you drag the enemy on the first floor with the golden skeleton, the others are waiting here, when the city gate is opened, we will go in."

  Riuzhi commanded and stared at the situation on the city head. At this time, the heavy crossbowmen on the city head were ready. They took the heavy crossbow in their hands and shot at the bottom.

  Although these people are all made up of shadows just like the people they have seen before, their combat effectiveness has not diminished at all.

  So many people under Liu Zhi squeezed in front of the city gate, and there was no need for them to aim at all, as long as they shot down, and then backed up to reload.

Ryuzhi’s men responded quickly. Most of the skeleton soldiers had shields. They directly raised the shields above their heads. They had the defense of the shields. In addition, the skeleton soldiers had the characteristics of arrows. During the attack, Liu Zhi's men were not affected.

  Instead, some zombies were attacking, and they were nailed to the ground by arrows flying from the sky. They were not as powerful as the legendary undead's physical shield.

  Behind the city gate at this time, Letots was leading a part of the dead lake murlocs under Liu Zhi to kill all the way forward.

  All these dead lake murlocs have undergone the training of night stabbing swordsmanship. When they breathe, they will bring the power of night breathing technique and their agility will be improved.

  It is precisely because of this reason that their speed has obviously changed, and they can keep up with the moving speed of Letoz.

Letotz took two daggers and killed one among the enemies back and forth, and then said to some of the dead lake murlocs who followed: "What are you still waiting for? Turn the winch and pull up the city gate. "

   Saying that Letotz kicked again, kicking out an enemy who rushed over.

  After Letoz kicked the enemy out, his hands were directly stab at the enemy's vitals, and then he rolled to the ground, rushing in from one shadow, and then rushing out into another shadow.

  But he obviously felt that his methods were not very useful here. After all, most of the enemies here are in shadow form, and they also have the ability to move in the shadows.

  It can be said that Letoz is now completely relying on his own movement speed to be stronger than them, so he can barely press them to fight. If the opponent has more manpower, Letoz will be a little overwhelmed.

And those dead lake murlocs seem to have more brains than the undead. In fact, all of them are brainless. They know how to kill, without a wink. Letotz has brought the enemy together, and they will not. If they take the initiative to do something, let Letoz order them before they know they will start to turn the winch.

  Not to mention helping Letoz from the side and back when he led the enemy away.

At this time, Letotz had a thought in his mind. He must train a force of his own. Even if this force will not be under his control, but when he really needs to sneak in, he can at least play a certain role. effect.

  At this moment, the voice of Kakaka came from the winch of the city gate, and the gate of the second floor was slowly opened.

All of Liu Zhi's subordinates are undead. He doesn't have the idea that I need to wait for the door to be fully opened before rushing in. When the door rises, Liu Zhi ordered: "Rush in, rush in all, and control the first The gate on the second floor."

  Soul Soul Naga rushed forward first, she directly put her body down very low, and when the door was only lifted a little bit, she relied on the high-speed movement speed of the snake's tail to rush into the door.

After   , it was the skeleton soldiers under Liu Zhi, and the zombies moved at the slowest speed, all of them stayed behind.

  About halfway through the entrance, the second-level gate was fully opened. Behind the gate, which was about ten meters high, was the battlefield where Letoz was fighting.

  Yiuzhi flicked with a thin stabbing sword in his hand and helped Letots kill a few enemies. Then he asked, "How was the situation inside?"

   "There are shadow people guarding, their strength is a bit strong, but I don't know why, their number is not very large."

Liu Zhi recalled the situation after entering the shadow city, "Could they just put the city here and did not arrange for guards, it is just a nail that some people put here, in order to play a role in the future? use?"

Having said this, Liu Zhi frowned. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that his idea was right. The location of the city in front of him was wrong, and the situation was wrong. If it wasn't for someone to hide here on purpose, what's the matter? The reason to make this city look like this.

This discovery flashed several thoughts in Liu Zhi's mind. He finally said: "Come in, Vidnina, Spinning Spiderwoman, you clean up the walls, Letoz, you are a professional, take a look Are there any other discoveries nearby? Rust bone blocked the chasers outside and prepared to put down the winch. We rest here for half an hour, and then divide the troops according to the previously determined direction."

  After giving this order, Liu Zhi glanced at the dead lake murlocs who were mostly injured and turned his head to ask Letoz, who was leaving, "Letoz, how do these murlocs feel, how do they work?"

  "It's not easy to use, the fighting ability is okay, but there is no brain. If you want them to become professionals, you must at least let them learn something and grow their brains."

  Liu Zhi glanced at the Dead Lake Murloc, and finally shook his head, "You join the battle, too. After you go back, you can strengthen your training."

  (End of this chapter)

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