Necromantic Myth

Chapter 191: The second layer (for subscription)

  Chapter 191 Second Level (seeking subscription)

  As the gate of the second floor closed, Liu Zhi's men slammed into the wall of the second city, and Liu Zhi had already controlled the second floor of the city.

Liu Zhi also went up to observe the situation of the second floor up close. It was similar to the first floor building. This floor was also built with black stones, but compared to the chaos of the first floor. The style on the first floor is somewhat uniform. There are some statues on the outside of the building. In the eyes of others, this is some decoration, but in the eyes of Liu Zhi, this seems to be similar to the message of the mural.

Liu Zhi is not unfamiliar with this situation. He is not curious about why some people would do this kind of second task of engraving the information of his city on important places, because his own tower of the soul of the soul has sculptures. Some of his important actions in the last world.

  Obviously, this is a setting problem of the game, and it is not something that the city owner can adjust if he wants to.

This made Liu Zhi a little curious about what happened here. He couldn't help but glanced at the statue on the wall. Liu Zhi noticed that the statue on the wall also recorded some achievements, but Liu Zhi was a little curious. , Why does the character inside do not look like a Western character, but rather a child of an Eastern department?

  Liu Zhi took a closer look and knew the master of this city in general. He should be the guardian who holds the underworld and the illusory position, and is responsible for the junction between this world and that world.

  Yes, the name was seen on the statue, and I don’t know how this weird title came out. After seeing it, Liu Zhi was quite embarrassed anyway.

  The same is true of the style of this city. The residents in the city will only turn into shadows at certain times. At other times, the city is empty.

  However, Liu Zhi also noticed that the statues in this city seem to have not been cleaned for a long time. This situation is relatively rare. You must know that even if it is the old style of the story of the dead city, it is impossible to look like it is obvious that it is about to be abandoned.

  This city gave him a feeling of returning to the Golden City.

   Gently pressed his hand on the wall, Liu Zhi glanced at the dust in his palm, then looked around again, he was somewhat suspicious, the situation in front of him seemed to be wrong.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi’s troops also returned. They had already killed the guards on the city wall, but from their expressions, it could be seen that those guards must have turned to ashes as before.

"This place gives me a very wrong feeling. Let's not stay here any longer. Spinning Spider Girl, you go to the Magic Tower and you can take as many things as you can use. By the way, all the books in it are all I have to look for it. In addition, Letots, you are an assassin, you should be familiar with secret rooms and so on. You should follow along to see how many things are hidden in the magic tower."

  After arranging the missions of the Spinning Spider Girl and Letots, Liu Zhi took all the undead troops and headed towards the royal mausoleum that was optimistic at the beginning.

Walking on the second floor, Liu Zhi noticed that on the third floor of the city wall in the distance, some weird soldiers had appeared. The spear, if it weren't for its own blackness, would definitely look like a knight among humans.

Beside these knights, there is that kind of black griffin. Behind the griffin are some shadow people in black robes. They carry a heavy hammer in their hands and hold a thick book. They know that it is a priest at first glance. Class of legal professionals.

The number of them is not very large. The number of knights is about ten. The number of griffins and priests will be more, reaching twenty. They are standing on the city wall, even a small place is dissatisfied, but their eyes But as if they could penetrate everything, it fell directly on Liu Zhi's body, no matter where Liu Zhi went, their eyes kept staring.

  For this situation, Liu Zhi was also quite uncomfortable, but he did not pass, those people stood on the third floor of the city wall and did not come out, and the two sides did not even have a chance to fight.

In the end, Liu Zhi didn't look at that side at all, and headed towards the mausoleum over there with his hands. On the way, Liu Zhi also found some people shadowing people, but their number was higher than the number on the first floor. In other words, it is too much.

  Moreover, most of these shadow people are ordinary civilians, and only a few of them are soldiers with weapons. Ryuzhi's forces rushed them away when they attacked.

Liu Zhi ignored these guys, and just rushed them away. In the eyes of Liu Zhi, hitting these guys would be of no benefit at all. Killing them would only turn into some black powder at best, and nothing would be collected. Come back, it's better to go where you want to go quickly and see if you have any gains in this city.

  For this city, Liu Zhi has gone from smashing the city to making a fortune from this city and then going back.

  Ryuzhi's thoughts also affected his troops. As long as they were not directly blocked by the enemy in the road, Liu Zhi's troops had no idea of ​​chasing after him.

  In this way, they quickly reached that mausoleum.

  Standing before the mausoleum, Liu Zhi took a serious look. He noticed that there were two statues standing with swords in front of the mausoleum. The statues looked like a magnified knight.

  The gate of the tomb is between the two knights.

  I don’t know why, standing in front of the mausoleum, looking at the two knights, Ryuzhi felt like he encountered a janitor in a dungeon.

  He hesitated for a while, pointed to the soul Naga and said, "You, attack."

  Soul Soul Naga just wandered towards the tomb. Her forearms were pressed on the long sword on her waist, and her two-handed axe was held in her upper arms. It could be seen that she was ready for battle.

  But she went all the way to the gate of the tomb, and the two knights did not respond.

  Naga, the soul of the corpse didn't think much about it, and slashed at the gate with an axe, splitting the wooden gate open.

  As the corpse soul Naga was about to enter the tomb, he heard the sound of slashing behind him.

  Soul Soul Naga lowered his head, raised an axe with both hands on his upper arm, and blocked the stone long sword.

  The two stone statues finally moved.

  At this time, the thin stabbing sword in Liu Zhi's hand flicked, and a wind blade flew towards the two statues, and at the same time he roared, "Attack!"

  In the next instant, the skeleton shooter and the skeleton spearman attacked at the same time, and the arrows and spears were nailed to the two statues.

  (End of this chapter)

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