Necromantic Myth

Chapter 192: Royal Mausoleum (70 monthly pass plus more)

  Chapter 192 Royal Tombs (70 monthly pass plus more)

  Under the attack of the skeleton shooter, the two statues retreated a few steps, but they were not broken, they just rolled on the ground and got up again.

  But at this moment, Naga, the corpse soul who was pressed and beaten by the statue, turned around. Her waist bounced from the ground like a spring, and she actually bounced her higher than the statue.

The Soul Naga, holding a two-handed axe, drew a pair of long swords at the same time. The long swords crossed downwards, across the front of a statue, and drew a big fork on the face of the statue. The two-handed axe chopped on the fork from top to bottom, smashing the head of the statue to pieces.

In the next instant, the statue began to turn into black dust and nothing was left. No, Liu Zhi turned his head and saw something different. The statue turned into dust, but some differences were left on the ground. Something, a black stone the size of a fist.

  Ryuzhi didn't know whether this was because of the size of the statue, or because of its relatively high level, that something like this would remain.

Liu Zhi turned his head and glanced at the other statue. At this time, that statue had already fought with the Soul Naga. Their combat power levels were not much different. Although the Soul Naga's level was not enough, they had a good level. The fighting spirit, on the contrary, the statue was quite rigid in the fight, as if there was no intelligence.

  Liu Zhi took a look and knew that Soul Soul Naga had enough chances to win, but now they were in a hurry, and Liu Zhi raised his hand. This time the skeleton shooters did not make a move. The shot was the Golden Skull who had been blocking the front.

  Under the command of Rusty Bone, the golden skeletons threw out the hammers in their hands. Many hammers happened to hit the statue, knocking the statue back several steps.

  At this moment, the Soul Naga slashed down again with an axe, cut it on the neck of the statue, and chopped the statue into pieces.

  When Rusty Bone rushed into the mausoleum with troops, Liu Zhi also picked up the two stones left after the statue’s demise.

As soon as you start Yanagiji, you know what it is. This is a kind of iron ore produced in the underworld in the game. It has the same quality as the dark iron currently possessed by Yanji, except that this iron ore is It is used to make the necessary materials for the player’s weapons. The smithy in his Hades has only samples. Without the materials, it has been impossible to make the weapons used by the player.

   "It seems that this city still has some good things."

  Ryuzhi put the two iron ore away, and walked towards the passage where the golden skulls smashed into.

  As a royal tomb, the defense inside is naturally not limited to the two statues outside. After the golden skeletons rushed in, they were immediately hit by various agencies.

Most of the mechanisms are acupuncture mechanisms. The shields in the hands of the golden skulls can block more than half of the flying needles. Half of the remaining flying needles are not shot at the golden skulls, and the rest is not for the golden skulls. Too much influence.

  Instead, the Golden Skull directly hit it with a chain hammer according to the direction of the acupuncture, destroying all those organs.

  In this way, when Liu Zhi walked in, there was no chance in the front section.

But after walking less than ten meters, the situation changed. Liu Zhi noticed that the city's consul's coffin was parked in this mausoleum. Each coffin had the age of these consuls. I don't know why, Liu Zhi always feels weird looking at this time, because all these consuls died in office.

This discovery made Liu Zhi slow down and carefully observed the situation of these consuls. He soon discovered some doubts. For example, the order of these consuls was arranged by the first letter of their names, and another example was theirs. The faces are exactly the same.

  While Liu Zhi was studying these consuls, a chaotic voice suddenly came not far away.

  Ryuzhi drew out his thin stabbing sword and ran towards there, "What happened."

However, before Ryuzhi arrived there, he was surrounded by two corpse soul naga. Through Vednina’s shoulders, Ryuzhi saw a pool of smoking liquid on the ground, a few pieces of gold. The skeleton was soaking in the liquid, slowly melting.

   "It's strong acid." Liu Zhi saw the situation inside at a glance, "Where did it come from?"

  Videnina pointed to the top of the passage, and Liu Zhi saw a mechanism that was slowly retracting.

   "Golden Skull backed up, ready to go forward, and destroyed the mechanism for me."

  Liu Zhi ordered on the spot.

Under Ryuzhi's order, the ordinary skeleton soldiers rushed forward quickly. Several skeleton soldiers lay directly on the ground, making the skeleton soldiers behind to jump forward on his body, and the jumped skeleton soldiers put their hands on his hands. The spear stabs the opportunity that is being recovered.

After    three or two times, another puddle of liquid showered down, drenching all the skeleton soldiers underneath. In an instant, those skeleton soldiers were directly turned into bone scum by the strong acid.

   "Come again."

  For the loss of the skeleton soldier, Liu Zhi didn't care at all. After the skeleton soldier found the way, he activated a total of seven such acid organs and finally cleared the passage.

   forcibly pushed to the end of the tomb passage.

  At the end of this place, there is a huge stone portrait on which is an existence that looks like a king.

  He is wearing an ancient and gorgeous noble costume, with a golden crown on his head, and his bearded face looks full of majesty and confidence. He also holds a two-handed epee in his hand.

  The name of the king is written under the portrait, the new...king of Kanduras...

  Riuzhi only saw such words, and the name after it seemed to be forcibly crossed out by something.

This situation gave Liu Zhi a headache. This is about the knowledge of history, which is considered to be the most lacking of all his knowledge. And Liu Zhi also understands that as long as the clues are not right, even if there is historical knowledge, it is useless. Kandulas This is obviously a place name. If you want to know who this is, you need geographic knowledge and behavior in addition to historical knowledge.

"Forget it, I have to face it anyway." Liu Zhi didn't understand it and didn't think about it. He waved his hand and asked the zombies to come over and start pushing the portrait, because he could see it. The downward passage, everything is behind this portrait.

The power of those zombies is greater than that of the skeleton soldiers. After pushing the portrait away, Ryuzhi heard the sound of the mechanism, and then there was a purple light nearby, and some skeleton soldiers with epees turned away from He jumped out from the neighborhood, holding his weapon, and pounced on Liu Zhi and the others.

  (End of this chapter)

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