Necromantic Myth

Chapter 193: Skeleton King

  Chapter 193 The Skeleton King

The appearance of these skeleton soldiers shocked Liu Zhi, because at first these skeleton soldiers were nothing more than murals on the surrounding walls. At most, these statues looked weird, each of them looked like heavy swords. Nailed the skeleton soldier to the wall.

  At first, Liu Zhi thought it was some kind of decoration, but he didn't expect that these skeleton soldiers would get up by themselves.

But Liu Zhi’s men reacted quickly. His skeleton soldiers quickly fought with the enemy. Without a commander, Liu Zhi discovered that his skeleton soldiers were quite different from the opponent’s skeleton soldiers. The epee in the hands of the skeleton soldier who climbed down from the wall has the effect of a long sword and a hammer. Even if the cutting is not very useful, when it hits the skeleton soldier, it can still cause the skeleton soldier to suffer a lot of damage.

   Often Ryuzhi needs two skeleton soldiers to kill an enemy.

  The number of enemies is still quite large, at least those skeleton soldiers climbed down from the wall one by one, seemingly endless.

  At this time, Liu Zhi had already pushed the free troops in front of him to fight, but he still couldn't stop the enemy's increasingly powerful attacks.

  At this moment, the portrait that the zombies forced to push suddenly moved and the door opened.

  Ryuzhi didn't think much, and rushed behind the door with his men, and at the same time ordered Rustbone to bring the golden skeletons and some zombies to block the influx of skeleton soldiers.

  Rustbone held the long sword and blocked the door. Maybe it was with a master like Liu Zhi. Originally, his body was the kind of necromancer who was in the back, but now he was swollen to the forefront.

  Those skeleton soldiers don’t care whether they are standing in front of ordinary golden skeletons or small bosses. They hold the heavy sword and it is a sweep.

  At this moment, Rusty bone took off, he actually made a movement that skeleton soldiers can't normally do, stepped on the face of a skeleton soldier from top to bottom, and quickly jumped on top of those skeleton soldiers.

Although these skeleton soldiers also have their own abilities, they will only attack according to their own ideas when there is no command. Rusty bones are jumping around on their heads. They naturally chase after Rusty bones with long swords. Go to chop.

  There is nothing wrong with the rusty bones like this, and several skeletons have been crushed to death by their own people.

  Liu Zhi handed the back to Rusty Bone. He didn't care about the situation here, and rushed into the space behind the portrait with his subordinates. Liu Zhi saw a different place at a glance.

  This is the only time he has seen different colors in this city.

Although the whole space is also in that dark style, it is not a stack of blacks. There is a gray space in front of you. There are a large number of jars stacked around the space, and the yin gushing from the jars can be understood. These jars are all ashes.

  In the middle of the entire space, there is a black book supported by purple magic. The book is automatically turned over without wind. Every time it reaches the top, the book will close by itself and start turning again.

  That is when the book was closed, Liu Zhi saw the title "Prophecy of Death" on the cover of the book.

  Just when he saw the title of the book, Liu Zhi had an urge to go forward and read the book.

  But Liu Zhi quickly suppressed this impulse, and led his men to bypass the "Death Prophecy" and head towards the back of the space.

After walking about a dozen meters, Liu Zhi suddenly stopped. He saw a huge throne not far away. The throne was made in the style of a normal person, but its size would be larger than the size of a normal throne. About three times larger.

  On the throne, there is a skeleton three times the size of a normal person leaning against the back of the chair. His right hand is supporting his head that is about to fall, and he wears a crown that looks a little rusty.

   Leaning against him with a two-handed epee, Liu Zhi could see at a glance, the fighting style of the skeleton soldiers outside must have been learned from this.

  However, this skeleton has been sitting on the throne for too long, and for a long time there is a thin cobweb on his body, and I don’t know how spiders can survive in this place.

When    walked to a position only about 20 meters away from the skeleton, Liu Zhi suddenly heard a sigh.

   "I have put the best things outside, why don't you leave with the "Death Prophecy", you must wake me up."

   "I don't know what to do with that."

   "You don't know what you missed. As long as you finish reading the death prophecy, you can master the power of death, which is truly the power of death."

"What does that have to do with me? With my current strength, it must be a great price to get such a powerful force." The more the other party says this, the less impressed Liu Zhi will be. This kind of routine is early. I just met and don't know how many, where will I be fooled at this time.

   "Hey, if I could think like you, I wouldn't have been trapped here for so long, but I still can't let you leave here, so go to hell!"

   The voice roared, and the heavy sword that was leaning on the throne was thrown out and cut in the direction of Liu Zhi.

  Vednina and Soul Naga stood in front of Ryuuji for the first time, using their weapon to block the epee.

  After blasting Vidnina and the corpse soul Naga out, the skeleton on the throne stood up, and he stretched out his hand, and the flying sword returned to his hand.

   Then he strode forward and stepped in front of Ryuzhi.

  Ryuzhi did not back down, but rushed forward holding the thin stabbing sword, and at the same time, he gave orders to his men as he rushed forward.

   "Free shooting."

  With the arrows and spears shot out, Liu Zhi condensed the wind blade on the thin stabbing sword, and slashed towards the skeleton in the direction of the arrows and spears.

The skeleton just turned the epee and turned out a sword flower, and then all the arrows and throwing spears were bounced out, but the wind blade released by Ryuzhi fell on the epee and gave the skeleton to Repelled a distance.

At this moment, the two corpse soul naga also got up from the ground. If it is a normal naga, the previous damage may have prevented them from getting up, but for the undead, there is no need to consider any injuries, even if the arm is broken. , They can also fight.

The movements of the two corpse soul naga at this time are completely different. The one without a name leaps forward, and the two-handed axe in his hand slashes from top to bottom, while Vidnina is behind, with four long swords crossing in front of him. In the end, the four wind blades flew towards the skull, and in the process of flying, they slowly formed a huge wind ball.

  (End of this chapter)

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