Necromantic Myth

Chapter 194: Three to one (80 monthly pass plus more)

  Chapter 194 Three to One (80 monthly pass plus more)

Faced with such an attack, the skeleton opened his mouth wide, as if laughing there. At the same time, his hands were not idle. The two-handed epee, which was higher than a normal person, seemed to be in his hand. Like a straw, it was swung easily and quickly and accurately blocked the attack from the two corpse soul naga.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi had already jumped in front of the skeleton, and the thin thorn sword in his hand marked a small ‘Z’, and finally hit the skeleton’s spine.

  But the skeleton just put his epee upright, as if with a dagger, blocking the blow of Liu Zhi.

  Without a move, Liu Zhi retreated back, and retreated to the two corpse soul naga in a few steps.

   "His speed, power, and swordsmanship are beyond us. He must fight together."

The two corpse soul naga did not speak, but moved their positions. The one with no name stood in front of Yuji and was ready for the impact, while Vidnina retreated behind Yuji. Four Cross the long sword in front of Ryuzhi.

  Yagiji has been cooperating with Vednina for a long time, and once Vednina makes this action, Ryuji knows what she wants to do.

Liu Zhi ignored the long sword in front of him. His hands kept shaking. Every time he shook, a small wind blade appeared on the tip of his thin thorn sword. At this time, Liu Zhi regretted that he had not killed himself. The long stick is brought in. If it is brought in, the power of Thunder Coral may be greater.

  The skeleton did not give Liu Zhi more time to prepare. In fact, when Liu Zhi and the others gathered together, the skeleton slashed towards Liu Zhi with a single sword.

  The corpse soul Naga standing in the front was prepared for this situation.

  Her strength is too different from that of the skeleton, but facing the oncoming blow, she rushed forward, raised the two-handed axe in her hand, and placed it on the two-handed epee.

   Then I heard a click, and Naga's body was crushed by the two-handed epee.

  At this time, Soul Naga's reaction was quite fast. She lifted her forearm, and the two long swords were pushed up, raising her position a little.

This caused the skeleton to focus more on the Soul Naga. He pushed down the epee in his hand, and the two-handed axe was forcibly disconnected from it, and the epee was pressed against the soul of the Naga. Above the sword.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi was also ready. Seven wind blades had already been gathered on the tip of his sword. This was the greatest effect his indigo wind chasing swordsmanship could achieve.

  At the same time, in front of Ryuuji, on the four long swords crossed by Vidnina, three wind blades were also gathered.

It’s not that Vednina can’t gather more. Vednina understands that now she is the only one who can keep up with the skeleton in swordsmanship. She needs to put more energy on the control of swordsmanship, otherwise, even No matter how strong it is, it is useless without hitting people.

   Skeleton also understood this. When he pressed the soul Naga to fight, his attention did not actually leave Liu Zhi's body.

  When Liu Zhi raised his hand with the thin stabbing sword and pointed it towards the four long swords that were crossed in front of him, the skeleton stopped his hand decisively and blocked him with the heavy sword.

  But Vidnina wouldn’t waste such a good opportunity. Ryuuji moved a little bit forward, which was equivalent to focusing all of his strength on her sword.

  Videnina pushed her body forward, and her whole body rushed towards the skull like a spring.

   The skeleton retreated, and the epee in his hand slashed towards Vidnina three times in a row.

  But every time Vidnina didn't use the long sword in her hand, instead she kept evading.

Every time she dodges, the aura in her hand becomes stronger. At this moment, a little green spark flashes in the skeleton's eyes, and his left hand, which has not been used, presses the hilt of the heavy sword, and then a green flame appears on the hilt of the heavy sword. Above the heavy sword, the flame was like a long whip, hitting Vidnina frontally.

  In the face of such a blow, Vidnina also had to prepare to use her wind blade stuck on the tip of the sword.

  At this moment, a light circle suddenly appeared on the top of the skull.

  In the absence of a staff, Liu Zhi still used Star Fall.

  Of course, Ryuuji didn't use his full strength. He made this blow, only to interrupt the skeleton's attack on Vidnina.

  Sure enough, at the moment the stars fell, the skull heads back once.

  It can be seen that the starlight has a certain effect on the skeleton.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, Vidnina approached the skeleton, and Ryuuji noticed that the corpse soul Naga on the other end wanted to go around behind the skeleton to attack.

  This situation made Ryuji a bit speechless. Vindnina had already forced the skeleton to the corner. What did this guy ran over to do.

  Ryuzhi complained in his heart, and rushed towards the skull.

  At this time, the skeleton smiled. He put his heavy swords flat on both hands, and was about to make a sweep, encircling the three of them.

  When Liu Zhi saw such a situation, he quickly yelled, "Let it go."

Vidnina loosened her hand, and the seven wind blades released by Ryuuji, plus the sixteen wind blades on Vidnina's own side, were all concentrated at one point, and then the wind blade turned towards the skull. Rush away.

This is not a small-power attack like the previous one. It can be seen how strong the wind blade is superimposed on the wind blade. When the skeleton turns his wrist, the epee that was originally intended to be swept becomes a straight stab, easily Stabbed to the wind blade side.

  If he is stabbed by his epee, the wind blades that Yuji and Vidnina have gathered for so long will all disappear.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi dashed forward. At this moment, he seemed to have entered the situation of the previous battle with the player who exploded. He seemed to control all the energy around him.

His dark night stabbing swordsmanship and the Z-shaped secret sword began to cooperate with each other, and at the same time, the indigo wind blade of wind chasing swordsmanship appeared again on the tip of his sword. A strange sword curtain slowly formed beside him, and on the edge of the sword curtain, all Everything was affected.

  Even the wind blade ball that is about to be scattered by the skeleton point is included in it.

  The skeleton is a master of swordsmanship, and he can see what's going on with Yanagi at a glance.

  At this time, he directly shifted his direction, and slashed at Liu Zhi's head with a sword.

  At this time, the Soul Naga rushed in front of the Liu Assassin, and his hands without a weapon grabbed the epee, and at the same time the two long swords stabbed at the vital point of the skeleton.

It was also the Naga of the Soul Soul, that the sword curtain in Liu Zhi's hand slowly took shape, and finally everything in the sword curtain turned into a big'Z', just waiting for Liu Zhi to stab in the center. Out of that point.

  (End of this chapter)

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