Necromantic Myth

Chapter 195: The existence of the skeleton

  Chapter 195 The Existence of Skeletons

【Ding! You have successfully mastered the Eternal Night Sword Curtain, the current level is level 1]

[Eternal Night Sword Curtain Level 1 (1/10000): The key advanced swordsmanship that combines the dark night thorn swordsmanship and the Z-shaped secret sword. The level cannot exceed two swordsmanship levels, strength +0.1, agility +0.1, physique +0.1, Spirit +0.1]

  [Description: The next blow of the Dark Night Swordsmanship and the Z-shaped Secret Sword is also a must-kill attack that combines all the power to concentrate on one point, which is a killer move with full force]

  Liu Zhi ignored the message that jumped out in front of him, and the sword in his hand pressed down forcibly with a black light.

  This sword happened to be at the core point where the wind blade released by Vidnina was located, and it was exactly where the opponent's skeleton epee was hit.

The tip of Yanuji's thin thorn sword and the tip of the opponent's skeleton epee hit the center of the wind blade, and then all the power around Yanagi, including his own and Vidnina's, including the sword curtain and the wind blade. All focused on this point.

   Then there was a ding sound, Liu Zhi's thin stabbing sword exploded into pieces, and the epee in the hands of the skeleton was also cut into small pieces during the attack of Liu Zhi.

  The effect of the wind blade and the sword curtain is like a tornado, and it has been rolling towards the skeleton. The skeleton reacted quickly, and he immediately let go of the epee on his hand.

But everything is too late. The combined attack of Ryuzhi and Vidnina is not so simple that it can be dodged. Tornado seems to be staring at the skeleton's arm, and must follow his right hand to roll up. , Cut his arm into pieces.

  The skeleton stepped back a few steps, never being able to dodge such an attack. In the end, the skeleton laughed and ran into the tornado with his chest, trying to pounce on Ryuzhi.

  At this time, Liu Zhi drew out another weapon and pointed at the skeleton.

   "The stars are falling."

   Another wave of starlight fell from the sky and hit the skeleton's body, knocking him back.

At the same time, Liu Zhi was working hard to recover his arm, recalling his feelings when he pierced the sword curtain of Yongye. He knew that his ordinary skills could not have any effect on this skeleton, only the sword curtain of Yongye. This trick might hurt him.

  But at this moment, the skeleton seemed to feel something. He glanced at Liu Zhi, and he opened his mouth and made a smile that was more ugly than crying.

   "It's interesting, then let's die together."

  Yuzhi didn't know what the skeleton wanted to do. He just looked up at the skeleton with some doubts, and then he found that there was a red gem at the position of the skeleton's heart.

  This was something he hadn't noticed after playing for a long time before. This situation surprised Liu Zhi.

Take a closer look. Liu Zhi was frightened. There were some small black iron chains wrapped around the ruby. It was the same color as the outer shadow. You can see that this is what the skeleton will be trapped in. The reason here.

   And the tornado he just released was cutting the black iron chain, and the skeleton was about to be released.

   "There is no time. To prevent me from escaping, they placed such a self-exploding gem. As long as it blows up here, the entire mausoleum will be destroyed. If you can't escape, let's die together."

  Yiu Zhi would not believe what the skeleton said. He believed that even if he was killed here, the skeleton could live well, and even this self-destruction would end with him leaving here freely.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi hesitated for a moment. He glanced at the door that was still some distance away from the doorway behind him, and finally commanded loudly: "Retreat, all retreat."

When the skeleton heard it, he laughed loudly, "Come in no hurry, look at me, I can’t support it anymore, Bai Guishen, my original contract has expired, I will help you guard this place until I am Until I die, you can't stop me anymore."

   The skeleton roared loudly, and the ruby ​​on his chest seemed to burn, igniting his body.

  Yagiji can even feel that the skeleton will explode in the next second.

   "All focus on me."

All the undead troops that entered this space swiftly concentrated towards Liu Zhi, and while Liu Zhi thought of a spell, he rushed towards the skull. He pierced forward with the thin thorn sword in his hand and pierced the skull directly. The center of the eyebrows.

  The skeleton at this time did not seem to have seen Liu Zhi's attack. His attention was all on the ruby ​​on his chest. When Liu Zhi stabbed with a sword, he suddenly raised his head.

   "You are late, boom!"


  A big explosion exploded outwards centered on the skeleton, exploding Yanagi too.

But when Liu Zhi rushed forward, he was already chanting a spell. When he was blown up like this, Liu Zhi shook his hand and just picked the crown on top of the skull. Then a white light flashed. Liu Zhi and Liu Zhi were in this space. All the subordinates in here have disappeared.

  In the next moment, Liu Zhi only felt the world spin for a while, before he could react, he hit the ground with a touch.

  Liu Zhi raised his head and took a look, and found that he had left the shadow city and landed near the death rod. It could be seen that his starry sky beacon was still very useful.

  But soon Liu Zhi noticed that the death rod seemed to be a little unstable, and the white light emitted from the death rod seemed to be almost out of shadow.

   "Everyone quit for me. That shadow city will not last much longer."

  Ryuzhi pressed his hand on the death rod, using his mental power to forcefully maintain the shadow under the bright light, and at the beginning, he tried to communicate with some of the people who were still trapped in the shadow city.

   After all, this time Liu Zhi could only bring out the men who fought with him in that space, and the rest like the Spinning Spider Girl and Rusty Bone could not be brought out forcibly.

  Fortunately, when Liu Zhi came out, half of the mausoleum was destroyed by the explosion of that space. Rusty bones and the Spinners felt that something was wrong and ran out of their mission.

   Then the message of Liu Zhi came over, giving them a chance to escape, instead of searching for what Liu Zhi asked them to find in this city, and finally trapped in this shadow city forever.

  Liu Zhi supported the death rod for nearly half an hour, and it was not until the Fangming Spider Girl and them all escaped that he pulled up the death rod.

The moment he pulled up the death staff, he felt a slight shaking on the ground, and a dark abyss appeared in front of him. The abyss was invisible at all. At the same time, the floor area was quite large. There are some bad ideas.

  (End of this chapter)

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