Necromantic Myth

Chapter 202: Intruder (120 monthly pass plus more)

   Chapter 202 Invaders (120 monthly pass plus more)

  With his hands, he quickly surrounded the water-deficient lake, Liu Zhi waved his hand, and some skeleton transport vehicles began to dump his prepared venom into the water-deficient lake.

  During this time, because Liu Zhi put too many murloc eggs in the water-deficient lake, it can be said that it squeezed the living space of the corpses below the lake, and the corpses that had some ideas in the first place were fluctuating.

Originally, Liu Zhi didn't plan to deal with them so early, but this time it was different. An outsider entered into the water-deficient lake. How long will Liu Zhi just dispose of them together? You need to know the current murloc eggs. It was being delivered in waves, and besides the smuggling dock, there were already too many murloc eggs piled up in the water weeds on the side of the water-deficient lake in front of me.

  The venom prepared by Liu Zhi this time is all ordinary poison, which is aimed at the undead. For ordinary creatures, there is only some paralysis effect at most. Although it will affect the aquatic plants in the water, it does not affect the murloc eggs.

  As for the aquatic plants Liuzhi left the seeds, just dispose of all the undead underwater and replant them.

  When Liu Zhi started to pour the venom, the undead under the water-deficient lake also began to be confused. They seemed a little unwilling, but they were entangled by the water plants, and their moving speed was not as slow as the water ghost.

Liu Zhi ignored the undead, he kept staring at the water. As long as those undead had the idea of ​​coming up, the undead troops under Liu Zhi would go forward and deal with it. Liu Zhi didn't need to care about this at all, he was looking for it. The enemy who sneaked into the Hades.

At this moment, Liu Zhi suddenly discovered that there was a zombie under the water with its whole body wrapped in aquatic plants. The zombie should have been transformed from a water ghost. It moved quite fast underwater, but was affected by the venom. There is no way to hide yourself underwater.

  On the contrary, because of his existence, the corpses under the water turned him into an enemy and attacked on the spot.

  The zombie also knew that he had been spotted. He swiftly moved up the surface of the water. At this time, the skeleton archer under Liu Zhi shot a few arrows at the zombie.

  However, these skeleton shooters have little influence on the zombie, and these arrows can't stop the movement of the zombie at all.

   "Vidnina, I'll leave this to you."

  Riuzhi spoke while raising the death rod. At this time, the head of the rod had been replaced by a lightning coral, and a bolt of lightning hit the zombie in this way.

  And Vidnina also took this opportunity to jump into the water. As a corpse Naga, she naturally also has the ability to move and fight underwater.

  As soon as Vidnina entered the water, Ryuzhi obviously felt that her movement speed had increased a lot, and she did not use her arm, but the tail shook, and the whole snake darted a long distance.

The zombie also felt that Vednina was chasing. He roared and then turned his head to fight Vednina. Ryuuji noticed that the water plants on the zombie's body were not for decoration, but like hair. The same, it will grow automatically, and it can even be used as a weapon.

  The long sword in Vednina’s hand was unable to cut these water plants.

  But Vidnina is also capable. Seeing that she couldn't cut off these water plants, she just shook her hand so that the wind blade appeared on the tip of her sword.

  Those wind blades are not like long swords that can be entangled. If those water plants want to forcibly entangle the wind blades, the end result will be nothing.

  Videnina can control the whereabouts of the wind blades, but these wind blades cannot cut the waterweeds, and the two sides have turned into a balanced state here.

Vednina was not a fool. After Windblade could not be used, she understood the situation of the other party. At this time, Vednina turned to a swordsmanship, from indigo wind chasing swordsmanship to Ryuzhi's first. Swordsmanship, basic sailor swordsmanship.

  This kind of swordsmanship is not very popular for Liu Zhi. After taking the job of sailor, Liu Zhi has not used it much. After all, the various effects of this kind of swordsmanship are not very good.

But Vidnina used this set of swordsmanship here. Under her movements, the four long swords jumped quickly. No matter how the water plants moved, there was no way to catch up with the length of Vidnina. sword.

   Standing on the shore, Yanji took a look and realized that basic sailor swordsmanship is used on ships, and sometimes fights on sails, so there are many actions in this swordsmanship to evade cables.

  Vednina is now borrowing such an action, entangled the water weeds with one sword at a time, and pierced into the body of the zombie.

When    didn't stabbed, Vidnina didn't use her full strength. When stabbed or chopped the zombie's body, Vidnina would shake her hand and let out a wind blade.

  The number of times increased, and the zombie's skin couldn't stand it no matter how hard it was, and finally it was chopped off by Vidnina with a sword.

As the head of the zombie was destroyed, Liu Zhi noticed that the corpse of the zombie was slowly dissipating into the air. At the same time, the water plants that died because of the venom poured by Liu Zhi grew up quickly, but among the water plants. Some fruits that looked like dead human heads appeared.

  At the same time, these fruits seem to have their own creatures, and will actively control the plants to roll up some corpses or other objects nearby.

  Seeing this situation, Liu Zhi commanded loudly: "Videnina, quit, I'm going to pour more venom down."

  Vednina glanced at the place where the zombies disappeared, and stepped back without saying anything.

   Then a large amount of venom was poured into the lake, and in a short while, the water of the whole lacking lake was dyed a weird blue.

   Affected by these venoms, the corpses under the water seemed to be lifeless. At the same time, the plants that had just grown were affected again, and all died.

  This time the seeds of the aquatic plants, the fruits that look like human heads, did not collect them, but instead let them fall into the silt of the water-deficient lake and onto the gold objects and corpses.

  Then the fruits exploded underwater, and some seeds like eyeballs took root and entered the corpse.

  Riuzhi can no longer see the underwater situation at this time, but he still holds the death rod, where he invokes the feathered snake god's harvest divinity time and time again, stimulating the changes under the water-deficient lake.

Under the influence of this divine nature, the water of the water-deficient lake began to change from dyed blue to a weird blue-green, making it impossible to see what was hidden underneath, and at the same time it was placed beside the water The murloc eggs also slowly changed, and some black and blue lines appeared on the outside of the eggshell.

  (End of this chapter)

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