Necromantic Myth

Chapter 203: Unexpectedly found

  Chapter 203 Unexpected Discovery

【Ding! The water-deficient lake has been affected by a lot of toxicity, bumper harvest, and death divinity, and its essence has slightly changed, which will have a certain impact on all living things in the lake. 】

【Ding! The murlocs of the Dead Lake are affected by external forces and their attributes have slightly changed. In the future, the murlocs of the Dead Lake will have a 15.7% chance of having their own poison attributes, an 11.2% chance of having their own death attributes, and 1.35% of their own poison and death dual attribute blessings. 】

Seeing this situation, Liu Zhi blinked. What kind of influence is this? Could it be that the Murlocs in the Dead Lake are going to be stronger again, but it’s just that there is no use to become stronger, so many murlocs, now There is no professional yet, and his underworld ecosystem has no way to upgrade.

  While thinking like this, Liu Zhi put down the new murloc eggs, some ordinary Dead Lake murlocs also jumped into the water, took out the murloc eggs that were about to hatch, and put them on the shore to prepare.

The earliest dead lake murlocs these days may be busy, especially the three mental dead lake murlocs. They will stay here all the time, communicating and stimulating each murloc with mental power to ensure that every All murloc eggs can be hatched normally.

  However, Liu Zhi’s focus is not on this at all at this time. He needs to check how the zombie with water and grass all over his body got in.

   "Letoz, you come with me."

  Ryuzhi said while taking Letoz out of the palace.

  Back to the entrance of the basement, Liu Zhi saw some traces of water left on the ground. You can see that the zombie who was covered with water plants before entered here no longer hides his whereabouts.

   "Letoz, you can check, where did that **** zombie come in from."

   After speaking, Liu Zhi walked up. At this time, in his small courtyard, various skeletons on that side were still crowded together.

Looking at the situation in the small courtyard, Liu Zhi also felt a little silly before. This small courtyard is so big, all the golden skulls are crowded here, let alone outsiders, even the skeleton shooter has no place to stand. , Can only stand on top of Liu Zhi's small building.

   "You all go back."

Liu Zhi waved all the undead back into the Hades, and at the same time he looked at the doorway. At this time, the bone guards no longer conceal their hostility to Liu Zhi. Several of them stood outside, staring. Liu Zhi in the small courtyard, as long as Liu Zhi intends to go out, they will directly surround him.

  Liu Zhi glanced at them, but didn't pay attention to them. They blocked the door, so Liu Zhi could not go out.

   "My lord, I found it."

  At this time, Letoz appeared behind Yanagi.

  When the bone guards outside the door saw the appearance of Letoz, one of them couldn't help but exclaimed, "That's not..."

   "Sure enough, he is a blood warrior, and he dared to transform the bone guard into an undead servant. We will report this information."

   "Yes, it can be seen that he is a bad guy. Should we rush in."

   "Shut up, you forgot, what's the situation with Letoz."

  This sentence made the bone guards outside all shut their mouths. They all remembered that Letoz had been affected in some way before he disappeared. It seemed that because of his brother's affairs, he had to leave the ranks of the bone guards.

  It’s difficult...

  At this time, all the Bone Guards dare not think about it anymore. If this matter is stabbed out, the Bone Guards team will be in trouble.

Thinking of this, these bone guards glanced at each other, and finally as if nothing had happened, they retreated and disappeared within the range that Liu Zhi could notice. It could be seen that they were now afraid that Liu Zhi would put it inside. Report the matter.

  But Liu Zhi didn't pay attention to them. At this time, Liu Zhi was standing in the corner of the small courtyard, looking at some traces found by Letoz.

   "You mean that guy sneaked in from here?"

  Liu Zhi asked involuntarily as he looked at the half-person-high hole being corroded and melted in front of him.

"Yes, judging by the traces left, the other party spent at least seven days melting some wood from the sewer outside and forcibly digging to this position. At the same time, he only left the last bit of plank, and he didn't force it until today. Break through and rush in."

"Can you find out how long he has been lurking here?" Liu Zhi's face condensed. He didn't know when the zombie was staring at him, if it was okay before he came, if he caused trouble, Then who sent him out?

   "This is simple, there are enough traces here." Letotz just glanced at it, and quickly judged, "It is more detailed than I was twenty days ago, the approximate time, but the error will not exceed three days."

"Twenty days ago?" Liu Zhi patted his head, "What did I do 20 days ago? By the way, I seem to have gone to a party, a gathering of extraordinary people, and bought a dry one from there. It seems that someone was staring at his arm at that time."

   Thinking of this, a possibility flashed in Liu Zhi's eyes, "Could it be that that arm is a good thing?"

  Yagiji knew that the arm was a good thing to open the game channel, but he never knew which game world the arm was positioned in.

  In addition, he has never had time, so this arm has been placed in his Hades.

  It now seems that he is about to put the use of this arm into the game on the agenda, "It seems that I have to go back and study that arm. Maybe this is the best time to use it, and it's anxious to leave now."

  With this thought, Liu Zhi commanded Letoz deal with the passage here, and returned to the Hades.

  At this time, Liu Zhi had not built his own exclusive palace in the Hades. In fact, that arm was placed with some bricks and piled on the open space in front of the tower.

  This arm has been in Liu Zhi's hand for many days, and he has played with it several times, but he has never studied the arm in front of him so seriously as he is now.

  He only knows that this arm should be a human arm. The male is dry. There is a deep ring mark on the ring finger, but the ring on it is gone.

  As for which world the arm points to, Liu Zhi hasn't figured it out now. He just felt a faint, undead-like breath on this arm, but it was not undead.

I don’t know where this thing came from. There will be such a situation, but now Liu Zhi didn’t explore too much. He took this arm and came outside the Hades, commanding to set up a law. Array.

  (End of this chapter)

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