Necromantic Myth

Chapter 204: The layout of the new game teleportation array (130 monthly pass plus more

  Chapter 204 The layout of the new game teleportation array (130 monthly ticket plus more)

  Players entering and exiting the game do not mean that they are going to travel. They need to have a teleportation array or teleportation array to open the game. Generally speaking, everyone will draw the teleportation array, but they need something to specify the game location.

  If you don’t have it, you can know the definite coordinates. If you don’t, you can only use the large public portal for random teleportation.

Therefore, the large teleportation opportunities in every city are often quite popular. I don’t know when the line is going to be delayed. Liu Zhi has just started his life of picking up the corpse. Even if he wants to sign up for the line, he will have to wait until next year. Just half a year.

  On the contrary, it’s a private teleportation array and there are not so many troubles. As long as you draw a teleportation array on the open ground, don’t make mistakes in the runes on it.

After   , you can bury the things used to specify the game location, and the teleportation array is complete.

As for how many times this teleportation array can be used, it depends on the strength of each arranger. At a level like Liu Zhi, the teleportation array drawn can only be used once at most. Once you enter, there is no way out, you can only pass through. The public channel that was bound before is back.

  Of course, if Liu Zhi has a big heart, he can throw his Hades in the Underworld, and when he returns, he can go directly back to his Hades, but it is impossible for Liu Zhi to do such a thing.

  He already knew that as a necromancer, if he did not bring his own undead troops, he would be a loser.

After finishing the teleportation array, Liu Zhi finally breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that the danger in front of him had nothing to do with him. At least he already had a way of retreating, although he might appear in the return of the Bone Wind Academy after forcibly escaping. Click there, but so what.

  He will launch this teleportation formation to escape, and he must have gone only after the Adal-Marrick city crisis. Even if he goes back then, the Ide family can’t do anything to himself.

While thinking about it, Liu Zhi recruited a large team of skeleton soldiers to guard here. The teleportation formation was still easily destroyed before it was activated. If it weren’t for the teleportation formation that couldn’t be placed in the city, Liu Zhi would not even put it here. The teleportation array is placed in the underworld.

  But this is definitely a problem, because normal people should place the teleportation array in the real world, so when they enter the game, they appear in the normal real world.

  If it is placed in the underworld and teleported over, there is more than half of the possibility that it will appear in the underworld of that world, which will be a little unfavorable for the start of the game.

But right now, isn’t Liu Zhi helpless? He saw the Bone Guardian staring at him. If he arranged the teleportation formation in his own courtyard, he wouldn’t be able to wait for him to activate the teleportation formation, and the Bone Guardian would directly kill him. .

  Liu Zhi would rather bet on this half of the opportunity, and did not intend to be discovered by others, and finally had to enter the game in advance.

  After burying the arm, Liu Zhi half activated the teleportation array and let the teleportation array automatically find the game world related to the arm.

Then he returned to the palace. When he returned, he glanced at the sky. At this time, the sky in the palace had completely changed. The three different colors were as if the dye vat was smashed, dyeing the sky. Weird colors.

For this kind of sky that is black and gray, and mixed with weird gloom, Liu Zhi is not pleasing to the eye, but his strength is too weak, even if he is unhappy, there is no way to change anything, at best, he can only guarantee Hades. The sky is still the color he wants.

  While Ryuzhi was setting up the teleportation formation, in a cave, a man who looked like a necromancer was looking at the broken doll in his hand.

In front of him were five completely different toys. They were a flame skull made of beetles and skeletons, and a pumpkin-headed scarecrow made of thin rattan and straw. The whole body was wrapped in metal armor and he held a kitchen knife in his hand. The butcher, the ghost face pieced together with yellow sand and small rocks, and the zombie water ghost with the seaweed entangled in the broken hand of him.

  At this time, he was holding the pieces of the water ghost zombie doll in his hand with a serious face, and kept chanting spells, but no matter how he said it, the zombie doll did not respond.

   "Damn it, what is going on, why there is no response."

  After half a day, the necromancer smashed the doll heavily on the ground, then flew up and kicked the doll directly away.

After the anger subsided, the necromancer stood up again, "No, time is coming, I must get that arm, worm!"

As soon as the Necromancer’s voice fell, the flame skull doll made of beetles and skeletons lit up with a bang, and a ball of flame emerged from the doll, transforming into the skeleton Mr. Liu Zhiyou had seen before. Appeared in front of the Necromancer.

   "The seaweed failed. Go get that arm back."

   "Okay, master."

  Mr. Skeleton Insect's words fell, his body turned into countless flame beetles, and he was ready to leave.

  At this time, the Necromancer said again: "Wait, take the sandman and go with you. Remember to get the arm back. Whether I can enter the game and become a player depends on you."

The Necromancer’s words were only finished, and the ghost face doll made of yellow sand and small stones also moved. A cloud of yellow sand appeared in front of the Necromancer, and the yellow sand was automatically formed without wind, and slowly formed. A ghost composed of yellow sand.

  Then Huang Sha flew towards the door with the beetle.

After Huangsha Ghost and Mr. Skeleton Insect left together, the Necromancer looked at the remaining four dolls. At this time, there was no breath on the dolls representing Mr. Insect and Ghost Sandman, but there were some on the remaining two dolls. Faint light.

  It's just that under the light of this light, the Necromancer's mood is not good at all.

  He sat down on the sofa in front of these dolls with a serious face, and stared at the dolls in front of him silently.

At this time, there was a door opening behind him, and a housekeeper walked in, "Master, the time has come, we must leave the city. If we don’t leave, we will also be trapped in the city of Adal-Marik, never again. Can't leave."

  "They have given up on me, haven't they?" The necromancer said calmly, "Since I voluntarily cut out five pieces of my soul into five ghosts, they have given up on me, so why bother."

   "But Master, that was just an accident."

"No surprises. To his **** rule, what is meant by incomplete souls cannot use portals, how many of the players who come and go in the game and reality are soul clones, why I can’t, they are afraid that I will grow up. They still remember the battle of the five ghosts and the horror of the five ghosts in one. Afu, you can leave, I am not the only one at Ironfast.

  (End of this chapter)

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