Necromantic Myth

Chapter 210: The Fourth Natural Disaster Returning Group

  Chapter 210 The Fourth Natural Disaster Returning Group

  Liu Zhi thought for a moment, and chose a number 9, and then he asked, "Is there anything to say about this number?"

"No, it's just a single number from 0 to 9, which is considered a veteran level. When Aquastar will open to the outside world, even if the strength is insufficient, there will still be a status that it should have." Fu Tai said while looking for him. What's going on.

  Ryuzhi asked again at this time: "Then everyone will have a goal? I have always heard you say that you want to become a **** of wisdom."

Hearing this question, Fu Tai stopped his actions, "We have ambitious goals. We exist to protect the Aqua Blue Star. Our efforts are to guard our home. For this goal, we can Give up something.

Our system is built with three big bosses as the core and the remaining seven as the backbone. The three big bosses are the chairman holding the number 0. He is the organizer of the entire guild and the master of time. He had a time influence on Aquastar. No matter how many years we have experienced in this game, when we return to Aquastar, we will return to the day we left.

  But this opportunity is only once. The president’s plan is that when we have enough strength, we will return to a certain point in time and open up cross-plane games to the outside world.

No. 1 is the vice president and the protector of space. He is responsible for protecting Aquastar from being discovered by the outside world. Without him, we keep appearing like this. Aquastar would have been discovered by the game system a long time ago. Can't wait now.

The 2nd is the guild administrator, the lord of the stars, and the actual master of the guild now. He is responsible for bringing new people, organizing guild activities, and looking for members who can introduce the guild. You were discovered by him the day you came out of the game. It just so happened that the plane I was in was closer to the southern swamp plane, so I came to accept you to join.

The remaining seven people do not include you. Only five people. No. 3 is a girl. The goal is to love God. If you find a girlfriend, you can find her. She will help you arrange it properly. No. 4 is the first to join. His goal is Become the God of Light, No. 5 is vacant, No. 6 is the sea king, No. 7 is me, the target is the **** of wisdom, No. 8 is the **** of thunder and lightning, referred to as the **** of war.

As for you are No. 9, you can choose a target yourself, but there is one to tell you, you'd better not choose a **** of the ocean like the sea king, that is the weakest god, and the regionality is too strong. Where there is no sea, it's useless at all. If it weren't for the aquatic blue star ocean to be larger, we would have driven him out a long time ago. "

   "If I choose Reaper, is it okay?" Liu Zhi asked after thinking about it.

  "Reaper? This is good. Birth, old age, sickness and death are the most common things on Aquastar. The power of death is the most needed, very good. You will be our **** of death in the future. By the way, this is for you."

  Futai touched for a long time, finally found something similar to a badge and handed it to Liu Zhi.

  Liu Zhi took a look and found that it was a round guild emblem. The style of the emblem looked like an ancient copper coin, but it was made of a starry sky.

  In the middle of the badge, there is a row of simplified characters ‘Fourth Natural Disaster Returning Mission’.

  Liu Zhi noticed that this row of simplified characters seems to be arranged a little bit irregularly, so that it can be shown to obsessive-compulsive disorder, killing a few people in minutes.

"Let me explain. This is the guild badge used for our internal communication. Yours is No. 9. If you see it, the group character belongs to you. If you inject mental energy into it, the group character will shine. When it’s illuminated, you can communicate with other people at any time no matter where you are. Don’t look at the irregularities in this arrangement. This is actually something to say.”

  Looking at Fu Tai's face and you came to ask me, Liu Zhi also said, "What's the saying here."

"This badge is designed for No. 3, the outer circle represents the time power of No. 0, and the square inside represents the space power of No. 1. The starry sky created represents the power of the stars on No. 2. There are seven of us, these are the seven characters. These seven characters are not arranged in a row, but the center of gravity of the characters is arranged in the position of the Big Dipper. You can see if it is, this is called design."

  Liu Zhi gave Futai a white look, and wanted to say whether this lack of any design beauty was good, but thinking that he just joined the guild, he didn't want to cause any trouble, so he honestly changed the topic.

   "By the way, why can't you join other guild organizations?"

"This is of course to ensure that the secrets of Aquastar are not discovered. If you join other organizations, who knows what happens in those guilds, it doesn't matter where they came from. The important thing is that we protect Aquastar. Things cannot be discovered, so if we join other guilds, we will give up this player. Over the years, seven or eight players have been given up by us."

  Looking at Fu Tai like this, Liu Zhi somewhat agreed with their behavior towards Aqua Blue Star. He nodded and said, “I understand. Although I can’t represent anything, I still want to thank you.”

   "It's good if you understand, yes, no matter what, you must remember your own name. Your name is everything to you. Don't play with you and forget everything about yourself."

  Yagiji nodded affirmatively. No matter how much he said to the outside world that he was Sandreu Id, he still called him Liuzhi in his heart.

"Okay, I'm done talking about everything. How did you want to get out of this plane before?" Fu Tai suddenly felt that something was wrong, he lowered his head and glanced down, "You play here. It's so big."

   Following Fu Tai’s gaze, Liu Zhi found that the huge Shiba Inu had jumped onto the city of Adal-Malik.

Although the skin on his body is rotten to the ground, the huge Shiba Inu's own combat power is still there. The Shiba Inu is lying on the city of Adal Malik, just like Erha demolishes his home, and the city of Adal Malik is destroyed. The building was thrown backwards.

   "Forget it, nothing good to see, the side you are taking refuge in is over. The preparations for him to rise to level 15 have not been completed at all. It was forcibly promoted. Forget it, nothing to watch, that guy is over.

  While Fu Tai was speaking, Adal-Marik suddenly yelled, and the voice could be heard clearly even if Liu Zhi was far away from the battlefield.

   "I won't be your lackey again. I, Adal-Marik, is the dark lord of life."

Then the southern swamp plane shook. Ryuzhi watched as a huge vortex appeared under the city of Adal-Malik. On the side of the vortex, there were countless tentacles dragging the entire city, which can be seen. Dar-Marrick actually planned to send this city to the Netherworld.

  (End of this chapter)

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