Necromantic Myth

Chapter 211: Start a new game (subscription required)

  Chapter 211 Starting a new game (subscription required)

   "It's too late." Facing the changes in the city of Adal-Marik, the baboon standing on top of Shiba Inu said.

  A weird thing resembling tentacles popped out of the baboon. Only then did Liu Zhi notice that, at some point in time, there were all such tentacles near the city of Adal-Marik.

   "What's going on?" Liu Zhi asked involuntarily.

  "You'll know if you look at it." Fu Tai's face was also quite solemn.

  However, Liu Zhi noticed that there seemed to be other people watching the battle in the air, and they seemed to be waiting for something.

  In the next instant, Ryuzhi discovered that all the tentacles had rushed into the city of Adal-Malik, and exploded in the city, turning into a large amount of meat and swelling.

   And Adal Malik himself was punched by the baboon and pressed into the No. 1 area of ​​the city.

   Then the city of Adal-Malik turned into a huge purple meat ball, pressed against the ground under the force of the Shiba Inu.

  At this time, Liu Zhi can clearly feel that the residents of the city have not actually died. They are trying to escape from the city of Adal-Malik.

  But this time the disaster is not something that those people can face and imagine, let alone civilians, even players of level 8 and 9, under such natural disasters, there is no power to recover.

  As the tentacles turned into fleshy pieces and began to squeeze the city of Adal-Malik, everything is a foregone conclusion.

  Liuzhi saw some extraordinary people working hard to save themselves, but what's the use? With Shiba Inu's force, the entire Adal-Malik city is slowly sinking underground.

  In the end, he was stuffed into the swamp.

  Then the Shiba Inu opened his mouth, and a large number of souls flew out of the Shiba Inu’s mouth, and under the command of the baboon skin, injected into the location where the city of Adal-Malik was before.

  The two different colors of darkness and gloom that originally shrouded here are quickly fading, leaving only the gray that belongs to the underworld.

"Okay, nothing good." Fu Tai beckoned to Liu Zhi, "Would you like me to help you change a place? Anyway, the boss you followed has failed. If you stay on this plane, you can't get anything good. ."

  Looking at the location where Adal Malik City was before, Liu Zhi swallowed his saliva. He felt that if it hadn't been for Fu Tai, he might have died.

  Now that Fu Tai could help him change a plane, Liu Zhi quickly agreed.

"It's just right. I know a neutral plane. It's relatively large and there is nothing so messy. Sometimes we will go there for a rest. I will transfer your return point to there." Fu Tai said with a smile. : "But you still have to complete a game first, so that you can directly lead people to the past, it is not good for your growth, and it consumes a lot of money."

  Liu Zhi looked at the teleportation array outside the Hades. At this time, the teleportation array had resumed operation and seemed to have locked the position of the next game.

It’s just that Fu Tai at this time seems to be more concerned about this than Liu Zhi. He surrounded the teleportation formation and said there: "You teleportation formation is very interesting, no, is it because I used too much force just now, as if accidentally My power has been poured into it. I want to help you adjust it. If you enter a level 15 game, then it’s not you playing the game, it’s the game playing you."

  Fu Tai took a shot and pulled something out of the teleportation array, "This is not working, it seems that something is missing, by the way, this..."

  Futai grabbed the Iron Fast Necromancer who had died in the hands of Liu Zhi, unscrewed his head casually, and placed it in the teleportation formation.

"Okay, I have almost adjusted everything. This guy should have a background. Even if he has been dead for so long, he still has the authority. I just used his authority to limit the level of the game. This Don’t use mine if you don’t use my permissions. If you use my permissions, just wait to enter the game and die. By the way, I almost forgot to say that you can’t relax the identity you are using now, don’t look at all permissions. It's all transferred to you, and your identity is no longer needed.

  Now your identity is called..."

   "Sandru, Sandru Eid."

"Well, Sandreu, it’s not as good as my Algie. Your identity as Sandreus is to be put outside to attract firepower. Before the Aqua Star is exposed, this is your facade. You You know, no matter how your Ryuzhi's status level increases, Sandro must not stop. By the way, I almost forgot. Regarding the Necromancer, you should be taking the path of the Death Lord.

  When you reach level 5, remember to find me. I seem to have a way to strengthen the death lord. I recommend you to try it at that time. "

  Speaking of this, Fu Tai took a step back and left the scope of Liu Zhiming Palace.

  At this time, Liu Zhi glanced at the teleportation formation that had already started to move, nodded to Fu Tai, and moved his hand to the sky, and Hades retracted into the altar of Hades at his waist.

  Next, Liu Zhi stood on the teleportation formation, waiting for the teleportation formation to operate.

  The teleportation array only turned twice, and a white light fell from the sky and fell on Liu Zhi's body, and slowly Liu Zhi disappeared into the air like this.

  Fu Tai, who looked at Liu Zhi leaving, seemed to have thought of something. He patted his head and said, "Wait, I seem to have forgotten something."

  But at this time, Liu Zhi has disappeared.

Fu Tai was stunned for a moment, he thought about it, took out his badge, and left a message for Liu Zhi, and then he said calmly, "Fortunately, it's not a big deal, so let's go back and talk about it. We are one person short of it now."

  But at this time, Liu Zhi didn't know what was going on outside. Liu Zhi, who was entering the game, had all his attention at this time on a piece of information.

【Ding! You successfully brought the Hades Palace Nazmir from the underworld to the real world, and successfully mastered the special skills to shuttle through the underworld. 】

[Underworld Shuttle Level 1 (Special Skill): Bring your own underworld city to shuttle between the underworld and reality. The location of the shuttle is fixed. The city landing point must be located at the energy node determined in advance. The cooling time is 3 days after each shuttle. . 】

  【Note 1: The energy node must be real and effective, otherwise the underworld city will not be able to get energy supplements after the shuttle, and lose the vitality of the city. 】

  【Note 2: There are only two energy nodes at level 1, one in the underworld and one in the real world. You can clear the energy node coordinates after leaving the game. 】

  【Note 3: Special upgrade method, the number of times of shuttle between the underworld and the real world reaches 20 times (0/20)】

  (End of this chapter)

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