Necromantic Myth

Chapter 212: The start is on board again (170 monthly pass plus more)

  Chapter 212 starts again on board (170 monthly pass plus more)


  A sound of drama awakened Liu Zhi. He looked down at his situation. He seemed to be sitting at a dining table, eating food from an unknown country.

  The oncoming sun, the fishy sea breeze, and the barely swaying ground made Liu Zhi instantly understand that he had entered the game, and this time the start was on the boat again.

  "Are you at sea again? Is it possible that my goal should not be the **** of death, but the **** of sea?"

  Liu Zhi murmured in his heart, and silently opened the property bar.

[Name: Liu Zhi (interplanetary game Galactic Cantilever Plane V4 player, the fourth natural disaster homecoming group No. 9) / Sandru (Sandru Ironfast: Interplanetary game southern swamp plane ordinary Player)]

  [Occupation: Necromancer (no occupation/Necromancer: City Guardian)]

  【Level: Level 1】

  【Magic Power: 219/219】

  【Title: Ide I】

  [Deputy: Extraordinary Sailor Level 1, Apprentice Poison Apothecary Level 3]

  [Attributes: Strength 4.3, Agility 4.1, Constitution 5.1, Spirit 7.3]

[Active Skills: Sailor Basic Swordsmanship Level 4, Sail Control Skills Level 4, Dark Night Swordsmanship Level 1, Z-shaped Secret Sword Level 1, Eternal Night Sword Curtain Level 1, Indigo Wind Chasing Swordsmanship Level 2, Gold Artifact Level 4, Simple Tool making level 4, star falling level 4, starry sky beacon level 1]

  [Professional Skills: Level 2 Spiritualism, Level 1, Eye of Rasha, Level 1, Vampiric Touch, Level 1, Breath of Nature, Level 1, Concentrating Thaumatology Level 1]

[Passive skills: magic knowledge level 3, undead knowledge level 4, basic science level 3, basic language level 3, fish knowledge level 1, jungle survival knowledge level 4, toxicity knowledge level 3, cooking knowledge level 2, and botany 3 Level, level 2 knowledge of herbal medicine, level 1 knowledge of architecture, level 4 knowledge of mysticism...]

  【Advanced Skills: Urban Planning Level 1】

[Special skills: Lord of Hades Level 1, Underworld Ecosystem Level 1 (Treebound Spirit Waterweed-Murloc System Level 1, Treebound Spirit Snake Skeleton Wood-Corpse Dog System Level 1, Treebound Spirit Spores-Spider Web System 1 Level), Underworld Shuttle Level 1】

  【Training knowledge: rothide cannibal wolf level 1, Storm murloc level 1, Eagle warrior level 1]

  【Experience: 6227】

Looking at the attribute column in front of him, Liu Zhi finally noticed some subtle changes. First of all, his name was ranked first. It can be seen that the name Liu Zhi has become the main character, although there is still nothing under this name. Occupation.

In addition, the last name behind Sandru’s name has changed. It can be seen that this character has been disconnected from the original Ide’s family. At the same time, it should have appeared in the attribute column. The attribute of the identity in the game is also Disappeared.

  I think this should be a fusion with Sandro’s character, and I don’t know if such a change is good or bad.

  While thinking about this, Liu Ji received the memory left by this body.

  As Liu Zhi guessed, this body was named Sandru Ironfast, the third son of Count Ironfast, the governor of the Greek Province of the Holy Roman Empire.

For this inexplicable official title, Liu Zhi is quite speechless. He understands the Holy Roman Empire, but the classification of provinces should be in the style of ancient Rome, and the situation of consul is more of a position in the Roman Republic. The title of earl began in the Middle Ages. In the Holy Roman Empire, earl should be called the governor of the border.

   So the chaotic name in front of him made Liu Zhi directly confused, he didn't even know what kind of world he was in.

  He only knew that Sandru Ironfast was going to Alexandria by boat. The reason for going there was simple. A ruby ​​ring, the heirloom of the Ironfast family, was lost.

  According to some intelligence, the last place the ring appeared was somewhere in Alexandria, and Sandro was sent to find the ruby ​​ring.

  Although I was a little puzzled about sending my own son out in order to find a ring, this task fits well with the arm that Ryuzhi uses as a guide coordinate, doesn't it?

  At least, he can know what the mission is in this world, he doesn't need to think of a way to survive for 180 days like the previous world.

  At this moment, a series of prompts popped up in front of Ryuzhi.

   [Reminder: Player's basic mission-the ring of the Iron Fast family, please find the ring belonging to the Iron Fast family within 72 days. 】

   [Reminder: VIP mission-adventure team on board, please contact the adventure team on board before the ship docks in Alexandria, and join the adventure team, and complete an adventure with the adventure team when you leave the game (time limit 72 days)]

  [Warning: Since you used the authority of other people to make adjustments when you entered the game, according to the supplementary rules of AS-996, mandatory supplementary tasks are now issued. 】

   [Supplementary task 1: Roast scarabs, kill scarabs, rewards are given according to the number of kills, at least 100 must be killed (0/100)]

  [Supplementary Task 2: Walk in the wind, meet a sandstorm head-on, and rewards based on the size of the sandstorm (0/1)]

   [Supplementary Task 3: Justice Iron Fist, defeat an evil enemy, this justice scene will be recorded with oil paintings and spread through the ages (0/1)]

  ? ?

Seeing this, Liu Zhi couldn’t help but flashed a series of question marks in his eyes. The first few tasks were relatively normal, and he recognized the mandatory supplementary tasks. What kind of situation is this supplementary task 3, defeating an evil enemy, What is evil, necromancer?

  And what's the reward, just give an oil painting?

  For a time, Liu Zhi was also a little big head.

  But the system prompt did not stop there. There are several lines of information below.

  [Warning: When you enter the game, there are other players in your own city, which is a stowaway player behavior. According to the supplementary regulation No. TY-1107, the player has been wiped out and a dead enemy with the same level as this player is automatically generated. 】

  【Hint: Deadly enemies, opponents or enemies who have the same goal as the player. They hate the player and aim to kill the player or destroy the player's mission. 】

Regarding this information, Liu Zhi touched his chin with his hand, thinking very seriously, it seems that little Victor was thrown in the spider silk moat outside the palace before, and the player who sneaked in here does not mean him. Right.

  If it was him, then this battle would not be so easy to fight. Up to now, Ryuzhi still doesn't know what class Viktor is and what level he is.

Just when Liu Zhi got a headache about this, he suddenly found that the door of the restaurant was open, and a man and a woman walked in from the outside. The black-haired white woman was talking to the blond brother beside her as she walked. Some what.

  It is precisely because of this distraction that Liu Zhi missed the last message.

   [Warning: From the moment of being affected by certain mythological auras, there will be gods (level 15) in this game, please be careful not to over-explore and stimulate the existence of gods. 】

  (End of this chapter)

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