Necromantic Myth

Chapter 216: Murlocs (190 monthly ticket plus more)

  Chapter 216 The octopus is coming (190 monthly ticket plus more)

  Ryuzhi was about to refuse, a message suddenly popped up in front of him.

【Ding! You have encountered a special magic gem. May I ask if you open the gem challenge. If you open the challenge, you will encounter three waves of different levels of attack within three hours. 】

  Looking at this message, Liu Zhi's face condensed, and he reached out and took the Heart of the Sea from Evelyn.

  "The gems belong to me, so I can help with that."

  Evelyn raised her eyebrows when she heard it, "Why?"

Before her words fell, Liu Zhi's hand was hard, the blue diamond turned into powder, and then Evelyn and Richard saw a red feather snake from Liu Zhi's waist. The palace altar decoration flew out, swallowing all the powder.

"Okay, no one can find that diamond anymore, but when the diamond was crushed just now, there was still some aura spreading out. There will be one or two sea monster attacks in about three hours. If they are defeated, they will be fine. "

   After saying that, Ryuji slapped his hands, patted off a few diamond powders that were impossible to keep, and then grabbed the death rod, "Let’s go, ready to fight."

  Evelyn was also angry at this time. She pointed to Liu Zhi and said, "How can you be like this."

   "How about it?" Liu Zhi gave Evelyn a blank look.

At this time Richard also pulled Evelyn aside and whispered something in Evelyn’s ear. He also saw that Evelyn was planning to ask Ryuuji to protect her. It would be better to let her take care of her. The gems were taken away.

  But Richard is not an idiot. He can't see Liu Zhi's attitude. If he really wants Evelyn to make this request, Liu Zhi will send a sword to kill them in an instant.

  Instead, the current way of dealing with it is the best. Evelyn’s previous attitude was to steal the diamond for the safety of the entire ship. At least this person has not collapsed.

Looking at Evelyn for nothing, Liu Zhi had a thought in his mind that the farther away from this kind of woman, the better. This kind of woman who thinks that she is the protagonist of the world and that the whole world wants to surround her is unattractive. Maybe she did something for her, and she was treated as a dog licking.

  Ryuzhi has made up his mind and will ignore such people again when he gets off the ship.

Carrying the death rod, Ryuzhi quickly walked out of the cabin. He ran to the front deck of the bow and found a sailor who was cleaning the deck and said: "Notify your sailor or chief mate, that there is a sea. The blame is coming."

  The sailor looked unbelief, and he explained to Liu Zhi there, “Mr. Sir, the Siren’s attack just now was just an accident. We promise that similar incidents won’t happen again.”

   "I'll let you go, you go." Liu Zhi pointed at the sailor with the death rod and said, "Tell your superiors, if no one comes over, I will blow up the ship."

  Frightened by Ryuzhi, the sailor immediately ran towards the ship. After a while, a middle-aged man wearing a navy hat walked out.

  This man has a big beard and looks quite strong. After seeing Liu Zhi's dress, a dignified look flashed in his eyes.

   "I am the captain of the Zeus, Edward Smith, may I ask you something?"

  "15th Apollo Regiment, young soldier, Sandro Ironfast, I saw some sea monsters attacking this ship within three hours. I think we need defense."

   "Apollo's priests legion, I can understand a little special ability, but I don't think Apollo's priests have the ability to predict." Edward glanced at the sun crystal on the death rod and said.

   "I didn't predict it, but saw it. As you know, Apollo always walks in the sky. He sees more and farther."

   "But I can't change my style of doing things because of your words. The ship is safe. This is an Olympic-class cruise ship. Do you know what this class represents? It represents safety."

  Edward’s words were only finished, and there was a bang, and then the hull shook, as if it had hit something.

Yanji couldn't take care of Edward anymore. He ran to the side of the boat and looked down, and found that a huge sea monster had appeared beside the boat. The sea monster looked like a mixture of a magnified crab and an octopus. A large number of murlocs were lying on the back of the sea monster.

  Edward also saw the situation here. He glanced at the murloc below, pulled a whistle from his neck and blew it vigorously.

  At the same time, an alarm sounded from the ship.

   "Enemy attack, all passengers enter the restaurant and lobby, do not disperse in the cabin, we have the ability to protect everyone, please don't panic."

After blowing the whistle, Edward pulled his clothes, revealing his upper body with a huge anchor tattoo, and then grabbed a harpoon and shouted loudly, "Let’s go down and fight, and these damned monsters can’t rush over. Come on the deck, Max, you guard the deck here, Tom, you go find and take care of the **** Mr. Karl Charles. Didn’t he say that the things he brought would only cause small-scale chaos, this little boy called him Meow range."

While talking, Edward jumped off the bow while holding the harpoon. Looking at this situation, Liu Zhi ignored the chaotic sailor behind. He drew out the bronze dagger and followed with the death rod. Jumped down.

  When jumping down, Liu Zhi naturally came first with a flash burst.

  This kind of attack is quite useful for the deep-sea murlocs below. In the last world, Yanagi killed murlocs and became murloc killers, and there are still a large number of murlocs in his palace.

  These little murlocs in front of him are not a problem at all. Even if he didn't bring enough lime, he was not afraid of them.

After    fell on the huge crab, Liu Zhi's bronze dagger was a sweep, and a wind blade flew out from the tip of his sword, enlarged, and finally cut the seven or eight murlocs in front of him into pieces.

Then Liu Zhi squatted down, and the bronze dagger was inserted into the crab's brain under him. Under this insertion, the crab-like monster spewed a cloud of ink and dyed Liu Zhi. black.

   "Good job, there are two guys like this. Don't worry about those garbage murlocs. If you find the other two and kill them, you'll be fine."

  Yagiji looked in the direction of the sound, and he found that Captain Edward had used his harpoon to kill two such monsters.

   "What is this? The ink seems to be poisonous." Liu Zhi dipped the ink and licked it on his tongue. The level 3 knowledge of toxicity could already allow him to analyze a lot of things.

   "It's nothing, it's just a landing ship for the bottom-dwelling murloc Empire. In fact, it's useless at all. Without this kind of thing, those short-legged murlocs can't even get on my ship."

  (End of this chapter)

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