Necromantic Myth

Chapter 217: Quick kill (200 monthly ticket plus more)

  Chapter 217 Quick Kill (200 monthly pass plus more)

  Yiuzhi didn't know what the bottom-dwelling murloc was. He wiped the ink on his face and rushed towards the other crab monster with his short sword.

The upper body of this crab is no different from normal crabs, but the original crab’s opposite claws and eight legs have changed. A pair of giant claws have become round, which looks like they can be inserted into steel and become an upward. The stairs, except for the last foot used for paddling and the first pair to fix his body, the remaining two pairs of feet became octopus tentacles, which seemed to have a not weak attack power.

  However, Liu Zhi has noticed that Captain Edward always seems to sneak in from underwater, and when he swims out, one of these monsters will die.

  Is it possible that this guy’s weakness lies under him?

  Liu Zhi thought for a moment, and then rushed towards the monster on the other end. That monster was the last monster on the nearby battlefield. At this moment, the monster was raising a pair of front claws, trying to get the front claws on the ship.

  As the monster lifted its upper body, Yanagi noticed that the monster's belly was really soft like an octopus.

  No wonder!

Liu Zhi could understand at a glance. At this moment, he was relatively far away from there. He lowered his body and rushed towards that side. At the same time, his hand holding the bronze dagger shook slightly. The wind blade appeared on his bronze dagger.

  The monster saw Liu Zhi rushing here, but didn't see how he moved. The four octopus tentacles hit Liu Zhi from four different directions.

  Liu Zhi had made preparations a long time ago, and the bronze dagger that had been placed behind him gravitationally swung forward, and a cyan wind blade flew out.

  This is the wind blade that Liu Zhi has gathered for a period of time to release. No matter its size, power, or flight speed, it is much stronger than the normal wind blade.

  When the wind blade flew by, the four octopus tentacles were cut off on the spot, and then the wind blade just cut the monster's abdomen and opened a huge wound on his abdomen.

   "Sure enough, the weakness is in the abdomen."

While Liu Zhi was talking, he rushed towards the monster that hadn’t died yet. The experience of killing a monster just now let him know that killing one such monster is equivalent to killing hundreds of murlocs. After all, he I am familiar with murlocs, no matter what kind of murlocs, he has no sense of accomplishment in fighting.

  But just before Ryuzhi was about to rush to the monster, several sailors jumped from the boat. They took a weapon like a harpoon and jumped onto the seriously injured monster, killing the monster in three or two strokes.

  Looking at the corpse floating on the sea, Liu Zhi couldn't help but angrily said: "That's my prey."

  The sailors didn’t even know what they did. One of them turned his head and said, “I’ve got it, I’ll share it with you when I’m going to deal with it.”

What Liu Zhi cares about is this, but he hasn't been able to do anything to the sailors. He can only put his anger on the murlocs who have not escaped. Chasing the murlocs is a burst of slashing. .

   Soon the sailors also discovered the existence of Liu Zhi. After all, Liu Zhi, a master who can run on the sea with one sword and one murloc, is not a few sailors.

  They are also willing to gather around Liu Zhi, and follow him to kill the murlocs.

  On the surface, Liu Zhi welcomed them, but he was full of discomfort. Originally, only 1 point of experience in killing a murloc was annoying enough. Now there are still people robbing the blame. There is no reason for this.

  Under the efforts of Yanagi and the sailors, all the murlocs were killed.

At this time, several small boats were dropped from the Zeus and rowed towards them. Ryuzhi thought it was here to pick them up on the boat. Unexpectedly, these small boats rowed past them and headed directly towards the monster and the murloc. Corpse left.

At this time, a sailor soaked in the water said: "Don't worry, the processed corpse will be distributed to you. This time it is really developed. The gills and scales of these murlocs are all good things. Look, then There is also a high-level murloc, and that eyeball is also a good thing."

Liu Zhi glanced at the corpses of these murlocs and found that there was no strange light. From this point, he knew that he might not have any good results, so he shook his head, "Forget it, there is nothing here. And meaning, how am I going to go up and down."

"It's fine if you get to the boat, and a gondolas will be put down on it to drag you up." The sailor saw that Liu Zhi was reluctant to stay here, and there was no accident. After all, most big men kill the enemy and don't clean it. On the battlefield.

  But the sailor was still a little curious, and he asked there, "Sir, how did you do it."

   "What? Standing on the surface of the water? This is an extraordinary ability of swordsmanship that I have learned."

   "No, I'm asking how you can kill murlocs so easily. You seem to know the weaknesses of murlocs."

   "Oh, I have a group of murloc families under me. After you have seen the lives of tens of thousands of murlocs, you can do this too."

   "What, family members, so powerful, you must be a great nobleman, and only great noblemen can raise some foreign species as their family members."

   "Uh, I can't be regarded as a nobleman, but there is a bit of mine at home."

  Liu Zhi said helplessly. He had a headache as to how to take out the undead troops under his hand. After all, there should be no undead or aquatic creatures under Apollo.

  It’s hard that he can only release the corpse dogs that have not been transformed into cannibals.

  While shaking his head like this, Liu Zhi walked towards the Zeus side.

  His attitude made the sailor think that he had said something wrong. The sailor turned his head and said to his companion beside him: "You said he was the kind of noble child who was driven out in the story.

   "It's possible. Looking at him, he should be the second or third son with more potential in the family. It's just a pity. The potential this year is not as good as the date of birth."

  Yagiji didn't know this. After being dragged up by the gondola dropped from the Zeus, Ryuzhi saw Richard at first sight.

He blinked at Liu Zhi, and whispered: "The captain discovered Karl Charles’ conspiracy. He admitted that he secretly brought the Cursed Diamond Ocean Heart to the ship, but now he can’t get the diamond out. The first officer thought that Carl Charles had hidden the diamond, and even suspected that he was a believer in a certain oceanic evil god, and he planned to use the Zeus as a sacrifice to please his god."

   However, Liu Zhi asked with some worry: "Where is your girlfriend, what is she doing again, right?"

   "Don't worry, she won't mess around."


  (End of this chapter)

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