Necromantic Myth

Chapter 218: out of control

  Chapter 218 Out of Control

   "No one can catch me Carl Charles!"

  Looking at the place where the explosion occurred in the cabin, and listening to the running away Karl Charles yelling loudly there, Liu Zhi couldn’t help saying, “He’s dead.”

  But soon Ryuzhi realized that Richard's expression was a bit wrong.

"what's happenin."

   "Evelyn is in that place." Richard said so, he pulled out his small revolver, and ran towards that side quickly.

  For this kind of speechless woman, Liu Zhi has never been interested. He shook his head and arranged the weapons in his hand, preparing for the next wave of possible battles.

  But at this moment, Liu Zhi suddenly heard a chaotic sound not far away, and the man named Karl Charles actually ran towards this side.

  According to Ryuzhi’s memory, he had met Mr. Karl Charles before, but at that time, as a new nobleman, he appeared at the dinner party in the main restaurant of the cruise ship.

  Although he looks a little fat, there is no denying that he is a capable person.

Carl Charles, who rushed in front of him, had only half of his face similar to Yanagi’s memory. The rest of his face was full of cyan scales. The original black hair had now turned into a weird red, and it looked a little bit changed. The unfinished Ben Bolba.

  His head was obviously changed, and his clothes were swollen by muscles. Liu Zhi noticed that there were also some wet scales on the exposed skin.

   Carl Charles rushed forward, ran up and ignored all the people who got in the way.

  Behind Carl Charles, it was Evelyn who was chasing after her. She was covered in black and gray, and she screamed as she ran, "stop him, we can't let him run into the sea."

  Richard, who was rushing there, saw that Evelyn was okay, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Then he raised the small revolver in his hand and shot Carl Charles a few times.

  But the bullet power of his pistol seemed to be a little insufficient. After a few shots on Karl Charles, he didn't know where he flew.

  As soon as Liu Zhi saw such a situation, he thought that it was the best to die, and raising his hand to face Karl Charles was a sword.

A wind blade flew out following Liu Zhi’s bronze dagger. At the same time, Liu Zhi’s dissatisfaction in his heart flew out. When he arrived here, he didn’t even have a good weapon, so he could only use this bronze short sword. Sword, although this sword looks good, it looks like an antique, but the swordsmanship he learns mostly focuses on thin-stab swords.

  Without a fine stabbing sword, his swordsmanship would be half abolished, and now is not the best time to release the undead.

  For this reason, Liu Zhi could only vent his unhappiness on Carl Charles who rushed over.

  After cutting out a sword, Ryuzhi felt that it was not enough, and he went down a few more swords in the direction Carl Charles rushed.

Originally he thought this would be fine, but he did not expect that after the wind blade fell on Carl Charles, it did not cause much damage to him. The wind blade slid out along Carl Charles’s skin. Cut to the deck of a nearby ship.

"what's going on?"

  Ryuzhi couldn't help being shocked.

  At this moment, several sailors rushed up, and one of them shouted loudly: "Hurry up and find someone to help. He is out of control."

  Amidst the chaos, Evelyn chased this way. She ran and panted and said, “He’s out of control. You can’t let him jump into the water.”

   "I know, but what is going on out of control, he is not hurt at all now."

  After a sailor was thrown out, the sailor who wanted to control the situation shouted.

   "That's the reason for his scales. Hit him on the head. His head has not been completely controlled yet."

   Evelyn shouted loudly.

  The eyes of the sailors instantly fell on the half of Karl Charles's face.

  Liu Zhi glanced at the situation here, and always felt that something was wrong.

   Seeing that the sailors were about to pierce Karl Charles in the face with the harpoon, Yanagi couldn't help but cried out, "Wait a minute."

  But it was too late. Carl Charles opened his mouth and bit the harpoon that pierced his hand. At the same time, his last face began to scaly, turning into a weird fish head.

   "You are stupid." As soon as Liu Zhi released a flash burst in front of Karl Charles, he shouted loudly, "Let you slap your face, now you lose your face."

  Under Ryuzhi's flash, Karl Charles was also blind in both eyes, and he didn't know where to go.

  When the opponent hit the wall, Liu Zhi raised his hand and threw a bottle of alchemy potion. The potion turned into spider silk when it met the air, entwining Karl Charles tightly.

  After finishing all this, Liu Zhi was relieved. He reached out and took the sun crystal from the death rod and replaced it with Thunder Coral.

  Then he raised the death rod and waved it down towards Karl Charles.

  A bolt of lightning fell from the sky and hit Carl Charles. This time, the power of the lightning was impossible for Carl Charles to bounce back. Everyone only heard a crackle, and then a sound of scorched meat and fish came out.

   "It's out of control, it's dodge, it's invincible!"

  Ryuzhi didn't even bother that someone nearby was watching. There was a flash of lightning in front of Karl Charles, and he would roar there every time a flash of lightning went down.

  At this time, none of the people nearby dared to come forward to persuade, even Evelyn, who was not afraid of the sky, shrank behind Richard.

After all ten flashes of lightning were shot out, Liu Zhi took his hand. He replaced the Thunder Coral that had lost energy with the sun crystal, and said uncomfortably: "It looks like someone needs to be recharged. I say you , How did he get out of control."

Seeing Liu Zhi pointing to himself, Evelyn was a little aggrieved, "I didn't mean it, I just saw the sailors grab him, and wanted to ask him why he brought such a dangerous thing to the boat, but he was right. I yelled, I accidentally pressed something, and that thing exploded, and in the end he became like this."

  Speaking, Evelyn looked at the charred corpse on the ground that was about to turn into black carbon with a little embarrassment.

Seeing Evelyn still thinking of defending himself, Richard quickly grabbed Evelyn. He knew Evelyn’s personality very well. If she really asked her to speak, she could finally push all the mistakes to the other side. Go up.

Fortunately, being pulled like this by Richard, Evelyn didn’t say a word, and Yuji didn’t have much reaction. He silently said that Karl Charles’s body was shaking, and one thing fell from the charred body. Came out.

  (End of this chapter)

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