Necromantic Myth

Chapter 227: Open treasure box (subscription required)

  Chapter 227 Opening Treasure Box (seeking subscription)

  [Hint: Open the Challenge Treasure Box (Intermediate), and get the design drawing of the Abyss Demon Reef*1, the design drawing of the island reef hut*3, the common currency*1200]

Under this prompt, the first thing that appeared in Yanagi’s eyes was a small mound that looked like a pile of coral. There were a lot of seaweed and ornaments made of murloc skulls on the mound, which looked very similar. It's a weird little model.

  【Abyss Demon Reef Design Drawing: Marine high-level building, with a level cap of 6, and 3 times of use. After collecting enough materials, you can build the Abyss Demon Reef (medium) at the designated location and upgrade it 3 times. 】

  【Abyss Demon Reef: A blue storm emerges from the depths of the sea, attacking the enemy with magical waves and lightning, and the murloc hunter will land on the land to attack the enemy. 】

[Note 1: The Demon Reef of the Abyss has the function of controlling lightning and waves. At the same time, it comes with a 30-man murloc hunter troop. As the building level increases, the magic power will become greater and greater, and the level of the murloc hunter will also increase. Increase with it. 】

  【Note 2: The murloc kingdom built with the abyssal demon reef will have the opportunity to train two basic professions such as ocean wave warrior and murloc hunter. 】

The explanation in front of him made Liu Zhi's eyes bright. He has been having a headache with the inaugural issue of the Dead Lake murlocs. Now the Dead Lake murlocs are good at everything, but they can’t find employment. He has thought of a lot of ways, even Those murlocs dragged out to fight, but if they didn't succeed, they didn't succeed.

  This has always been a heart disease of Liu Zhi, and the current design drawing is a good thing for Liu Zhi.

Then Yanagi set his sights on the remaining three small models. They were just ordinary reefs with hut models made of shells, and the effect was relatively simple. They also had the same kind of cow as the Abyss Demon Reef, but the ground was considered as good. The building that Yanagi now needs more.

  【Island Reef Hut Design Drawing: Marine-type basic building, the upper limit of level is 2, the number of uses is once. After collecting enough materials, the island reef hut can be built in the designated sea area, or the island reef hut can be upgraded. 】

  【Island Reef Hut: A hut located on the gravel, where 50 murlocs or 10 Hennaga can live at the same time. After living, it will have a certain bonus to the reproduction of offspring. 】

   [Description: If you want your murloc to continue to strengthen, a separate cabin will be an indispensable condition. 】

   "This is okay." Liu Zhi said casually, and at the same time he felt that he was a little drifting. If he could have such a harvest before, it would have been quite good, but now it is okay to say only one sentence.

  It’s difficult because it’s uncomfortable to open only one treasure chest at a time.

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, and finally shook his head, sat down on the bed again, and began to meditate.

  This time Liu Zhi naturally used the idea of ​​the eyes of Laxia.

He needs to regain his magic power to face the various problems that may occur later. After all, he encountered such and other things as soon as he uploaded. If this is on the shore, he will not be busy, so it is rare to be free now. , Meditate more if you can.

  Yiuzhi meditated here, and his spirit turned into the eyes of Laxia and flew across the sky with the eagle.

  However, there is a problem with the idea of ​​Lasha’s Eye Meditation, that is, when the meditation has just entered and the meditation is over, the spiritual power is connected with reality.

  Ryuzhi felt as if he had become an eagle, and he flew from the Zeus and flew towards the south.

Before he flew far, he saw a huge lighthouse. The lighthouse did not have so many decorations. It was just a beacon. When Liu Zhi flew by, a white light came directly from the lighthouse, and Liu Zhi felt like he was People see through it.

In the next moment, Liu Zhi didn’t know anything. There was nothing but a vast expanse of whiteness in front of him. When he came back to his senses, he found that he had finished his meditation. Looking at the time again, nearly one time had passed. hour.

  Yagiji stood up a little worried, and when he was about to find out what was going on, he suddenly found that his magic power seemed to be much stronger.

  Somewhat unexpectedly, Liu Zhi couldn't help but check his own attribute column. He found that there was a small line of small characters behind his magic power.

  Magic power: 300/300 (resonates with a certain mysterious power, and the upper limit of magic power is temporarily increased)

  Ryuzhi now thought of what he saw during meditation. Is it possible that there is something different about the lighthouse?

   Or is it the power of Rasha?

  Yiu Zhi couldn't help but have various associations in his heart, and even forgot that there are still troubles of this kind on the ship.

  About two hours later, there was a soft knock on the door.

  Riu Zhi, who had recovered his thoughts, came back to his senses. He opened the door and found a sailor standing outside the door.

As soon as he saw Yanagi, the sailor said immediately: "Mr. Sandro, we are about to have a dinner. The captain has booked the best place in the restaurant for you. Please try our chef’s craftsmanship. ."

   "Okay, I'll be here soon." Liu Zhi nodded, carrying the death rod and walked out.

  Yagiji didn't know, not long after he left, Evelyn sneaked out of the neighborhood.

  Behind her was Richard, who was a little helpless.

   "Evelyn, you can do it, don't go wrong."

   "I'm not wrong, there must be something wrong with the one named Sandro." Evelyn said while holding a wire to handle the door lock of Yuji's room.

  In a short while, the door was opened by her, and Evelyn ran into Ryuzhi's room in a flash. Richard was about to pull Evelyn out, but Evelyn backhanded into the room.

"If you don't want to help me, just stay here. I clearly felt that the person named Sandro had a strange aura. Although the aura contained some sun divine power, it was in the sun divine power. Down, the power of death is hidden, he must have a problem."

   "Evelyn, everyone has their own secret." Richard kept persuading.

  "In front of the gods, people have no secrets." Evelyn said, while searching in the room, "He must have some conspiracy. I must find him to find out. I can't let him go wrong like this."

"Enough, you are always like this. Last time you said that the scepter on the statue of Zeus was fake. As a result, this time you said that Sandru is a bad person. Have you ever thought that Sandru saved us? ."

"So what, didn't I give him the emerald? By the way, he must have hidden the emerald in a secret place. As long as I find where the emerald is hidden, I will know his secret, gem Eyes, open for me!"

  (End of this chapter)

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