Necromantic Myth

Chapter 228: Alex's request (250 monthly pass plus more)

  Chapter 228 Alex’s request (250 monthly pass plus change)

   "Huh?" In the largest restaurant of the Zeus, Liu Zhi, who was eating the fried murloc gills, couldn't help but raised his head. He seemed to feel that someone was peering into his Hades.

  At this time, a sailor serving as a waiter was pouring a strange liquor into Yanji's cup. It didn't seem to be a very popular wine, but something similar to grain liquor.

   Seeing Liu Zhi raising his head, the sailor asked: "Mr. Sandro, what's the matter, any requests?"

   "No, oh, I'm just curious, why is the wine on your boat not wine?"

"You are talking about this highland barley wine. In fact, this was obtained by a disciple of the captain’s family from a certain snow mountain eternal spring when a disciple of the captain was looking for the tomb of the legendary Dragon Emperor. I always like to bring some on the boat to tell a good luck symbol. After drinking too much, we also feel that this wine is good."

   "Oh." Liu Zhi thought for a while, and pushed the cup forward, "Then give me a sprinkle."

  "Okay, Mr. Sandro, I secretly told a gossip, this fried murloc gills are more suitable for this wine."

  After speaking, the sailor poured a glass of wine for Liu Ji, and quickly stepped back.

Looking at the cup in his hand, Liu Zhi was silent for a moment. He thought of a question. After he entered the game, he has been fighting nervously. He also considered the battle direction when he got the Hades, and he never considered his own life. a bit.

  His cooking knowledge is now only level 2, but he can do something undead.

  Is this really good?

  Some thoughts flashed in Liu Zhi's mind, and finally he couldn't help but sighed for a long time.

He understands that he is under too much pressure. He has been fighting. He is not the kind of fighting madman. The world in front of him is said to be a game, but he can’t really regard it as a game. Every time he decides, what he faces every time is his The choices made.

  He is really tired.

   Just then, a voice came from behind Liu Zhi, "Are you feeling tired?"

  The sound is quite flat, and it sounds like a relaxing feeling.

  However, Liu Zhi never had any good feelings for people who suddenly appeared behind him.

  He always feels that the kind of pretending to appear behind others is all stupid.

  And if he feels tired, what does it have to do with him?

  Yiu Zhi didn't even turn his head, but lowered his head to eat his own thinness.

  I didn't want that person but walked to the table of Liu Zhi, opened the chair and sat down. Liu Zhi looked up and found that this man was dressed similarly to himself. He was dressed in a white silk robe, with a belt to prove his identity.

  A long flax hair is draped over his shoulders, making this man's face look more determined.

Looking at the flaxen hair, a short memory flashed in his heart. It was Sandro's memory. He frowned, "Alex? The eldest son of the Hannah family, why did you appear here? Here."

"Hey, you know me, and look at your dress. You should also come from the empire. Let me guess who you are, Sandro from the Iron Fast family. I heard that your family heirloom is gone. , You’re not looking for heirlooms, are you.”

   "It has nothing to do with you." Liu Zhi gave Alex a blank look, not wanting to speak at all.

"Yes, no wonder you feel tired. Your family is such a family heirloom. If it is gone, your family will be gone. Forget it, I will not bother you. By the way, if there is anything you need my help. , You can find my men and they will find me."

After talking about this, Alex pointed in a direction, and Liu Zhi looked in the direction Alex was pointing, and found that the Nick he had just met was standing in the corner and nodding to him. It.

  Yagiji turned his head and wanted to ask what the **** were you doing, only to find that Alex had disappeared in front of him just like when he appeared before.

   "What is this, jumping out for no reason, is this provoking me?"

  Because of Alex's doing this, Liu Zhi didn't even have the mood to eat. He pushed the tableware forward and got up to leave.

  At this time, Nick, who had been standing in the corner, ran up quickly, "Mr. Sandro, can you please interrupt me."

   "We have nothing to talk about, I am not a gem hunter, and I don't know where the gems you are looking for." Liu Zhi interrupted Nick and wanted to leave.

At this time Nick seemed to have heard something. He screamed, and stopped Ryuji, "Mr. Sandro, our young master Alex said, if you are willing to make a monument to us and look for the praises of the gods, then We can help you find your missing family heirloom."

  Yagiji's face condensed, he stopped, staring at Nick and said, "What's the matter, you let Alex come out and talk to me."

"Mr. Sandru, Master Alex is still in the Holy City of Athens. He was just projected by the special method of the Temple of Zeus. Originally, he received the news that the praise of the gods appeared on the Zeus. I just got in touch with us. Later, I went to talk to you because I saw your presence. Before he left, he informed us, let us listen to your arrangements, and hope we can take a boat with him. Find the praise of the gods before coming over."

  Yagiji frowned, and some did not believe it, but thinking about the way Alex had acted without a trace before, Ryuji somewhat believed it.

   But he still shook his head, "I don't think I can do anything for you."

   "No, Mr. Sandro, there are some things that you can really do, please follow me."

  Looking at the mysterious look of Nick God, Liu Zhi finally followed.

Under Nick’s leadership, they came to the third-class cabin under the deck. There was a bunk where eight people lived. However, Nick didn’t know what means he had used, and he even secured a room with only a few of his partners. Live together.

  After entering with Ryuji, Nick said to his companions: "You guys pay attention, this is Mr. Sandro. Master Alex asked him to come and help us. Go get things out."

  Under the command of Nick, the few dragged a box out of the luggage rack.

  Opening the box, Yanagi feels that the style of painting has instantly changed from the mythological era to the steampunk style. It is a machine with a boiler connected to it. Nick’s two companions are hurriedly adding water to the boiler.

And Nick pointed to the still shaking water surface and said: "You pay attention, this is a gem hunting machine, which can detect if there are gems nearby. The effect is only weaker than that of the extraordinary gem hunter's gem eyes. The main disadvantage is Without spirituality, all gems are all noticeable targets in its eyes."

  Looking at this machine, Liu Zhi asked.

   "What do you want me to do?"

  (End of this chapter)

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