Necromantic Myth

Chapter 229: Gem Hunter (260 monthly pass plus more)

  Chapter 229 Jewel Hunter (260 monthly pass plus more)

  Stayed here for a long time, and then Liu Zhi understood why Alex would ask himself to help. This thing was just as unintelligent as Nick said.

He can display the location of all the gems around, but it is only displayed on the water surface in the form of light spots, and the display range is quite large. A machine of this size in front of you can at least give two ships the size of Zeus. Shrouded in.

Think about it as an Olympic-class mailbox, there are three or four thousand people on it, and how many people can afford gems in it. Even if the interface is maximized, it looks like a pile of green dots piled together. .

  Don’t say to determine which is what they are looking for, it is difficult to separate these light spots.

If Nick and the others want to take a closer look, there are only two ways. One is to soak their faces in the water so that they can see the information that the machine finds. But think about the water close to 100 degrees, Nick and their brains are flooded. Will do it.

Another way is to use their spiritual power to check them one by one, but the problem is that Nick and the others are just ordinary treasure hunters. How can they have any spiritual power, so they are empty guarding such a machine, but they don’t know the praise of the gods. Who owns it.

  And Alex is obviously the kind of spiritual existence, but he is now far away in Greece. When he comes, people have already disembarked, so I have to find a fart.

  That’s why Alex found Liu Zhi. After all, Liu Zhi knew the roots, and at the same time, it was certain that Liu Zhi was not the one who stole the praises of the gods.

"Well, what I need to do." Liu Zhi, who wanted to understand the causal relationship here, agreed on the spot, and was a little unsure. This is not considered his own VIP mission, but if Nick and the others help him, he will look for heirlooms. The ring is good.

  At least Yanagi will not be as clueless as finding a needle in a haystack.

  Under the guidance of Nick, Liu Zhi closed his eyes, as if meditating, using mental energy to stimulate the green light spots on the water.

   and Nick took a notebook there and recorded everything that Liu Zhi saw.

   "In Room 3317, I saw a gem box containing seven gems, all of which were rubies. The largest one was about 19 carats, and it was not made into jewelry."

   "In Room 3318, I saw that they hid a larger emerald in the safe. The emerald is a necklace and it looks very old."

  "Room 3319..."

Nick recorded all the situation very seriously. When he was tired, he changed to another person to record. As for Ryuzhi, he did not have time to rest, because the Zeus was about to arrive in Alexandria at about 7 o'clock tomorrow morning. He had to be there. In less than ten hours, read all the gems displayed on this machine.

   Judging from his current speed, not only does he have no way to rest, he may have to speed up a bit.

  Thinking of this, Liu Zhi condensed his energy, stopped thinking about anything, and poured into each green light spot earnestly.

  It is also for this reason that Liu Zhi did not notice that under his attribute column, some information kept jumping up.

【Ding! Tasting a gem carefully, gem knowledge and experience +3]

【Ding! Tasting a gem carefully, gem knowledge and experience +4]


Soon, Ryuji's exploration slowly extended from below the deck to the cabins on the deck. Compared with the second and third class cabins below the deck, the deck was full of first-class passengers, and they had the possibility of jewels around them. It's even higher.

Here, Liu Zhi’s search for gems has slowed down a lot. Suddenly, Liu Zhi said, “In room 0195, I saw a lady with a diamond on her body. The diamond was cut well, but there was an unknown seal inside. The power of this belongs to the gemstones used for sealing. She dared to use this as a wedding ring. It's a real death."

  Speaking of this, Liu Zhi stopped, he hesitated, "Wait a minute, how would I know that this is a gemstone for sealing?"

  Nick, who was resting on the side, also ran over. He looked at Yuji, who had withdrawn from the mental search, and the two stared at him.

  In the end, Liu Zhi lowered his head and glanced at his attribute column. If it wasn't for his good mentality, he might just scream.

  [Gem Knowledge Level 4 (3997/10000): Proficient in the allusions of various gems, master the method of finding gems, even if you give you a stone, you can also see if there are any gems at the time. 】

  【Gem knowledge (extraordinary common sense): master the extraordinary common sense of gems, and be able to distinguish what kind of extraordinary items the gems belong to, including but not limited to lich phylacteries, sealed objects, cursed objects, divine objects, etc. 】

  【Explanation: Having a strong knowledge of gems is a necessary condition for opening the eyes of gems, and with the eyes of gems, you will become a suitable gem hunter. 】

  [Detected assistant hunter upgrade tree promotion standard: hunter-professional hunter (jewel hunter, food hunter, beast hunter, etc.)-expert hunter (gem expert, food expert, etc.)-legendary hunter]

   [Explanation: As long as you have a target, you can become a hunter. It is not necessary to hunt animals. It is reasonable to hunt some inherent targets. 】

  Looking at this explanation, Liu Zhi's somewhat wilting spirit quickly cheered up, “Well, we don’t have much time. Regardless of whether the seal is used or not, let’s check the gems below.”

  Speaking, Liu Zhi put his mental power into the machine again.

At this time, the screen on that machine is quite clean. As long as the gems that have been checked will be marked with a mark, they will not enter the search range of the machine for the time being. From this point, it can be seen that this machine is not How smart, but there are also basic functions.

   On the first-class side, Liu Zhi noticed that various extraordinary gems began to appear. Sealed artifacts were only the most basic of them. Liu Zhi also discovered some pure magic gems.

That is the finest item in the gems. It is purely condensed by the essence of magic. It looks like a gem, but in fact, all of it is pure magic, just like the sun crystal and lightning coral in Yuji's hand. , Is something that can be used on the staff.

Liu Zhi looked at these things and kept drooling there. He wanted to grab these gems directly, so that his death rod could have more attack methods instead of just using it as it is now. A method of attacking the enemy with lightning or flash.

  As Liu Zhi's understanding of gems gradually deepened, the exploration of the gems on the ship slowly came to an end. At this moment, Liu Zhi's eyes flashed, and a flash of lightning flashed through his eyes.

"I found it."

  (End of this chapter)

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