Necromantic Myth

Chapter 230: trap?

  Chapter 230 Trap?

"what did you say?"

"where is it?"


  Yagiji's words fell, Nick and the others rushed forward, pulling Ryuji and asking in detail.

  Liu Zhi raised his head triumphantly. He was pretty sure that he had just seen the praise of the gods they were looking for, because in addition to the countless lightning power, he also saw what everyone said was as blue as the sky.

   But just when Liu Zhi was about to check the location of the gods' praise, his face suddenly became a little difficult to look.

  Looking at Liu Zhi like this, Nick and the others thought that something was wrong, and they immediately surrounded him.

   "What's wrong, is there something wrong?"

Liu Zhi raised his hands, "I didn't touch anything. You can prove it to me. Now I said, I just found out that the praise of the gods did not know why it appeared in my room, and it was placed in a mechanism. Above, I don’t know the effect of hitting the mechanism, but it’s definitely not a good thing. This is the key to my room. Go get it by yourself. I won’t get there anyway."

Nick's expression became serious when he heard that, "It must be the gem thieves who did it. They knew that there was no way to take away the praises of the gods, so they wanted to destroy the praises of the gods directly. These **** guys, They were also before..."

Nick’s subordinates have been investigating for a long time for the praise of the gods. Of course, they know who they are chasing and killing. Such so-called gem hunters are known to be hunters, but they are actually thieves. They just saw good gems. To take it away, a lot of reasons are also given.

  If they can't escape, they will find a way to hide the gems in some people's hands, first pull themselves out, and then go back and steal back the gems hidden in others.

So when Ryuzhi said this, Nick knew what was going on, "Well, I know you haven’t moved. You rest here. We will get gems in the past. No matter what happens, we will thank you. ."

  After finishing talking, Nick blinked at one of his men, and then ran out with several other men.

  Liu Zhi glanced at the remaining light spots on the machine, hesitated and said, "Can I check it down?"

  Nick’s men froze for a moment. He didn't expect Liu Zhi to make this request, but he was only responsible for watching Liu Zhi and not letting Liu Zhi run around. As for whether he wanted to use the machine, he actually didn't control much.

  So Ryuzhi started to work on gemstone inspection again. Since there was nothing to check urgently this time, it was quite easy for him to check.

At this time, Nick and the others also came to the outside of Ryuzhi's room. Several of Nick's men looked around. When they found no one was watching them, Nick took out the key given by Ryuuji and opened the door. .

  As soon as Nick opened the door, he saw a small box on the table.

As soon as he saw this box, Nick knew what was going on in front of him. This box is exactly the box used by the Temple of Zeus to store the gems of the gods. From the design to the production of this box, it is all for the praises of the gods. To carry on.

Nick is quite clear about the situation of this box. In order to prevent the praise of the gods from being stolen, they made a lot of tricks on the box. As long as someone uses the wrong method to open the box, it will be heard from there. A flash of lightning struck people.

But it is obvious that the box in front of him has been adjusted. The power of lightning is no longer external, but internal. As a seeker of the praise of the gods, Nick knows very well that if the gem is in danger, or if it is electric What will happen to the stimulus.

  In case another Zeus phantom was summoned at this time, it would be a terrible thing.

You must know that Zeus is very close to Alexandria. Standing on the deck, you can see the light of the big lighthouse. In addition to navigating, the big lighthouse also has the function of defending against foreign enemies. Although the Zeus phantom is carrying The power of Zeus, but you can count on the people of the big lighthouse to tell it.

  I encountered an explosive at the airport, and it must be controlled the first time. Nowhere is there anyone who said that my explosives are domestically produced and will not blow up domestic aircraft.

  Isn’t that just kidding.

  If the phantom of Zeus is really attracted, Nick estimates that in the past, this Zeus will be messed up for at least one or two days, and one or two days will be enough for some people to do a lot of things.

   Even if you can no longer steal the praise of the gods, you can still leave the Zeus secretly and enter the city of Alexandria.

  The most important thing is that the praise of the gods that people have been staring at is here. No one can stop the passengers from disembarking, nor can they search the passengers. In the end, they will definitely not stop.

  Thinking of this, Nick's face became sullen.

   "You will remember it to me, you can't escape."

  After talking, Nick took out something like a sheepskin bag from his waist. He did not open the box, but used the sheepskin bag to wrap the box from top to bottom.

This is the most normal method, because Nick doesn’t even know if there is any mechanism under the box. If those who arrange the mechanism are cruel, just put the mechanism outside the box, and others will automatically touch the mechanism. What to do when launching.

  It's not that Nick has never encountered such a thing.

  So Nick didn't let the opportunity to start at all, and used the sheepskin bag he brought to cover the box directly.

   Then several people behind Nick also stepped forward at the same time, took out their respective ropes and wrapped them around the sheepskin bag.

   "I testify that the box was not opened."

  Every time they wrapped a rope, they would say such a sentence, in order to prevent the people of the Temple of Zeus from taking out the box from the sheepskin bag but did not find the gods’ praise gems and some disputes.

  After all, the use of a box to lie to them has happened before.

After putting the box away, Nick and his men searched in the room again. As Yanagi said before, the gem of the gods is in his room, so it can’t be anywhere else, so they take it seriously. Look for it and see if there are other things that have been missed.

  These people spent nearly half an hour searching, and they were about to tear down the room, and they did not find anything very similar to the gems of the gods.

At this time, Nick was finally sure that what he had put in the box before was the praise of the gods, he turned his head, smiled and said to his companion: "We succeeded, we got the gems back. ."

  A few of his companions wanted to cheer loudly when they heard it.

  At this moment, the subordinate who was guarding Ryuzhi there ran over, yelling as he ran, "It’s not good, Mr. Sandro said something big is going to happen."

  (End of this chapter)

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