Necromantic Myth

Chapter 231: The curse on the ship

  Chapter 231 The Curse on the Ship

  Nick was taken aback when he heard it, and then he tightly held the sheepskin bag in his hand, for fear of someone coming to grab it, while staring at the person who came over and said, "What happened."

"Mr. Sandrew said..." the man said pantingly, "He found a cursed gem when he was looking for gems, and it seems to be about to explode now. I'm going to notify the captain. He hopes we can help. Let me at least help prove it."

   "Curse the gem? What does a curse have to do." Nick said in a puzzled way, and then his face changed, "It won't be the same as the gods' praise."

   "I don’t know, Mr. Sandro has gone to the captain, we are now..."

   "Go to the captain." Nick said as he put the sheepskin bag in his arms.

  At this time, Ryuzhi was already standing on the bridge, waiting for Captain Edward to come out.

  Since he was about to reach the shore, Edward was quite busy, but when he heard that Liu Zhi came to look for him, he still came out to see what happened.

   "Captain, something bad may happen." When meeting Edward, Liu Zhi explained the situation directly.

Edward thought about the identity of Ryuzhi and what he said before that he saw the sea monster attacking the Zeus. He couldn't help but ask, "Is there another sea monster about to call, but it doesn't matter, we have already seen the lighthouse." Under the light of the big lighthouse, all sea monsters will be discovered."

"No, Captain, I just found a cursed gem on the ship. Someone is cursing. Although I don't know what the curse is, it is definitely related to the underworld, and the scope is the entire ship." Some said anxiously.

   Hearing this, Edward's face also became a little ugly, "Where did you find it."

   Just then Nick rushed over with his hands. As soon as he saw Edward and Ryuuji standing there, Nick immediately took out his identity certificate and explained his identity.

Hearing that someone had stolen the praises of the gods and hid them on his ship, Edward's expression became a bit ugly. He also thought of the phantom of Zeus when the dragon appeared. He knew that if something happened at this time, he How will your ship be treated.

   "I see, I will let people slow down, and arrange for someone to follow you to find cursed gems, but I can't help but dock. You only have half an hour."

  Edward glanced at the time as he spoke.

   "Enough, I have found a place, as long as the activation of the cursed gem is prevented." Liu Zhi said quickly.

He was really frightened by everything he saw just now. Through that machine, he originally wanted to see the situation of the remaining gems, and then improve his gem knowledge, to see if the gem knowledge can reach 7 at the last moment. level.

  I did not expect to find such a big thunder on the last few gems.

  When he saw the cursed gem, Liu Zhi even felt for a moment that he was going to die.

  The gem looked like a long eye with vertical pupils. When he saw the gem, it seemed to give him a glare.

  The gems were placed in a pile of scarabs carved from gems, and Liu Zhi could even see a large amount of black gas gushing out of the gems and injected into the scarabs.

As for the role of gems, Liu Zhi didn’t know, but his various knowledge showed him the possibility that when the ship reaches a certain position, the gems will be affected by a force that will let everyone on board All have a curse.

And this curse is carried out under the scope of the Great Lighthouse, so it will not be rejected and targeted by the Great Lighthouse. If a person with a curse goes ashore, these curses may spread directly, and eventually even affect the entire Alexandria. port.

  It is precisely for this reason that Liu Zhi let people inform Nick, and he ran to find Edward. If it were just a normal curse, he would not be so anxious at all.

Liu Zhi didn't explain what the curse was about, but Nick and the others also knew about Liu Zhi's situation. It must be a big deal to scare Liu Zhi like this. When Edward called the sailor, they all followed Liu. Behind the rule.

  Led by Liu Zhi, they rushed into a suite on the second floor of the deck.

At this time, the passengers in the suite were already preparing to disembark. Seeing Liu Zhi rushing in with Nick and the sailors, the expressions of the two passengers who looked like husbands and wives suddenly changed, and there was something on their faces. The weird black lines seem to have carved the dragon's vertical eyes flat on the skin.

  Nick, they reacted as soon as they saw it, and the two Nick's men jumped up and knocked them to the ground.

At the same time, Liu Zhi lifted the top of the bed directly. Underneath the top of the bed was the cursed gem that Liu Zhi pointed out, but what Liu Zhi had seen before was only part of it. When he lifted the top of the bed, Liu Zhi even I saw something inlaid with three skulls in the eye sockets, facing the location of the cursed gem.

  Nick is also a well-informed person, he can see the curse at a glance.

   "Iron-blood Plague, they are the people of Set's bones."

  Ryuzhi sounded confused, what kind of organization is the bone of Seth.

   At this moment, the two men held by the sailor smiled and said, “It’s useless, the curse has been unfolded. No one can stop Seth’s curse from running across the ground.”

  After speaking, the two even glanced at each other, and then they died like this.

  As a necromancer, Ryuzhi can easily see the two souls flying out of their bodies, rushing towards the cursed gem regardless.

  As soon as he saw such a situation, Liu Zhi immediately stretched out his hand and used the death rod to block the activation of the cursed gem by the two souls.

   But when he flew the two souls out, the cursing gem that was placed on the scarab moved slightly, and a beam of light shot towards Liu Zhi.

  Yagiji wanted to get out of the way, but the light turned in mid-air. A black light fell on his chest, engraving a black weird sign on his chest.

   Then Nick and the others saw that all the scarabs quickly turned to ashes, leaving only the gem and three skulls in place.

  Looking at the scene in front of him, and then at the mark on Liu Zhi's body, Nick said helplessly: "You seem to have been targeted by Seth."

  Liu Zhi looked down at his chest, then looked up at Nick, and said helplessly: "This is a curse, is there a way to deal with it?"

  (End of this chapter)

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