Necromantic Myth

Chapter 232: Find the team (270 monthly ticket plus more)

  Chapter 232 Find the team (270 monthly ticket plus more)

   "This is Seth's curse." After handling the matter here, Liu Zhi ran to see Edward under the leadership of Nick.

  As an old captain, Edward knows very well what the situation is, especially when he runs the Mediterranean line all the year round. He has a deeper understanding of the gods near Alexandria.

"Set is a **** unique to the provinces of Egypt. It is the **** of deserts, wars and storms. He killed his brother before becoming a god. At the same time, he was also killed by Horus, the guardian of kingship and the **** of vengeance. Set The Bone is an organization that believes in Seth. They want to overthrow the existing governor of Egypt and turn Egypt back into the rule of the pharaohs in the past.

  So they always use curses like this to destroy the stability of Egypt. The curse on you means that you are the enemy of Seth. If you don't deal with it, you will wither and die in about thirty days. "

  Speaking of which, Edward took out a weird pendant and gave it to Liu Zhi.

"You were affected in this way to protect my ship. Although this pendant is not very good, it represents my heart. In addition, if you can find the legendary Horus ascendant palace within 30 days, you can Solve the curse on the body."

  "Where is the Horus Earth Palace?" This is related to his life, so Liu Zhi naturally asked seriously.

  "In the desert near Madfuna, but the general location is not known at all. You also know that there is no way for ordinary people to enter the land of gods."

  Madefuna? A trace of doubt flashed in Liu Zhi's mind, why this place name didn't sound like an Egyptian style.

In fact, Ryuzhi did not know that this place name came after many years of changes. Originally Madefuna was called Abydos. It was the royal cemetery of the first two dynasties. Horus’ father, that is, ancient Egypt. The mythical Pluto Osiris is buried here.

  So Edward’s recommendation is correct, at least the Ascendant Palace of Horus is likely to appear in that place.

  But Liu Zhi didn't know anything, he was a little helpless at this time.

At this moment, Nick patted Ryuji on the shoulder heavily and said, "Mr. Sandro, don't worry, we still have time. When we get off the boat, I will find someone to send this thing away. Then we I will accompany you to the Earth Palace of Horus."

  Yuzhi hadn't agreed, and a message popped up in front of him.

  [Hint: Are you willing to join Nick’s team and go with Nick to explore the ground palace of Horus? 】

When Liu Zhi saw it, he knew that this was a reminder of his VIP mission. He thought about it and finally agreed. Regardless of the reward given at the end of the VIP mission, and whether there are other missions to choose from, he must put himself first. Save his life.

  "Well, after I disembark, I will check the news first to determine the location of Madfuna. In addition, I have other tasks in Alexandria. I also need to deal with this first."

"No problem, I also need to give out the praise of the gods first, otherwise we will not be able to help you with this thing, so let's make an appointment. I know that there is a railway in Alexandria. The Guozhu Hotel is more famous. We will wait there at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon until night falls."

  Yiuzhi nodded, saying that he could find this outer iron pot to cook the hotel, and then they split up like this.

   After returning to his room and packing up the luggage that there was almost nothing to pack, Liu Zhi glanced at the pendant Edward gave him.

  [Zeus' Token: Praying to Zeus through food, which can charge lightning gems and activate some special functions. 】

Seeing this situation, Liu Zhi nodded gently. As the captain of the Zeus, he is a believer of Zeus. This is a very reasonable thing, and this thing is also very useful for Liu Zhi, at least he does not have to worry about lightning coral. When the thunder and lightning in it are used up, I need to find someone to help recharge it.

After packing up a bit, Liu Zhi found some gold coins. These gold coins looked strange. The head of the Holy Roman Emperor should be printed on the front, while the back was a mountain shrouded in lightning. If you want to come, it should be Olin. Mount Pith.

  It can be seen from the situation of gold coins that the Holy Roman Empire is a country where gods and emperors are equally important. In this country, the status of gods may be higher than that of ordinary people.

  This also reminds Liu Zhi that he can do whatever he wants in this country, but don’t have any conflicts with the gods.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi glanced down at the mark on his chest again. Now it is too late to say anything. He has already got on with him. It seems that in this game, he will face a more difficult challenge than before.

  At this moment, the siren on the ship rang again.

  Ryuzhi knew that they had entered Alexandria.

  He thought for a moment, and put his luggage on the luggage rack at the door. As first-class passengers, their luggage would be sent off the ship with the help of sailors and attendants.

  Riuzhi only needs to take care of his personal belongings, and he also wants to take a look at the landmark of Alexandria, the lighthouse of Alexandria.

  Walking up on the deck, Liu Zhi saw the legendary lighthouse from a distance. The lighthouse was about 135 meters high, and everything on it could be clearly seen even if it was far away.

  The entire lighthouse is divided into three floors. The first floor is a square structure with a height of 60 meters. There are more than 300 rooms of various sizes inside, which are the rooms where the lighthouse employees live.

  The second floor is an octagonal structure, 15 meters high, and is used to store the fuel needed by the lighthouse.

  The third floor is a circular structure, with 8 stone pillars of 8 meters high surrounding the dome lamp tower. On the top of the lamp tower, there stands an 8-meter high bronze statue of the sun **** Apollo in a standing posture.

  When Ryuuji walked onto the deck, a beam of sunlight was shining on the mirror on the top of the lighthouse, shining on the sun crystal on the top of Ryuuji's death rod, and aroused a slight reaction of the sun crystal.

   "So strong solar power, it seems that this lighthouse can suppress the entire Alexandria is not unreasonable."

With just a light feel, Liu Zhi could feel the sun's divine power in the shining sunlight. Although it was weaker than the sun's divine power in his feathered serpent's divine nature, it was only the sunlight reflected by a mortal with a mirror. If there is a priest of the sun **** on it, how strong will the sun's divine power that can be attracted?

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi's original inflated mind couldn't help but suppress.

  And at this time, the ship finally docked.

  (End of this chapter)

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