Necromantic Myth

Chapter 233: Conquer the chaos (280 monthly pass plus more)

  Chapter 233 Conquer the chaos (280 monthly pass plus more)

  Getting off the boat, Ryuzhi, carrying a bamboo and rattan box, did not ride the wagon at the wharf, but took the death rod and walked out of the wharf at will.

In Alexandria, Ryuzhi felt a style completely different from the cities he had encountered before. The city in front of him was full of the Egyptian style of the 19th century. Except for the great lighthouse on Faros Island, the entire city did not exceed three floors. building.

  All the buildings are about three to two stories, and are made of a relatively thick soil. The whole city has an earthy yellow style.

  Pedestrians walking on the street are mostly wearing some linen. From their dress, it can be seen that the noon in this city must be very hot.

  In some places out of the sun, some seemingly poor people are sitting in the shadows, looking at the pedestrians passing by with weird eyes.

  Passers-by who are obviously dressed as a fat sheep like Liu Zhi are naturally targeted by them.

  Before Liu Zhi had noticed, several people winked at each other in the shadows, and then secretly followed.

  Yagiji didn't seem to notice a few more tails behind him, and he was still walking forward there, but after a while, he was lost in the chaotic neighborhood of Alexandria.

  The few people behind him quickly followed him, but when they were chasing into a dead end, they found that Liu Zhi had disappeared.

  They glanced at each other, not knowing what was going on.

   Just then, Liu Zhi’s voice rang behind them, "Are you looking for me?"

  The few were taken aback. When they turned around, they saw a wind blade flying from a distance, and Liu Zhishun, who was holding a bronze dagger, cut off a person's head.

   Then he took the bronze dagger and pointed at the guys who wanted to escape and said, "I need to find a helper, to live."

The meaning of   Yagiji is obvious. If they are unwilling to help, then the one whose head is cut off will be their fate.

  Looking at the wind blade slowly appearing on Liu Zhi's bronze dagger, these people directly persuaded.

  One of them said: "My lord, we are just a mess, please let us go."

Liu Zhi took a step forward and appeared in front of that person, and used the bronze dagger to provoke the person's chin, "If you want to eat a lot of food, I will give you a bite of food. I am unfamiliar here. , You need the help of a local snake like you, so you don’t have to worry about your fate."

The more smiling Liu Zhi’s face and the more peaceful his speech, the more disturbed those few people, especially the one whose chin was provoked by Liu Zhi’s bronze dagger, he kept retracting his head for fear of Liu. If Zhi Zhi was not careful, he cut off his head.

  Yiu Zhi shook his left hand, stuck the death rod on the ground, and then threw a handful of gold coins on the ground.

   "You can rest assured, as long as you honestly do what I say, your money will not be less, and your life will not be less."

  Looking at the gold coins still rolling on the ground, these people couldn't help but swallowed their saliva. The one who was provoked by Liu Zhi with a bronze dagger said: "My lord, please tell me if you have any requirements, we can definitely do it."

  "Very well, I need you to inquire about the largest **** shop in Alexandria, which is called..."

   "Golden Chrysanthemum." One of them said immediately.

"Yes, that's the one. Go and inquire about it. About a week ago, someone went to **** a ring with a ruby ​​the size of a pinky finger. Ask who pawned it, alive or dead, If someone redeems this gem, you will stare at me to death."

  Although I don’t know why Liu Zhi did this, but seeing the chance of survival and earning some extra money, these gangsters quickly agreed.

  Liu Zhi didn't explain much, he just threw the money and disappeared in front of these people.

  After confirming that Liu Zhi had really disappeared, the thugs breathed a sigh of relief, and they flew toward the gold coins that were thrown on the ground.

  One of the gangsters even put the gold coin in his mouth to try to see if it is true or not.

  He bit the gold coin and said, "Black eyes, are we dreaming?"

   "No, this is a real gold coin, and it's still Caesar I, a gold coin used by great nobles. I heard that one Caesar I can be exchanged for three Cleopatra. There are so many gold coins here. We issued them."

   "But are we really going to help that person stare at the golden chrysanthemum? That is the territory of the Persians, we..."

"Otherwise, he has already given us money for life, even if our life is sold, if we don’t do it well, maybe even the family is not good, so if any of you is unwilling, then leave the money. There are brothers on this street who want to sell their lives but can't find a place."

The gangster who had been provoked by Liu Zhi with a bronze dagger before, this fashion showed a sense of righteousness, pointing to his friend there and saying, if he hadn’t swept all the gold coins on the ground to his feet, His appearance may be more convincing.

  But not everyone was convinced by him. One of them touched a stick from the ground and prepared to give that one a grievance.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi suddenly appeared in front of them again. He couldn't help but smile as he looked at the situation in front of him.

  In the next moment, all the gangsters who grabbed gold coins from there just now knelt back, including the black eye who said something righteously there before.

Liu Zhi smiled at them, "Don’t be nervous, I’m just here to ask for directions, but it seems that you don’t have a boss now, so it’s you. I’ll talk to you directly in the future, if you Dead, then I will send them to find you together."

  Yagiji pointed at the black eye, and just said casually.

   Black eyes heard it, and he squatted directly on the ground. He understood that with Liu Zhi's words, his fortunes were saved. At least these gangsters in front of him did not dare to make fun of his life.

   Then Liu Zhi pointed to the black eye with the death rod, "Okay, I'll come over and ask for directions, does the big library know where it is?"

   Black eyes quickly said: "I know, I know, I will take you to the Lord."

   "No, you can assign someone who knows the way to take me there. It's better to be familiar with the neighborhood."

"Don't worry, we are very familiar with this neighborhood. Then, take the adults to the Xiaoliu, and don't worry, adults. This is a famous local snake, not to mention the big library, even in the desert outside the city. I can bring you back safely."

   "Oh, have you heard of Madfuna?"

  (End of this chapter)

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