Necromantic Myth

Chapter 234: The request of the Egyptian God of Wisdom

  Chapter 234 The Request of the Egyptian God of Wisdom

  There was a mixed road called Xiaoliu. Liu Zhi quickly found the Library of Alexandria. On the way, Liu Zhi also got a general understanding of the situation in Alexandria.

  As he guessed, the Holy Roman Empire is a kingdom ruled by gods and emperors, especially in the provinces that are far from the capital in Egypt, where the power of gods is getting stronger.

  The most important thing is that because it is far away from the mainland, in addition to the Olympus gods, the Egyptian gods who were originally destroyed by the regiment also have a certain survival soil.

  Like the big library in front of you, it is not Athena, the goddess of wisdom, who shelters here, but Thoth, the Egyptian **** of wisdom, moon, mathematics, and medicine.

  Looking at the statue of a person wearing a full moon disc and crescent crested ibis head in front of the large library, Liu Zhi seemed to feel that he was being stared at by something.

  This stopped Liu Zhi, who was about to enter the large library to see if there was a suitable book for him to read.

  At this time, he noticed that the statue in front of the large library blinked at him, and then secretly pointed to a corner behind.

  Liu Zhi hesitated, and said to Xiao Liu who led the way: "Okay, I will stay here for one day today. You should go back first. If there is anything, I will go to you."

Xiao Liu didn't dare to stay here any longer, he quickly saluted Liu Zhi and ran away like flying away.

  After Xiao Liu walked far away, Liu Zhi followed the direction pointed by the statue before and walked towards the corner.

  In the periphery of the library, many flowers and trees have been planted. Between the flowers and trees are large and small benches, so that readers can rest here.

  Yagiji followed the path, and in a blink of an eye he saw that behind the bushes in the corner, there was another path that hardly anyone found.

  There is a trace of divine power in this path, which seems to prevent mortals from entering.

  Ryuzhi hesitated for a while, and finally stepped on it. In the next moment, a black man appeared in front of Ryuzhi.

  "You are the outsider mentioned in the parable of the gods, please come with me."

Liu Zhi was stunned for a moment, and could not help but look up and down at the black man in front of him. He is a very ordinary black man. If he is left outside, no one will put him in his eyes at all, but he is standing in this small street. On the way, Liu Zhi felt that he had the ability to control the entire path.

  Ryuzhi did not go to irritate the black man, so he followed the black man honestly and walked to a small temple behind the big library.

  The temple here is full of divine breath, and it is obvious that this is the site of the wisdom **** Thoth.

  After entering here, Ryuzhi felt a depressed feeling rushing toward his face, and sometimes he wanted to withdraw from the temple.

  Fortunately, the black man called the well and sent it to Liu Zhi, "Drink this, it's good for you."

  Ryuzhi thought for a while, there should be nothing wrong with Thoth, so he raised the cup and drank all the well water in the cup.

  As soon as he drank the water, Liu Zhi felt as if he was bathing his whole body in the moonlight, washing away the filthy feeling of body and soul, as if the whole person became more relaxed, and even his mind became a lot more flexible.

【Ding! Baptized by wisdom and divinity, the player’s body is washed, his attributes have changed, and his spirit is +3]

  In the next instant, Liu Zhi's eyes lit up. After a while, his mental attributes had actually increased to 10.3, which means that he already had an attribute that broke the 10 boundary.

  If you drink a few more cups, the effect... Thinking of this, Ryuuji's eyes on the cup changed.

   At this moment, the black man said: "The sun and servant of death, this moonlight water will only be effective when you drink it for the first time. Drinking too much does not have much effect."

  Liu Zhi was also a little embarrassed to hear what the black man said, but he was also a little puzzled, why did Thoth find himself and give him such a great advantage.

After asking his doubts, the black man also laughed, "My lord is the **** of prophecy. Before you come, he has seen your destiny. The curse on you can only be solved in the palace of Horus. Open, if you don’t want to die in the endless desert, you must find Horus’s underground palace."

  Liu Zhi frowned, and the black man said again: “And my lord has something to find someone to send to the underground palace of Horus. You are the best candidate he can find.”

"Why do you know that I will agree?" Liu Zhi's face became a little dignified, and he emerged from the Adal-Marik disaster. Liu Zhi has a distrustful attitude towards these gods. They can play too much. Too much, maybe a small thing is the prelude to a catastrophe.

   "Because you want to find Horus's underground palace, you must face the Sphinx level."

   While talking, the black took out a map and placed it in front of Ryuji, "This is Abydos."

   "Abydos?" Liu Zhi interrupted the black man.

"Oh, it is Madfuna now. Outside this city, all are the tombs of ancient Egyptian emperors. Those who enter it will be cursed by the pharaohs, and the ground palace of Horus is at the end of the tomb. I know You have the ability to enter and exit the underworld, but even if you want to fight through the underworld, you can’t battle the accumulation of the pharaohs for thousands of years, so the only way to enter the palace of the earth is the only way to enter the palace of Sphink, fifty miles south of Abydos S."

   "Sphynx? Are you referring to the Sphinx?" Only then did Yanagi remember what the Sphinx was referring to.

"Yes, my lord has something that you need to give to the King of Sphinx in that valley. As a price, they will send you to fly through the Valley of the Kings and into the depths of the Valley. As for whether you can finally reach It depends on your own ability to go to the palace on the ground."

Liu Zhi thought about the possibility of entering from the underworld, and finally shook his head. Although he already had undead troops in his hand, and he was still full of troops, just as the black man said, and Compared with the accumulation of thousands of years by the pharaohs, he is basically the head of a small village.

  There is no fight at all.

   "Okay, I promised you, what do you want me to send."

  The black man smiled, and dragged out a small box, "This is the box, it is not heavy, you can open it, of course, if you don’t want to participate in our affairs, it’s no problem if you don’t open it."

   "It's not necessary." Liu Zhi said as he put the box away and sent it to his 20-slot bag.

  (End of this chapter)

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