Necromantic Myth

Chapter 235: Place the Hades

  Chapter 235 Place the Hades

Leaving Thoth’s temple, Liu Zhi didn’t want to stay near the library for a moment, even if there were countless skill books in it. The big library in front of him was a pit, and Thoth was a shrewd businessman. He knew that he How valuable is his wisdom and knowledge, so he won't let Liu Zhi earn that knowledge in vain.

However, the black man is easy to deal with. As long as he does not involve his gods, he is relatively easy to talk. Liu Zhi has inquired some things from the black man. As the ancient king ratified by Rome, Alexander the Great is not the same as the Pharaoh. Similarly, there are not many mausoleums outside of Alexandria, the capital he built on the ground in Egypt.

  Not to mention the scenery like the Valley of the Kings like Cairo and Abydos outside the city.

  It is precisely for this reason that the forces in the underworld outside Alexandria are quite chaotic. From time to time, some forces are destroyed, and some new forces often appear inexplicably.

  There are also some shady places in and outside the city of Alexandria where too many people have died.

This kind of place happens to be a good place for Liu Zhi to put the Hades in the Hades. After all, he can’t keep Hades in the Hades. Even though he can also enter the Hades, he doesn’t have a foundation after all, and all resources are not available. , Not to mention the development of Hades.

Therefore, Liu Zhi calculated that he was in Alexandria, and he still needed to find a place to put the Hades. Anyway, the entrance to the Hades was at the Hades Altar. He could enter and exit through the Hades at any time, and release the servants of the dead. With the undead army, where the Hades was placed, in fact, it didn't have much influence on Liu Zhi.

   is just an influence. Doesn’t he still have the ability to shuttle through the underworld? The requirement for that skill upgrade is that the underworld and reality shuttle each other 20 times.

So Liu Zhi used to look good now, rented a camel and ran out of the city. He looked at the group of people who went out of the city with him from a distance. Two figures looked familiar. They seemed to be in Evelyn and Richard they met on the boat.

  It's just that the two of them are mingling with a group of strong-looking men, as if they want to go somewhere.

  Ryuzhi didn't want to be mixed with Evelyn's troubles at all. Seeing them out of the city, Liu Zhi also deliberately changed the direction and went to the east of the city, which was not optimistic.

  It is relatively close to the seaport area, and the residents of Alexandria are also sensible, and basically don’t throw their bodies into the sea, so at first, Liu Zhi didn’t think much about it.

  But after turning a little bit here, Liu Zhi found a better position instead.

  That is a location close to the location of the big lighthouse, and a little bit above it is exactly the direction the big lighthouse lights sweep every day.

  So basically no one noticed this location, because someday the big lighthouse will move down and someone will find it here.

  But Liu Zhi discovered the benefits here. He saw that because the light of the big lighthouse swept a little above this position every day, a lot of Yin Qi and Ling Qi were all forced to the lower position.

  Liu Zhi guessed that there must be another cave under this rock.

  Although this cave sky may be a little smaller.

  Looking at the stone that he carefully removed, Liu Zhi looked at everything in front of him speechlessly. He originally thought that there would be a passage under the stone, and then he would see a huge cave or something.

   Then he can put his Hades here.

  But he did not expect that he guessed the beginning, but did not guess the end.

There is a hole under the big rock, but the depth of the hole is visible to the naked eye. It is only less than 30 cm high. It can be clearly seen from the surrounding situation. It was specially dug out hundreds of years ago. There is a pile of decayed boxes in the cave, but I don’t know what was in the box before. Now Liu Zhi saw only some things that rotted into black mud, and there was no other clue. .

   Putting his hand on the bottom of the cave, feeling the faintly dark atmosphere below, Liu Zhi raised his head and glanced up, scanning the big lighthouse here from time to time.

  I thought for a while, and finally Liu Zhi bit his teeth, taking up a little sun god’s divinity, and made a decision.

   "The Hades put here corresponds to the Underworld."

  As Liu Zhi's voice fell, a light flashed from the altar of the Hades on his waist, and then Liu Zhi only felt a phantom in front of him, as if the sea was pouring on him, almost rushing him out.

In the next moment, Liu Zhi found that he was already standing on the seaside of the Hades. The sky was still in the gloomy style of the Hades, but somehow, from time to time, there was always a scorching light shot out of the mist, sweeping across the top of the Hades. sky.

  Incorporating himself into the feathered serpent's divine nature, Liu Zhi could feel the suppressing effect of this beam of light on everything in the underworld.

Fortunately, in Liuzhi’s feathered serpent divine nature, in addition to the divine nature of death, there are several less underworld effects such as the sun, rain, and harvest. In addition, the underworld follows the path of the underworld ecosystem. It will need some sunlight, so it hasn't been affected too much. At most, just don't raise your head when the beam of light sweeps over.

After sweeping the beam of light above his head four or five times, Liu Zhi got used to it. He felt as if he was meditating under this beam of light. He would activate the effect of meditating on the boat before, and his magic power would increase a lot. .

This allowed Liu Zhi to make a decision. He stood in the middle of the Hades, holding the death rod, and leaning heavily on the ground. It was considered that Hades was temporarily placed here. During his game, Hades was in the middle of the game. This is the coordinate point in the underworld.

After the Hades was completely placed, Ryuzhi ran to the seaside of Hades. At this time, there were still a lot of corpses of Hennaga in the sea. It was Liuzhi who threw it in in advance, and it happened to meet him. The Hades upgraded, but Henna did not come to deal with it in a hurry.

Regarding these corpses, Ryuzhi is not in a hurry. His success rate in making Hennaga is not high. These corpses are mainly based on the corpses of underage Hennaga. Now they are directly transformed. Some are too wasteful. Ryuzhi planned to raise these corpses first, and wait for his success rate to be higher before dealing with them, to see if he could make a corpse soul naga with upgrade potential like Vidnina.

While Yanagi was considering the corpse of Hinaga, some Dead Lake murlocs ran to this side. These Dead Lake murlocs were all ordinary species. They did not have the potential to grow into professionals, but Liu Zhi still treated them Raised in the palace, after all, there is a lot of labor in the palace.

  At this moment, they were holding something in their hands, and they murmured while running.

  (End of this chapter)

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