Necromantic Myth

Chapter 236: Sun Boat (290 monthly pass plus more)

  Chapter 236 The Sun Boat (290 monthly pass plus more)

  Looking at the things in the hands of the fish in the Dead Lake, Liu Zhi's eyes lit up. He didn't expect these things to be rushed into the palace.

The fish people are holding the decayed boxes that Liu Zhi dug up before. The original black mud in the box may have been washed away under the impact of the waves, but the box has been washed away. The fish were salvaged.

  Liuzhi looked at the box sent by the fish people, and found that the fish people had arranged the box very carefully. Although the wood on the box had been rotten to the ground, the style of the box could still be seen by putting it together.

  Looking at the box in front of him, Liu Zhi always felt that something was not quite right. Each of the boxes in front of him looked like a boat with two ends cocked up.

  He asked the murloc to put the boat in front of him, and at the same time asked a little serious: "Is everything here?"

  A few murlocs nodded, but Liu Zhi ignored them, so he carefully spliced ​​the box together little by little.

The last weird wooden boat-like box appeared in front of him. As time has passed, the wood and everything has rotted away, so it is only a general shape. This boat has no sails, oars, etc., but willow Zhi got an unexpected message.

【Ding! Learn how to make ancient Egyptian solar boats and successfully master shipbuilding skills. 】

  【Shipbuilding (Level 1): Skilled in crafting ordinary boats and sampans, strength +0.1. 】

[Ancient Egyptian solar boat production plan: used to make ancient Egyptian solar boats. The boat is about 45 meters long and needs to be made at level 2 or higher in shipbuilding. If the shipbuilding reaches an extraordinary level, it will be able to build freely into and out of the underworld. The sun ship, if the shipbuilding skill reaches the legendary level, will be able to build a sun ship that freely travels between the sky and the sea. If the ship skill reaches the mythical level, a reissue version of the Rashen sun ship will be produced. 】

For learning shipbuilding, Liu Zhi didn’t care too much. This was just a relatively basic skill. In the past, Liu Zhi estimated that when he reached level 4, his power would increase to 1 point. At most, he can only be taken away. Just take Leif's twisted spine a little further.

  But the next moment the production plan of the ancient Egyptian solar boat scared Liu Zhi. He didn't expect that the solar boat could be connected with the underworld, and he could make a solar boat freely in and out of the underworld at an extraordinary level.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi's heart was moved. He still has an extraordinary sailor's deputy, and now he is missing the ship.

  Isn’t this just the ship delivered to the door?

  I glanced at my own experience. I don’t have much experience in killing murlocs, but I have a lot of experience in killing Hai Naga. Although all of them died in the hands of the Soul Naga in the end, Ryuzhi was somewhat divided.

  At this time, Liu Zhi also gained a lot of experience.

He checked the experience points needed for shipbuilding again. This shipbuilding is considered to be a relatively advanced and heavy physical work. Naturally, it will not be as easy as sailing and pulling ropes. There is also a lot of experience required, one level up to level two. At that time, 1,000 experience points are needed, and the experience of level 2 to level 3 is tripled.

  The most important thing is that the extraordinary step of upgrading from level 3 to level 4 requires a full 9000 points of experience.

  With the experience that Ryuzhi has now, even if it is all down, it is not enough.

As for the legendary and mythological level mentioned later, let alone, Ryuzhi used the machine to force the gem knowledge to level 7 on the Zeus. He didn’t even see the legendary level, let alone. It is said that there is only level 1 shipbuilding.

  The only thing that is placed in front of Ryuuji is his own shipbuilding method, but Ryuuji is a little unsure. If this boat is a good boat, it is 1 point of experience, or how much experience.

  If you have 1 point of experience in building a ship, Liu Zhi really doesn’t even know how to cry.

  In the end, Ryuzhi didn't say much. He took some wood in his hand and made a model of the sun boat, and then called a few spirit-side dead lake murlocs.

   "You guys, build a shipyard by the sea, about to be able to put down such a ship."

  Compared to the ordinary murlocs who talk and talk, the mental side of the Dead Lake murlocs are the best. They have learned the common language, and now they have begun to learn things like meditation.

After hearing Liu Zhi’s request, one of the dead lake murlocs said: “It’s very simple to build a shipyard. We have a much larger shipyard here, and we have more materials. We can build it if we want to. It’s not as spiritual as those naturally occurring buildings."

  The naturally occurring buildings mentioned by the Murlocs in the Dead Lake are actually the buildings in the city of Liuzhi. All of those buildings are embodied by the energy of the Hades through design drawings and materials, and have various functions.

  Dead Lake murlocs are not civilized, but they are not stupid at all. Of course, they can see the difference between some buildings in the city and the clunky and non-spiritual buildings of the city wall.

  Now Liu Zhi asked them to help build the shipyard, and they were worried that they would mess up.

  However, Liu Zhi didn’t care, "Okay, you can do it first, and I’ll talk about it after I get the shipyard’s drawings. By the way, I didn’t let you do things in vain. Look at this."

  Yagiji said while taking out the design drawings of the Abyss Demon’s Reef and the design drawings of the island reef hut, and threw it on the sea.

  With a burst of lightning and thunder, almost the reef rose from under the sea.

  The largest reef looks like an island where seven or eight people can stand on it. The island is full of ornaments made of seaweed and murloc skulls.

Among these decorations, there is a place where you can kneel down three murlocs. Liu Zhi pointed to those three places and said: "After you become priests, you can go up and control the waves and sky in this sea area. The thunder and lightning, but you are still a little weaker now, you have to work hard."

  When Ryuzhi finished speaking, a battle flag made of blue seaweed appeared in front of this small island. On the flag was a murloc holding a cast net and a harpoon.

  The remaining reef appeared on the shore, looking like a pile of reefs with seaweed houses appearing on the shore.

"These are the huts for you. You can only live in 50 murlocs in each area. You can choose yourself. I won't say anything else. You must let the strongest and most potential murlocs live in. If you do well, there will be such a building in the future."

  A few murlocs became more and more excited when they heard it, and they ran down quickly to convey the news.

  However, Liu Zhi noticed that when the Demon Reef of the Abyss appeared on the sea, the murloc with heroic potential was sneaking towards the island, seeming to want to climb to the island when people were not paying attention.

  (End of this chapter)

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