Necromantic Myth

Chapter 237: Murloc Hero (300 monthly pass plus more)

  Chapter 237 Octopus Heroes (300 monthly pass plus more)

  Under Ryuzhi's attention, the heroic potential murloc named Nasha has climbed to the island of the abyss demon reef.

  In fact, Nasha didn't know why he had such an idea, but when the Demon Reef of the Abyss rose up, he had an idea in his heart and did it like this.

  When he climbed onto the Demon Reef of the Abyss, he felt that the situation was not right. Standing on the island, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and struck him on the head.

  Nasha was just a little murloc at this time, only one-third the size of a normal murloc. When the lightning came down, he actually raised his hand and faced the lightning.

  This situation made Liu Zhi a little surprised. He looked at the mentally side murlocs beside him and asked, “Have you taught him well? Why does he look stupid.”

   "Yes, we have taught a lot of things, meditation, writing and everything."

At this moment, Nasha was plunged into the water by the lightning. He climbed up again and climbed towards the island. At this time, Liu Zhi noticed that Nasha was still following a few little murlocs. That should be It's his hero guard.

  They are also weak now like murloc eggs. At this time, they are all soaking in the water, constantly waving their weapons made of small sticks, as if they were supporting Nasha there.

  Encouraged by his heroic guard, Nesha once again climbed the Demon Reef of the Abyss.

  At this time, Nasha did not face the lightning head-on, but rushed forward before the lightning fell.

  His footsteps are quite weird, it seems that it is the counterattack footwork of the dark night, every time he can easily flash away the lightning, and quickly go to the center of the abyss demon reef.

   "Did he learn dark night stabbing swordsmanship?" Liu Zhi couldn't help but asked.

   "Yes, he is very talented and has already started learning the Z-shaped secret sword." Dead Lake Murloc answered honestly.

  At this moment, as a flash of lightning struck down, Nasha rushed to the position of the altar in the middle of the Demon Reef of the Abyss, and he threw directly on the ground, just in time that the lightning struck before the altar.

  Then Liu Zhi saw that electricity began to flow through Nasha's body, but compared to the lightning that could knock him out before, the current on his body was cleverly like a kitten this time.

  Nasha raised his left hand, and the current followed his arm and concentrated on the palm of his hand, and finally turned into a lightning ball.

  At this time, Nasha shouted loudly: "I, Nasha·Thunder King, will be your king."

His voice was not loud, but it spread throughout the sea. All the murlocs, whether they had grown up or just hatched, all stuck their heads and looked over there. Some little murlocs even Cry there, the king of thunder and lightning, the king of thunder and lightning!

  Looking at the situation in front of him, Liu Zhi turned his head and said to the few murlocs beside him: "He will be called Nasha·Raide·King of the Dead Lake. What kind of thunder and lightning do you want to live?"

After talking about Liu Zhi, he walked back to the Hades from the destroyed city wall. Although he looked a little angry, in fact, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. He had already received a reminder of his underworld ecology. The circle has been further improved.

  The tree-bound spirit waterweed-murloc system has taken another solid step. The heroic murloc in the hidden conditions has been achieved.

  With a murloc hero, the next thing is much easier. The abyss demon reef can be controlled by the murloc priest as well as the murloc hero.

  And as long as someone operates here, you can train two basic murloc occupations, the ocean wave warrior and the murloc hunter.

So when he left, Ryuzhi silently arranged Nasha, Thunder and King of the Dead Lake, into the Abyss Demon Reef, and at the same time sent the first batch of Dead Lake Murlocs to the edge of the Abyss Demon Reef. , Let them receive two basic professional training.

  Tide warriors are power-type occupations. They use weapons such as spears or harpoons, and they can be equipped with shields. These things can be made in Yanagi's blacksmith's shop, and they can be arranged later.

  As for murloc hunters, it is different. Normal murloc hunters use weapons such as short spears, holding a fishing net and casting net in their left hand.

  But among the dead lake murlocs under Liu Zhi, all the agile murlocs are in a semi-ghost state. They have undergone some training in stabbing swordsmanship. Now all the agile dead lake murlocs are proud of their good stabbing swordsmanship.

  Naturally, Ryuzhi will not change this. In his opinion, using a short spear or a thin stabbing sword is actually the same, and it does not affect them to learn another left-handed netting skill.

  After arranging the ten dead lake murlocs who are most likely to be employed on the edge of the Devil’s Reef in the abyss, Ryuzhi is ready to go to the center of the palace for a meditation.

  The requirement to upgrade his level to level 2 is very simple, level 2 in meditation, and level 2 in a special skill.

Now that the underworld ecosystem is about to reach the level 2 requirement, the three different tree-bound spirit systems have been completed. As long as 10 more underworld professional murlocs are trained, the tree-bound spirit waterweed-murloc system can be upgraded to Level 2, reaching the level 2 requirement of a tree-bound spirit system.

  At that time, he would only be able to meditate beyond the second level.

  So practice more meditation at this time, which is good for Ryuzhi.

  After completing a meditation, Liu Zhi visited the other two tree-bound spirits and then left the palace.

  At this time, the sky was already in the evening, and the originally fiery earth had already cooled a lot. The nearby Alexandria Lighthouse had replaced the copper mirror for reflecting sunlight and replaced it with a kind of flame light.

  When the light came on, Ryuzhi felt that there was a power in the flame that could burn everything.

  For this, Ryuzhi didn't pay much attention to this. He tidied up his clothes and replaced the bronze dagger hanging around his waist with the thin thorn sword that had just been taken out from the smithy of the Hades.

  His blacksmith's shop is still a bit too bad, and he can only play out this kind of ordinary equipment. The equipment with attributes used by the players has not yet been produced.

However, Liu Zhi did not pursue this much. The reason why he changed to the thin thorn sword was entirely because he was used to this kind of long sword, and more than half of his sword skills were on the thin thorn sword. Many tricks of the stabbing sword cannot be used.

  After hanging the thin thorn sword in the position he was accustomed to, Liu Zhizhi carried the death staff to Alexandria.

  As the sky got darker and darker, Liu Zhi used to light up the sun crystal on the death rod.

  But he soon discovered that as the sky darkened, some weird figures appeared outside the city.

  (End of this chapter)

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