Necromantic Myth

Chapter 238: Chaotic night

  Chapter 238 Chaos in the night

  As a necromancer, Liu Zhi no longer has any fear of necromancers and ghosts. Instead, he can learn about necromancers through his knowledge of necromancers.

He noticed that those who were walking in the darkness had no specific goals. They were like the wandering skeletons in the mass graves of Liu Zhi. They were only stimulated and crawled from their graves. come out.

It’s just that there are mostly civilians in the graves outside Alexandria. They don’t have the money to make themselves and their guards into mummies like the emperor, so these corpses did not have any special effects, nor did they produce corresponding intelligence. After seeing Liu Zhi from a distance, those weird figures would disperse automatically.

In this situation, Liu Zhi was a little moved. He even wanted to take these undead into his palace, but he thought about his plan behind, and finally shook his head, bypassing those who had already given way. The undead who left the road, walked towards the direction of Alexandria.

  As he approached the gate of Alexandria, Liu Zhi noticed that there were more guards at the gates that were not guarded at this time. People who entered and exited the gates were all led to one place, as if they were investigating something there.

  After a while, Liu Zhi was also invited here, and he asked curiously: "What's the situation?"

"The routine check every night prevents the ghosts from entering the city of Alexandria. You saw the dead spirits outside when you came just now. Although they don’t seem to have any wisdom, they are numerous, in case there is something inside. What should some wise people do? So every night, when entering and leaving Alexandria, you have to come down here to shine a light."

Speaking of the guards, he invited Liu Zhi under a light. Liu Zhi noticed that there was no difference in the light, but the lamp was a bit interesting. The lamp was actually made of bronze, made of the sun **** archery. Look like.

  The flame was on the tip of the arrow, and Liu Zhi noticed that the tip of the arrow seemed to rotate with the movement of people.

  Yagiji stood under the flame for a moment, and then the guard said: "Okay, you can go in."

  Ryuzhi couldn’t help but asked, “Is that all right?”

   "Otherwise." The guard said helplessly, "It's a tradition to go out of the city at night. As long as you don't find any ghosts in the city, you can go in and out freely."

  Out of town at night is this tradition?

   Hearing this, Liu Zhi couldn't help but smile. It seems that there are still things in Alexandria that others don't know, such as smuggling or the black market.

  But now Ryuzhi didn't have so much time to ask about this. He nodded to the guard and walked toward the city like this.

  As he walked into the gate of the city, Liu Zhi suddenly found a team that was working out of the city.

  This team is a combination of four or five men and one woman. From the equipment on them, it can be seen that they are going to explore.

  But it was the woman in the team that attracted Liu Zhi's attention. He seemed to have seen this woman on the Zeus before.

  It just seemed, wait, Liu Zhi noticed that the young man walking with the woman, besides his luggage, was carrying a small movable easel on his back. He remembered everything this time.

The woman seemed to be the fiancée of Carl Charles who was killed by Ryu on the Zeus, but when Carl was killed, she seemed to be mixed with a little painter, and I don’t know how they did it. .

"Where are they going?" Liu Zhi was somewhat curious. He didn't believe that as Karl Charles's wife, the woman would not know Karl's plan, but after thinking about it, Liu Zhi finally gave up. The thought of going up, carrying the death rod, walked into Alexandria like this.

Liu Zhi didn't know. When he entered the city, someone in the team also noticed him and asked about some of Liu Zhi's actions on the Zeus. After all, the death staff in Liu Zhi's hand was too eye-catching. Up.

  But Liu Zhi is already considered good. He used to hold the death rod wherever he needed to hold the death rod on the southern swamp plane, he always let the death rod follow behind him and move by himself.

  After returning to Alexandria, Liu Zhi could be regarded as seeing another side of Alexandria. During the day, he had seen the city’s excitement in the morning and quiet at noon. At night, the city has only one term, that is, chaos.

  In just a few short streets, Ryuzhi saw four or five large-scale hacking incidents. There was even a warrior who looked very fierce and hacked from the street to the end of the street.

Although they try hard not to involve passers-by, when the chaos arises, who cares whether you are innocent or not. It is common to set up stalls and hit other people's stores with a car. Fortunately those passers-by They are all used to it, and they know how to protect themselves in this chaos.

  When chaos quickly spreads to them, they can always find a place to hide themselves in the first place.

  In this way, Liu Zhi, who didn't have any evasive intentions, was quite dazzling.

  When a man being chased saw Liu Zhi, his eyes rolled, "Brother, someone is chasing me, they..."

Before that man’s words were finished, Liu Zhi’s thin stabbing sword had already pierced his eyeballs. If it hadn’t been for the guy’s reaction, plus Liu Zhi didn’t mean to kill, he could be left with this thorn. Pick out the eyeballs.

  At this time, the people behind also chased over. They didn’t understand what happened when they saw such a situation.

  In the chaos at night, it often happens that the eldest brother is blamed on others.

If the one who was framed was not proved in the first time, the people behind would often chop down along with the passer-by who was framed. Although the chaos will become bigger and bigger afterwards, the one that was chopped off at first will definitely not escape. It's not.

  Only those who directly prove their identity and strength in this way will stop to observe and analyze.

  One of the people who chased and killed last stood up, and he looked at Liu Zhi with some uncertainty, "That..."

   "He is yours." Liu Zhi didn't wait for them to finish speaking, but he lifted his foot and kicked the guy who wanted to blame.

  Then he lifted the death rod and walked away slowly, not caring about the machete in the hands of those people.

   "How can you be like this? If you didn't know that you did that, it would ruin that person's last bit of hope."

Hearing this voice, Liu Zhi didn't even turn his head. "Otherwise, why didn't you just stand up and say which person you are the boss? As long as you stand up and say something, do you know you are like this? Doing it is tantamount to ruining that person's last bit of hope."

  (End of this chapter)

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