Necromantic Myth

Chapter 239: Other players (subscription required)

  Chapter 239 Other players (subscription required)

  After saying this, Liu Zhi turned around. He noticed that a woman wearing leather armor and a spear was standing behind him at some unknown time.

  Looking at the wristbands and shoes on the woman’s arms and legs that were completely different in style, Liu Zhi's expression became a bit solemn, "player?"

  The woman snorted, "Gina of the Saint White Legion, Gina Diana, Level 2 Paladin."

Regarding encountering other players in the same game, Ryuzhi really didn’t think about it. He thought that this interplanetary game is that there will only be one player on a plane at a time. Now it seems that this is really not the case. But because the world of the game is too big and there are fewer players, I haven't encountered it.

   "Fourth Natural Disaster Returning Mission Sandro, Sandro Ironfast, Level 1 Necromancer."

"Fourth Natural Disaster Returning Group? I have never heard of it, a small guild, but you can be regarded as organized. Then your predecessors did not tell you that you should be kind to others in the game, and only treat those passers-by with sincerity. Those who will return to you with their sincerity, otherwise, no matter how strong you are, you will only be a lunatic who only knows how to kill. In the end, you are destined to fall into the abyss of blood and become cannon fodder."

"No." Liu Zhi said directly, "If you think I did something wrong, then you go back and save the guy who is about to be hacked to death by yourself, otherwise please don't force it in front of me. "

  "Young people, I am teaching you how to do things. Only by being kind to others can you receive more tasks."

   "This rain girl is nothing." After saying that, Liu Zhi turned his head and went in the other direction, not wanting to pay attention to this kind of guy who knew his brain was silly at first glance.

  Not long after Ryuzhi left, a woman dressed up similarly to Gina appeared beside Gina, the only difference was that she was still carrying a round shield on her back.

  As soon as she appeared, Gina greeted her and said quickly: "Tutor, just now..."

Listening to Gina talking about what happened just now, the woman nodded with satisfaction, "Gina, you did a good job. We should insist on justice. Don't forget that you are following the necromancer like the necromancer just now. Where did it come from? Look at it. Players who don't know Jade and don't have the guidance of the Grand Guild instructor can't take the level 5 step at all."

  Gina, who was encouraged, beamed her eyes and nodded heavily, "Well, teacher, I will definitely work hard."

  "Well, we will go out of the city tomorrow to find the purest power of revenge. This is an opportunity for you. As long as you can get the help of this power of revenge, then you can transfer to the vengeance knight at level 5."

Hearing the teacher talk about her future plans, Gina kept nodding her head, so she had forgotten Liu Zhi for a long time. As for the passer-by who wanted to blame, who was it, it was just for use. A prop to show her Gina Diana's righteous side. After showing the righteous side, who cares where this guy goes.

  As for Liu Zhi himself, he didn't know that he was used as a negative teaching material to educate students. At this time, he was looking around, planning to find a place to stay for the night.

In fact, Liu Zhi doesn’t have much demand for where to live. In the last game world, he could sleep even in the open air. He also lived in the jungle. The reason why he planned to pick a better place was to take a look. At this point in time, can he learn some new skills?

  After all, he already knows that only in the game can he easily learn various skills. In the real world, even if someone teaches it hand-in-hand, he can't achieve the effect that can be produced by hearing a few sentences here.

  This is exactly why, so many people are willing to play games, not to mention the harvest here, it is the way of learning here that makes people excited.

  Thinking about the most important things at hand, Yanagi finally chose a hotel called the Shipbuilder’s House.

At first, Ryuzhi came in for the name of this hotel, but after entering this place, he realized that he seemed to be walking in the wrong place. This is a hotel where boatmen live temporarily, but judging from the situation in front of him, it is in the lobby. Drinking is more of ordinary people wearing weird robes.

  When they saw Liu Zhi coming in, their eyes looked a little different at Liu Zhi.

  Liu Zhi was also taken aback at first, not knowing where to offend them, but after taking a look, Liu Zhi found that these people's robes had some ancient Egyptian style.

  At this time, a man who looked like a waiter came out. This man was in his thirties and seemed to be more savvy. He walked up to Ryuuji and whispered: "Sir, this is not for you."

   "Why?" Liu Zhi asked in a puzzled manner.

  The waiter glanced at the clothes on Liu Zhi.

  Liu Zhi looked down at him. He was wearing the most popular robe from the Roman Empire, and he used ordinary silk, as if there was nothing excessive here.

  Seeing that Liu Zhi was not clear enough, the waiter could only say in a low voice: "Sir, you haven't read it yet, they are waiting for the boatman, you come, the boatman will not come."

  Liu Zhi was a little confused, why he came here, the boatman would not come, he also wanted to find a boatman to learn about shipbuilding.

  But in the next moment, Liu Zhi immediately understood that the boatmen here are not shipbuilders, but solar boats.

In addition to being a ship on the Egyptian river, the sun boat also has another function, that is, as a ship to send people into the underworld. For the Egyptians, it may also be a set of coffins, or even used to make mummies. Necessary conditions.

  The robe of the nobles of the Roman Empire is obvious on Liu Zhi. It is true that he can walk freely in Alexandria, but what will the boatman think after seeing it? Has his behavior been targeted by the Roman Empire? Are you coming to check the water meter?

  Riuzhi is here, where would they dare to come out.

After understanding the situation, Liu Zhi is also a little helpless. He just wants to find a place to sleep, and then see if any boatman is willing to teach him how to build a ship, even if he does not tell him how to build it, the size of the shipyard can be anything. Ah, he doesn't know anything now.

  At this time, the waiter also saw that Liu Zhi understood and was waiting for Liu Zhi to leave on his own. As a result, Liu Zhi started to stay there, which made the waiter a little helpless.

  He couldn't drive Liu Zhi out, so he could only worry secretly there.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi suddenly picked up the wooden dinner plate and a knife on the table, and quickly processed them.

  (End of this chapter)

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