Necromantic Myth

Chapter 240: Shipbuilding skills improved (310 monthly ticket plus more)

  Chapter 240 Shipbuilding skills upgrade (310 monthly ticket plus more)

  The waiter watched Yanagi's movements, and was about to stop him, but found that under Yanagi's flexible hands, the wooden dinner plate was broken down into many small wooden strips, and then it was turned into something like a sun boat.

   "I want to learn how to do this, so I came here specially." Putting this thing on the table, Liu Zhi said.

  Believe you a ghost.

The waiter rolled his eyes in his heart. He couldn't tell. From the beginning, Liu Zhi didn't know what it was doing. If it weren't for his brainstorming, he might have been kicked out now, but Liu Zhi could do this. A model, he can't drive people out.

   At this moment, a man walked out of the corner. He glanced at the model of the sun boat that Liu Zhi put on the table. “It only has an appearance, and you don’t know anything inside. You are a novice.”

   "Yes." Liu Zhi said affirmatively, "I just learned it, but I need this kind of boat, and I need to build it myself."

   "Why, I'm asking why you want to build your own ship." The man looked up and down Liu Zhi.

   "I am a sailor, I want to build a boat of my own."

  Listening to what Liu Zhi said, everyone looked at Liu Zhi up and down. I have to say that Liu Zhi’s extraordinary sailor's deputy had a certain influence on him. Those people actually saw a hint of sailor's aura in Liu Zhi.

  The one who stood up also nodded, “Okay, I’ll just say it once, listen to it yourself, if you don’t remember, then I’m sorry, I won’t say it again.”

   Liu Zhi quickly found a place to sit down, and even took out paper and pen to make notes.

  It’s just that the man laughed, "Let it go, you don’t need it."

  As he stretched out his hand, he broke up the model made by Liu Zhi, and then he quickly talked about it, starting with materials, parts, and dimensions, and going all the way to assembly and final painting.

  I don’t know if he wants to be in a hurry or why. He speaks very fast, and when he speaks, he will use the model made by Liu Zhi as material and assemble it for Liu Zhi to see.

After the model was disassembled three times, Yanagi noticed that the model placed on the table had become like a complete solar boat. Even the masts, sails and rudders that were not available in Yanagi's previous data were installed. Up.

  However, after the model was completed, the person stopped talking and looked up at Liu Zhi, "Did you remember?"

  Liu Zhi glanced at his attribute column, and looked at the shipbuilding skills that had 371 more experience points after reaching level 2. He said seriously, "Thank you for your advice."

The one who didn't expect to get such a response, he frowned, "Then please leave. If you want to find a place to live, there is a Swordsman Inn nearby. If you still want to find someone to learn shipbuilding , Then walk out two streets, there is an inn for the servants of the Sea Emperor, where there are more shipping unions."

  Liu Zhi knew that this was driving people, he thought about it, and finally stood up and thanked him again, and then walked out like this with the death rod.

   Just as the boatman said, walking out of the two-condition position here, he really saw a servant hotel called the Sea Emperor.

  After asking the attendants, Liu Zhi found a master shipbuilder, spent ten gold coins, and got his overnight guidance.

  The next day, when Liu Zhi went out with dark circles under his eyes, his shipbuilding skills had already been upgraded to level 3 with 337 experience.

  If Ryuzhi is ruthless at this time, he can now forcefully push his shipbuilding skills to the 4th extraordinary level.

  However, Liu Zhi always feels a little uneasy. He needs to save the general experience to deal with some problems that may occur later.

At this time Nick and the others have also rushed here. Last night, they had already handed over the praises of the gods to a high priest who rushed to Alexandria temporarily. The high priest personally opened the sealed sheepskin bag. After confirming the praise of the gods inside, even if he took over this matter, he needed to rush back to Cairo, starting from the Zeus Temple in Cairo, and returning to the Roman Empire by boat.

  As for why it is so troublesome, it is not because of the influence of some rules of the Holy Roman Empire. This is a world where emperors and gods rule the empire together.

In order that the gods will not conflict because of their beliefs, each city will only have four gods resident at most. Except for the gods who built the city with their own hands, the other three gods are all based on gods and other means. Accounted for the share of each city.

  Although there may be a holy city like Athens that is monopolized by Athena, most of the cities are like this.

It may be better on the mainland side. On the overseas territories side, the situation is even more chaotic. Some earth-based gods also occupy the places of city gods. There are only two places on the entire African continent with the Temple of Zeus. One is Cairo. , And the other is in a place called Congo.

  Most people don’t know where the Congo City is. Most people regard the Zeus Temple in Cairo as the only one on the African continent.

  And when the high priest left, Nick also talked about the agreement with Ryuzhi.

  After hearing that Ryuzhi had helped them a lot, the high priest agreed to Nick's request and gave him some equipment that he could use for walking on the African continent.

  It is precisely for this reason that their original plan to buy some expedition equipment was crossed out. Nick planned to go to the iron pot cooking hotel and wait for Yanagi in advance.

  As they walked towards the iron pot cooking hotel, they happened to see Yanagi who was walking out of the sea emperor’s servant inn carrying the death rod.

  Yagiji didn't seem to be sleeping well, but after seeing Nick from a distance, Yuji still cheered up and greeted him.

  Looking at Liu Zhi still carrying a bamboo and rattan box, Nick was a little speechless, "Are you not prepared for exploration equipment?"

  Ryuzhi thought for a while, and pointed to his backpack, "I have everything in my bag. Don't worry, my bag is suitable for adventure."

Nick looked at the extra backpack that came out behind Liu Zhi, and finally shook his head, "Your bag is jungle style, right now we are going to the desert, where the most dangerous thing is getting lost and lack of water, so your equipment I still have to deal with it. You can bring less things like ropes and more water. Forget it, I'll take you to change some equipment. Don't worry, we have a suitable way, and we will definitely find good things. of."

  Speaking of Nick, he pulled up to Ryuuji and took him to find out where he was most suitable for the adventure store.

  (End of this chapter)

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