Necromantic Myth

Chapter 241: Departure (320 monthly pass plus more)

   Chapter 241 Departure (320 monthly ticket plus more)

  With Nick’s help, Liu Zhi bought some seven-to-eight exploration supplies and spent a lot of money, but Liu Zhi didn't care about it, but smiled happily.

Because in such a short period of time, Liu Zhi has successfully mastered seven or eight skills such as desert survival knowledge, heterogeneous mount riding, mount management knowledge, water source search, star positioning, etc. If he is the first time now If he enters the game, he can make him earn through rewards.

  And these skills are also useful, at least it can be guaranteed that if Liu Zhi were left alone in the desert, he would not die like that.

  After buying the things, Ryuzhi and the others did not go to the iron pot to cook the hotel. After supplementing the food and water, they rode out of Alexandria on the newly rented camel.

  On the way out of the city, Liu Zhi looked at some cars running on Alexander Street and couldn’t help asking, “Can this car run in the desert?”

   "I heard that it is possible, but someone drove into the desert before, and it only took a long time to drive the car. It seems that a large amount of sand was rolled into the car and the car could not move."

  Listening to what Nick said, Liu Zhi just remembered that this was an era like the eighteenth century. The kind of car that can be driven in the desert has not been studied yet. It is quite remarkable to be able to drive for a long time.

  They just said something to each other and walked out of Alexandria. At the moment of leaving the city, Liu Zhi seemed to feel someone staring at him, and there seemed to be a trace of hostility in his eyes.

This surprised Liu Zhi. He turned his head and looked in the direction he felt, and found that above the Alexander City Gate, a black-robed man with a black eagle on his shoulders was looking towards him. The man was wrapped quite tightly. Even the head and face were wrapped in black cloth.

   But for some reason, even if he was far away, Liu Zhi could feel the murderous intent in this man's eyes.

  "A dead enemy?" Liu Zhi sighed. Everything that should come when he gets up has come. Then take a look in the desert to see who is the prey.

  Ryuzhi thought while closing his eyes, Nick and the others controlled the camel, and he entered a semi-meditation state on the back of the camel.

Liu Zhi didn't know that when he entered the semi-meditation state of the Eye of Laxia, a strange look flashed in his black-robed man's eyes, and he also entered a state similar to semi-meditation, except that he was meditating. His route is exactly the opposite of Liu Zhi. He started from the underworld and followed the flying eagle into the mortal world.

It’s just that his meditation thoughts are somewhat flawed, and the entire meditation route is not complete. He needs to kill an Egyptian sun **** meditation practitioner, whether it is a believer in Ra, or a believer in Horus, or even Anyone else is fine, as long as you kill them and get their meditation success, he can take a new step.

  Unfortunately, in the entire province of Egypt, there are fewer and fewer followers of Ra and Horus, and fewer and fewer of their sects can take this step.

  Today, he just came to Alexandria to complete a task unintentionally, but he sensed the characteristics of Rasha’s Eye of Pluto. That was exactly what he needed, so that person had to die.

  After finishing today's routine meditation, Liu Zhi saved his last meditation. Now he is out of the city. Who knows what will happen outside the city, he always needs to leave a chance to meditate and return to the evil spirits.

So at this time, Liu Zhi watched as Nick was holding a map and commanding his hand to lead the way. He couldn't help pulling the camel's reins. Compared with horses that can walk freely, camels walked in a row. Although this reduces the fun of overtaking a lot, it also makes passengers more comfortable.

  Otherwise, how can Liu Zhi meditate while moving forward.

   Now Ryuzhi is more energetic, so he joined Nick and the others in the conversation.

  Everything that Liu Zhi has done before, also convinced the members of Nick's staff that Liu Zhi's strength, at least in terms of mental power, Liu Zhi is fine.

  And Liu Zhi naturally asked them about the relationship between the major temples of the Holy Roman Empire.

Although he has a certain memory, there are many things that can not be cleared by memory. Ryuzhi soon learned that there are still twelve main gods on Mount Olympus in the Holy Roman Empire as before. Under the twelve main gods, there are many subordinate gods with names and surnames.

  Most of these slave gods are transformed from the gods who conquered the land. One of the simplest conditions to become a slave **** is to have your own temple in a certain city.

But what surprised Ryuzhi was that among the twelve gods, more than half had changed. Among the gods left from ancient times, only Zeus, Apollo, Athena, Poseidon, and Hermes were the only ones left behind. Only five.

  All the rest was taken by powerful gods from all over the world. For example, the **** of war was snatched by Kratos, and the **** of moon and hunting fell into the hands of a giant wolf called Fenris and so on.

It can be said that the situation in the whole world is quite chaotic, but what makes Liu Zhi even more heart-warming is the situation Nick and the others said. In this world, people from time to time embark on the path of a demigod. They only need to build a city on their own and are willing to obey. The administration of the Holy Roman Empire has the opportunity to set foot on the mountain roads of Mount Olympus.

  As demigods, they will climb the sacred mountain themselves, and according to where they last stayed, the gods will give them corresponding status.

  The servants who can only walk to the bottom of the mountain are the **** servants, the demigods who can walk into the mountains, and the slave gods who climb halfway up the mountain. Only those who enter the fairy palace can receive the same treatment as the main god.

  While hearing this news, Liu Zhi suddenly asked, “If it’s not a demigod, but the founder of the city, can he climb Mount Olympus?”

  Nick glanced at Liu Zhi, and after a long time he said, "If you are beautiful, you can."

Only then did Liu Zhi remember that the style on Olympus is really the kind of unscrupulous, especially the main gods headed by Zeus, what can they do without anyone suppressing them? Come.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi couldn't help but shiver, and then Nick said again: "So if you want to go to Olympus, you should dig your grave honestly."

   "Huh?" Liu Zhi was confused.

"Don't pretend, I can see all your performances. If you really want to lift the curse, you would have rushed to the ground palace of Horus a long time ago. Where will it be like now, slowly studying, You also want to find the divinity left by Horus, but let me tell you that there was a reason Horus failed to go to Olympus, you understand..."

  Nick said as he glanced at the sun crystal on Liuzhi's death staff.

  (End of this chapter)

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