Necromantic Myth

Chapter 242: Young Eagle Warrior

  Chapter 242 Young Eagle Warrior

  A sound of an eagle swept across the sky, and Nick looked up at the sky, and said to Liu Zhi, "We are being watched."

  Yiuzhi nodded affirmatively. This was the seventh eagle chirp he heard in just an hour, and at this time they had entered the desert, and there was no normal food for flying eagles.

  But these eagles still flew here again and again, let alone an old driver like Nick, even Liu Zhi felt that it was abnormal.

   "Shoot the eagle down." Liu Zhi thought for a moment, then looked up at the flying eagle flying past the sky and said.

  Nick looked around helplessly, and then thought about the long-range weapons he had brought. Even the muskets in his team could not hit the flying eagles in the sky.

  This is why these flying eagles do not hide themselves along the way.

  Yagiji thought for a while, "Let me try it."

  Nick didn’t say anything, just watching Ryuzhi's performance there.

At this time, Liu Zhi pointed to the ground with the death rod. 9 weird skeletons crawled out of the desert. These skeletons looked about the size of normal skeletons, but he carried something similar to a long sword. The same thing, with a buckler in their left hand and two spears on their backs. On top of their heads, they wear a helmet that looks like an eagle. Just by looking at their equipment, you know that they are not the Roman Empire. Fighting style.

  Looking at the spears thrown on the backs of these skeleton soldiers, Nick couldn’t help but said, “Can they?”

   "I don't know, but this is their only chance. They will definitely give it a try."

  Yes, the 9 skeletons released by Ryuzhi are all ceremonial skeletons that have reached the final stage of the young eagle warrior. They have never killed a flying eagle personally, and there is no way to take the last step.

  Now one after another eagle flies over their heads, this place is an opportunity for them.

  The released ceremonial skeleton lay directly on the ground and bowed to Liu Zhi, then took his weapon and headed in the direction where Liu Zhi and the others had come.

Nick is the exclusive mercenary leader of the temple. Of course, he has seen many weird situations. This ability to summon skeletons can be seen from time to time in the temple of the Hades, but Nick really doesn’t see a skeleton like this that can act on his own. Over.

However, Liu Zhi did not take these ceremonial skeletons to heart. He still had several batches of these ceremonial skeletons in his hand, and they were all stuck in the last step. Liu Zhi planned to let them go out and hunt them by himself. If Eagle's method is feasible, then he will release all the ceremonial skeletons.

  This is much better than before he thought about buying some flying eagles to his Hades.

  After the ceremonial skeletons left Yuji and their team, they quickly lurked down.

For the ceremonial skeletons born in the jungle, the desert is an environment they have never seen before. The most important thing is that in the jungle, they can climb to the tree and wait for the flying eagle to pass by, while in the desert. But it doesn't work, they can only attract flying eagles through their own methods.

When the flying eagle passed by them for the third time to track Ryuzhi and their team, these ceremonial skeletons also made a decision. A ceremonial skeleton fell directly into the desert, pretending to be eaten. The finished bones.

  This is the instinctive action of the ceremonial skeletons. They know the preferences of flying eagles, and at least know what they will eat.

Not long after the ceremonial skeletons were disguised as bones, a flying eagle flew across the sky again. The flying eagle saw the corpse on the ground. Although it had orders, its instincts defeated the training it received. The eagle fell next to the ceremonial skeleton, wanting to see if there was anything to eat.

  At this moment, the ceremonial skeleton returned with a grasp and grabbed a flying eagle by the neck.

Compared with the ceremonial skeleton, the flying eagle is just an ordinary bird that has been trained. Even if it can be called the overlord in the sky in the sky, it is of no use if it is caught. .

  The flying eagle opened its wings and wanted to fly. As a result, the sacrificial skeleton quickly followed with his left hand, and cut off the flying eagle's head with the knife.

When the blood of the flying eagle sprinkled on the ceremonial skeleton, the body of the ceremonial skeleton changed slightly. On his hollow nose, there was an extra bone mask like the beak of an eagle. There are many more decorations made of eagle feathers on the top of his head, and there is also a cloak painted with flying eagle wings on his body.

  This ceremonial skeleton finally succeeded in taking that step and became a young eagle warrior.

  This made the other ceremonial skeletons move quickly, and the one who succeeded in taking up the post directly stepped aside and replaced a new ceremonial skeleton with the corpse.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi also received the corresponding message.

  【The ceremonial skeleton is successfully inaugurated as the young eagle warrior and begins to form the young eagle warrior army. Please organize and name the army. 】

Seeing the phantom of the battle flag in his hand, Liu Zhi was also a little stunned. The troops he had received before were all organized and well-named. Even the signs of the troops have been set. He can only Watching there, nothing can be affected.

  Although he was a little excited when he got the troops, Liu Zhi was somewhat unwilling in his heart.

  Now that the formation of this young eagle warrior army, Liu Zhi saw another idea.

  He thought about it for a while and whispered: "Named the Falcon regiment, full of 60 people, all members are young eagle warriors. When soldiers train to become eagle warriors, they can apply to enter the next level of troops.

  Yagiji's words fell, and the phantom of the flag in his hand changed a little, and some lines appeared on the flag. Under the control of Ryuzhi, the line became an eagle with its wings spread but not flying.

  After putting away the flag representing the Falcon regiment, Liu Zhi reached out and took the death rod. He pointed to the ground again and released all the ceremonial skeletons in the Hades.

  Watching these nearly seventy ceremonial skeletons stood up from the desert, Nick was taken aback.

   "What's wrong with you, what happened."

   "The skeleton I sent out just now caught the enemy flying eagle. If you want to come over there, you will find that the flying eagle has disappeared. Then I will simply kill all their eagles."

   After saying that, Ryuzhi waved his hand, and the ceremonial skeletons swiftly moved towards the way they came.

On the other side of the desert, a cavalry team of nearly fifty men has also entered the desert. All of this team is wrapped in black robes, holding a scimitar in hand, riding a war horse, and one on their shoulders. Just an ordinary flying eagle.

  After entering the desert, they dismounted their horses and went, waiting for the news that the flying eagle would be released.

  (End of this chapter)

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