Necromantic Myth

Chapter 243: ambush

  Chapter 243 Ambush

   "The situation is not right. Nearly ten of the flying eagles we released have not returned."

  Not long after entering the desert, suddenly someone in this group of men in black screamed.

The one headed by    looked up at the sky. They released another flying eagle just now, but just as the one said, nearly ten flying eagles have not returned.

This was impossible in the past. The eagles trained by them can fly back no matter how far they fly. As for natural enemies, it is even more impossible. There is no more powerful creature in this sky than the eagle. .


  The leader thought of an unlikely possibility.

"Attention everyone, let your eagle fly lower. I suspect that there may be a warcraft in the desert. We are here to chase down the enemy, not to kill the warcraft. If you encounter a warcraft, don't conflict. According to me Instructions for action."

  Speaking of this, the leader thought for a while, "Also, everyone keeps good horsepower. Our action this time is to help Alexios track down the enemy. Don't get yourself trapped."

  But soon they discovered that the situation was not right. After walking about seven or eight kilometers, the flying eagle on their shoulder seemed to become a little uneasy.

  This situation immediately attracted the attention of these people. The leader jumped on the horse and commanded loudly: "If you have a monster, you are ready to fight."

  But when everyone jumped on the horse and drew their swords, nothing happened. Only the horse was spinning around in a daze, not knowing what happened.

   "Weird what's going on." The man in black could not help but ask.

  At this time someone shouted, "Boss, look over there."

  The leader of the man in black looked in the direction that the man was pointing, and they found that behind a sand dune, there were many bones scattered on the ground. From a distance, it seemed as if there had been a great battle.

  What is the situation? Is it possible that there are very powerful enemies nearby?

  Before the leader of the man in black understood the situation, the flying eagles on the man in black seemed not to follow the instructions, and all flew towards the corpses.

  This situation caused the leader of the man in black to jump, and he commanded loudly: "Recover all the eagles and prepare for battle."

  But what did they see in the next moment?

  They saw their partners, when those cute flying eagles landed on the bones, they were caught by the bones.

   then killed the skeleton of the flying eagle, as if it had been affected in some way, a slight change had taken place. They gathered in twos and threes and walked slowly towards them.

  Seeing that their partners were killed in this way, the people in black only felt a surge of blood on their heads. They simply ignored the leader who was still there, carrying a weapon and riding a horse and rushed down.

  The leader of the man in black reacted at this time, and he shouted: "What are you doing, don't forget our mission..."

  But no one cares about the leader of the man in black, they only have one goal, to kill all the undead and avenge their flying eagle.

  Only the leader in black will be relatively calm, but in such a situation, what is the use of a person's calmness, and soon all the people in black rushed towards the sand dune on horseback.

  In fact, in the desert in front of you, the horse is not the best combat tool. Compared with the camel, the horse is not easy to run in the sand, so there is no way to play the advantage of the cavalry.

  When they launched the charge, the undead who had just gotten up from the ground also completed the gathering work. Without the command of the little bosses and heroes, they instinctively felt the threat posed by the enemy.

  Most of these ceremonial skeletons have killed a flying eagle and become a young eagle warrior. Although this is only a peripheral member of the eagle warrior, they will all have the training and cooperation that the eagle warrior should have.

  Facing the black-clothed man who rushed over on horseback, these ceremonial skeletons unanimously pulled out the spears behind them. When they rushed over, they raised the spears as a shot.

  A large number of spears descended from the sky. For some people in black, they were born on horseback. Seeing such a situation, their first reaction was to turn over and hide under the horse's belly.

The spear pierced the war horse and killed some war horses on the spot, but the men in black did not suffer much damage. Some men in black gave up their war horses and threw in with their scimitars. battlefield.

  At this time, the black-clothed leader couldn't help but sighed. He said a few words to the Eagle King, who had not been flying away on his shoulders, and then let the Eagle King fly off on the road when he was going, and he was ready to ride down.

But as soon as the Eagle King flew up, a spear pierced from the nearby sand, stabbing the Eagle King that had just taken off, and then three young eagle warriors who had been hiding here crawled out of the sand. , Holding a sword and shield, rushed to the man in black.

  Looking at these young eagle warriors holding swords and shields, the black-clothed leader cursed loudly, "Damn Romans, you all should be thrown into the yellow sand."

Speaking of the leader of the man in black, he took a long sword to fight the three young eagle warriors, but the reason why the young eagle warriors became one of the three Aztec legions is their own reason. .

  They have the ability to fight alone, but when there are several people together, they will automatically divide the work. One acts as a meat shield in front, one attacks with a long sword on the side, and the other uses a spear to influence.

  The most important thing is that their battle formation can be transformed at any time, and all characters can be switched freely.

  The leader of the man in black is also an extraordinary person, and his strength level may be around level 2. Although his extraordinary abilities may be placed on his own Flying Eagle King, his combat power is still a little bit.

  But under the battlefield of the young eagle warrior, he actually has some things to care for and lose the other.

  And a young eagle samurai who was idle even killed his horse, causing him to fall off the horse, almost unstable.

  Taking this opportunity, the skeleton who had been holding the front as a meat shield stepped forward, and the long sword in his hand slashed towards the leader of the man in black.

  Then the remaining two also seized this opportunity. The spear and the long sword pierced from two different angles, successfully killing the leader in black.

  At this time, the men in black who had rushed out a long time ago and the ceremonial skeletons who had just taken office as the young eagle samurai finally fought together.

  (End of this chapter)

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