Necromantic Myth

Chapter 244: Teams in the desert (330 monthly pass plus more)

  Chapter 244 The teams in the desert (330 monthly ticket plus more)

  Half an hour later, Liu Zhi, who was on the way, seemed to feel something. He turned his head and glanced at the direction of his party when he came, thought about pointing to the ground, and released the cadaver truck.

  Looking at Liu Zhi's operation, Nick shook his head involuntarily. He didn't quite understand now. Is this Sandru a believer in the sun god, or a believer in the Emperor of Hades.

  Why this operation is getting more and more incomprehensible.

  However, Liu Zhi didn't need anyone to understand. When he was resting that night, the corpse cart and ceremonial skeletons that Liu Zhi let out were all rushed back.

In addition to bringing back 55 human corpses, the cadaver truck also brought back nearly 60 horse corpses. This is a good thing for Liu Zhi. After mastering the knowledge of mount management, Liu Zhi found that he seemed to be The new mount of Skeleton Horse can also be transformed.

  The difference now is the corpse of the horse.

  This is a supplement to Ryuzhi. In addition, the cadaver truck also collected some snake and scorpion corpses from the road. Although the number is not large, it can be regarded as a surprise.

As for the ceremonial skeletons, the situation is not so good. He released a total of more than 70 ceremonial skeletons, but the number returned did not reach 60, and only 44 of them were successfully transformed into young eagle warriors. It's an ordinary ceremonial skeleton.

  Yagiji thought about it and understood. After all, it is unrealistic to assign all the ceremonial skeletons to an eagle, and even if it is transformed into a young eagle warrior, it is not invincible. Even a dragon may be killed.

  It’s already pretty good to be able to take back such a batch of troops back. Looking at the ceremonial skeleton returning in front of him, Liu Zhi couldn't help but sigh.

   "I don't know who raises so many flying eagles. It would be nice if I could get the skills to raise eagles from them."

Liu Zhi didn't know. At this time, in the desert, a man in black robes riding a camel with a camel was looking helplessly at the sky. He was staring at Liu Zhi at the gate of the city before. That one is Alexios in the collar of the man in black.

  On the back of the camel behind him is food and water, and beside him is a long sword and a spear.

  At this time, the expression of this Alexios was not so good-looking. He was originally going to Alexandria to complete a certain task, but he accidentally saw Liu Zhi, and then he decided to catch up and hunt him down.

  But he also knew that his task must be completed ahead of time, so when he was rushing to do the task, he also invited the tracking team in the organization to track the whereabouts of Liu Zhi.

  At the beginning, flying eagles would send messages from time to time so that he, who had completed the task and was ready, knew where to go, but when he had completely entered the desert, the flying eagles had interrupted.

  This made him quite speechless. If he hadn't had a good relationship with the leader of the tracking team, he even thought that he had fallen into the conspiracy of his sister and was likely to be ambushed by his sister.

   Thinking of this, Alexios touched the sword and spear beside him, and said with some triumph.

"It's useless, sister, no matter how conspiring you are, you can't face absolute strength. The sword of Damocles and the spear of Leonidas are in my hands, and I have found a way to go further, even if you What's the use of ambushing me? Soon I will become the son of the **** of order, and eventually I will stand in the highest position."

While talking and laughing, Alexios controlled the camel to move forward, but he quickly looked up at the sky with some doubts, "Where should I go next, **** it, they didn’t say good news about it. Do you believe me? How come there is no news at all."

  At the same time, there is still a group of people walking in the desert. If Liu Zhi meets them, he will find that this is the Saint White Legion Gina he met last night.

  It's just that there are five people in this team, and Gina is just the weakest of the five.

Headed by    is Gina’s teacher, the paladin carrying a shield, and the remaining three are also paladin players, but unlike Gina, they are all male, and each has its own characteristics.

One of them was leading the way. He was wearing a plate armor that seemed to be quite heavy. He walked on the sand with ease. I don’t know if it was his ability or what was the reason. He didn’t even stay on the sand. Make any footprints.

  This paladin is carrying a two-handed epee on his back. It can be seen that he is that kind of attacking existence.

Following this is a paladin holding a small buckler and battle axe. Compared with the heavy plate armor before, the armor on his body is much simpler, he only has one piece on him. The chain armor, if it weren't for the helmet on top of his head that could cover his face, and a white burqa with a badge on his body, no one would believe that he was a Paladin.

The last one is quite ordinary. He didn't even wear any armor, but was wearing an ordinary linen clothes. He carried a small wooden hammer in his hand, just like the kind of hammer used by judges. There is no preparation, the whole person is very relaxed, as if walking at the end of the line.

   However, judging from the attitudes of several others towards him, this is the boss who suppressed the team, and even the teacher of Gina is just a member of the team.

At this time, Gina’s teacher was walking in the desert with his luggage and equipment, and said to Gina: "Gina, pay attention to breathing. This is a test for you. In this game, you only need Work hard to strengthen yourself. The other chores can be handled by the master and two other church members. Remember the goal I gave you, get the power of revenge, and take the key step to becoming a vengeful knight."

  Faced with Gina's instructor's brainwashing statement, Gina nodded hard, raised her own little grudge, and tried to resist the influence of the desert type on her.

But the other three Paladins could only shook their heads helplessly. This world was originally their mission world, but Gina’s mentor didn’t know where to find out. They might find the power of revenge where they were going to complete the mission. For clues, I paid the money and came along.

   Now it seems that bringing them together is equivalent to bringing two walking troubles.

  The paladin in full body armor couldn't help but whispered: "Teacher, do we want it?"

  The one wearing the linen clothes shook his head, “One thing she said is correct, we can’t use the power of revenge, and having a vengeful knight is good for our Saint White Legion.”

  (End of this chapter)

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