Necromantic Myth

Chapter 245: Madfuna City (340 monthly pass plus more)

  Chapter 245 Madfuna City (340 monthly pass plus more)

  Abydos, now renamed Madfuna, is another Egyptian provincial city at the end of the desert. Compared to a big city like Alexandria, the city in front of you is not that big.

  Except for the temple of Olympus, which must have a temple, most of the faith in this city is in the hands of the Egyptians.

  The four temples in the city belong to the sun **** Apollo, the goddess of life Isis, the goddess of medicine Sekhmet, and the guardian of the desert travelers, Min.

I heard that there were originally the temples of Osiris and Anubis, but their power was similar to that of the Hades. In the end, they were also driven out of Abydos city, so that a few would not seize the important thing. The gods of the priesthood shared here.

However, it can be seen from the gods left here that it is more suitable for old-age care. Min can protect people from coming here safely through the desert. The existence of the two goddesses of life and medical care will make the lifespan of residents here longer. a lot of.

  When entering this city, Liu Zhi noticed that there were many old people who looked very old on the roadside walking leisurely on the street, it seemed that time did not affect them at all.

   "Well, we have arrived at Madefuna, where are we going next?" Nick asked curiously.

"Fifty miles south of Madefuna, there is a valley where one or a group of sphinxes live. I received a commission from Thoth to help send something there. Sphinx will send us where we want to go."

   "Oh, Sphinx, this is a good opportunity, I haven't flown in the sky yet." Nick laughed as soon as he heard it.

"Then let's take a rest. Walking in the desert these few days, I feel that my whole person is about to dry up. Let's take a good rest in this city. If we leave early tomorrow morning, we will be able to get to where we are going. "

  Ryuzhi felt that the road was quite smooth. I believe that it will not take long before he can complete the adventure mission and go back to deal with the main task.

Nick didn’t say anything about Liu Zhi’s suggestion. In order to protect Liu Zhi, they have had a hard time these days. They have to arrange a night watch every night, and they can’t sleep well on camels during the day. After all, they can’t. Like Liu Zhi, you can meditate on a camel.

  So they also need to take a good rest.

  So after a few people arranged the rented camels, they found an inn and moved in first.

   Under the instructions of the waiter, Liu Zhi, who was still alive, ran to Madfuna to find something to eat, but Nick and the others went to sleep instead.

Liu Zhi was walking freely in the city with a death rod. Maybe it was because the city was not very big. Maybe the city was a place for the royal family or nobles of Egypt to provide for their elderly care. The whole city looked very good. clean.

  At the same time, there will be some hidden shadows of Egyptian gods in the city.

There is no way to hide Liu Zhi from this point. You must know that he had walked countless times in the ruins of the Golden City before, not to mention the murals. Even the brick and Liu Zhi of the Golden City can be read three times from above. A story to come.

  Not to mention that these people have no hidden thoughts at all.

  Liu Zhi noticed that in this city, there are four jars at the door of many people's homes. There are also weird decorations on the jars, which look like human heads, hunting dogs, baboons and eagles.

  Yagiji wanted to go over and take a look at what was in the jar, but he was still approaching and was stopped by nearby residents.

  Ryuzhi was not angry, so he asked for directions. Under the guidance of the resident, he found a famous restaurant nearby.

  Although it is not the time for them to eat, this restaurant is still open. Compared with the Romanized food style in Alexandria, it still maintains the characteristics of ancient Egypt.

  The food here is generally grilled. As soon as you enter the door, you can see a huge cow slowly roasting on the fire. There are whole lamb, duck and goose beside the cow.

   Leading Liu Zhi aside, the waiter first served Liu Zhi with wine and bread. It can be seen that this should be the staple food.

  Yagiji thought for a moment, and gestured at the beef.

  The waiter hesitated, and finally took a look at Liu Zhi, and confirmed that Liu Zhi looked like a nobleman, and then nodded.

  It can also be seen from this point that there are still certain requirements for status levels.

  While the chef helped Yanagi cut the roasted beef, the waiter also brought some roasted goose to Yanagi and a large bowl of stew.

Liu Zhi nodded in satisfaction. He clearly saw that there are a lot of spices in the food. From this point, it can be seen that their research on food is relatively adequate, although it may not be as good as the things he previously ate Level, but the entrance is not a problem.

   Just when Ryuzhi was about to eat, he heard a voice from a distance.

   "The Cullinan restaurant refers to this restaurant. Let's have a good meal."

If it’s other voices, at most, Ryuzhi would assume that there are new guests coming in. This is not a bar in the western United States. Any outsider will attract the attention of everyone in the bar. But this voice is too familiar. Isn’t it the same as before. Was the voice of Evelyn, who had been asking for trouble on the Zeus?

  Yiu Zhi turned his head in the direction of the sound, and found that Evelyn was dragging Richard into it, and behind them were a few men dressed as mercenaries.

  Before Liu Zhi could react, these mercenaries quickly dispersed, and three people walked out from behind.

One of these three people seems to be the leader of this trip. From his appearance, he should be a wealthy businessman, and the other should be the personal butler of the wealthy businessman. Go next to the rich businessmen.

  The last one is a bit weird. Judging from his appearance, he should also be a butler of a wealthy businessman, but his temperament is even stronger than that of a wealthy businessman.

  At this time, he was carrying his hands on his back, and there was a pair of iron **** in his hands. Those two things didn't look like products of this era. When they turned in his hands, they kept colliding, making the sound of metal rubbing against each other.

  When he walked into this restaurant, he still didn't care much, but when he saw Liu Zhi, his face seemed to change a little.

  Finally, this one walked straight to Liu Zhi, "I discovered things first, brother, you came at a different time."

  As soon as he spoke, Liu Zhi guessed the identity of his player, but Liu Zhi still said something.

   "I don't know what you are talking about."

  (End of this chapter)

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