Necromantic Myth

Chapter 246: ambush

  Chapter 246 Ambush

"Heliopolis, isn't it?" The person staring at Yuji, "you guessed it, the entrance to Heliopolis is in the Horus underground palace behind the Valley of the Kings, but you just Don't want to enter Heliopolis, I won't let anyone ruin my plan."

Liu Zhi was confused, but he could still see that the man in front of him seemed to be here for treasure hunting. He didn’t know what methods he used or how much effort he had spent. Rus went to the thing hidden behind the palace, and Ryuzhi who appeared here became his enemy.

   Thinking of this, Ryuzhi pushed the tableware forward, "Want to have a fight?"

  The man snorted, "I won't fight you, but don't forget my words, everything is mine, I won't let you ruin my plan, you can't walk through the Valley of the Kings."

After speaking, he returned to the rich businessman's back and talked to the rich businessman. At this time, Evelyn and Richard also noticed the existence of Ryuzhi. Richard smiled awkwardly at him. As for Evelyn was very angry there, as if he had done something to sorry them.

  With these people there, Liu Zhi's mood for eating was gone. He didn't even look at the food on the table. He pushed the rest of the things out, dropped a gold coin, got up and walked out.

  When Liu Zhi left, the wealthy businessman almost listened to what the player said, and his eyes looked a little different when he looked at Liu Zhi.

  He thought for a while, and whispered something to the housekeeper beside him, and the housekeeper stepped back.

  After a while, Ryuzhi, who was walking in the city of Madefuna, suddenly felt that the situation was a little bit wrong, and it seemed that there were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the street.

   looked up at the sky, it was still daytime, and even a fool knew that the situation in front of him was dangerous.

   Liu Zhi frowned, and the death rod thrust into the ground.

   "Flash burst!"

  As Yanagi roared like this, a strong light burst from the sun crystal on the death rod.

  Some people screamed in the alley nearby, and then Ryuzhi saw some local civilians stumbled out of the weapon with weapons.

  Those people covered their eyes with one hand, and rushed around. It was obvious that they had no fighting power.

  Looking at the appearance of such a person, Liu Zhi let out a cold voice.

  He can't tell where they are, these people are here to deal with themselves.

  This is not the city of Adal-Marik, nor is it the kind of place where the undead troops are not allowed to be placed in the real world. Seeing this, Liu Zhi lifted his hand and a batch of undead troops were released.

  The first ones who came out were naturally two corpse soul naga, who protected Ryuzhi's side as soon as they appeared.

  Next came out is the strongest defensive Golden Skeleton Troop. Under the leadership of Rusty Bone, this troop turned into an attacking troop and ran towards the scurrying people.

  All the golden skeletons hold in their hands are iron chain hammers. As long as this kind of thing hits a person's head, it will be dead.

  For the enemy, Ryuzhi doesn’t care what the opponent’s background is. If he wants to calculate himself, he has to face the consequences of being killed by himself.

  He watched the Golden Skull rush towards those people, holding the chain iron and hitting the half-blind crowd.

At this time, some people also resisted, but the weapons in their hands were far from the golden skulls of Liu Zhi, and they were not undead, so how could they meet the undead troops who are not afraid of death? In just three or two, some people threw away their weapons and escaped.

   Just as Liu Zhi wanted to order the hunt, he suddenly felt that his surroundings seemed to be affected in some way, and a strange breath came out from the small courtyard around him.

  Liu Zhi noticed that the four kinds of jars placed in front of the courtyards of each house had exploded, and a large amount of yellow sand poured out from the jars.

These yellow sands looked quite spiritual. They quickly formed some weird corpses. These corpses were dry, their faces sunken, and they were wrapped in a lot of yellow bandages. They were holding weapons such as machetes, yes. He screamed at Liu Zhi.

  "Mummy?" Liu Zhi called back his golden skull as soon as he saw the situation here.

  After the Golden Skulls surrounded him, Liu Zhi was about to try to summon other undead troops out again. At this moment, a voice rang.

   "Leave, we have no intention of being an enemy of you, but we don't want to see you hurt people here."

Liu Zhizheng wanted to say something, but he immediately remembered what Thoth had said before. Outside this city is the Valley of the Kings. There is almost the most chaotic place in the entire underworld of Egypt. The pharaohs buried in it have not been more than a thousand years old. .

It is not a problem to defeat the mummies here, but after fighting these dead people, you must know that most of the city in this city are originally members of the royal family or nobles of Egypt. They are inextricably linked to the pharaohs in the valley of the kings outside. contact.

Thinking of this, Liu Zhi snorted, pointing to the pile of mummies and said: "Well, I give you this face, not because I am afraid of you, but because this is your territory, but next time someone will provoke you. As for me, even if I pick the entire Valley of the Kings, I won't stop like this."

"it is good."

  After the voice said, all the mummies turned into yellow sand again and returned to their jars.

  And Liu Zhi also received all the undead into his own palace.

Just when he turned to leave, Liu Zhi seemed to hear a sentence, "Hmph, pick up the entire Imperial Valley, who can't brag about it, you might as well blow the sea water over and poured it back into the Imperial Valley, so that you have a brain hole when you blow it up. It."

  Liu Zhitou didn't even look back. He had already reached an agreement with the people who controlled the mummy, and there was no need to start the war again on this trivial matter.

  He just snorted and walked out of this street.

Not long after Liu Zhi left, the door of the small courtyard on the street opened like this, and some older Egyptians walked out from the inside. They all looked at the outside with some worry, and finally one of the old men said .

   "Go back and tell your master, we won't be involved in this matter. It's too scary. That guy is a believer in the **** of death."

Among this group of Egyptians, the wealthy business butler whom Liu Zhi had seen before was mixing in. He shook his head in a puzzled manner. "I heard that it seems not. He seems to be a believer of the sun god. The sun **** uses death. Strength, this is really interesting, I think the Temple of Apollo would be happy to see that one of the credits goes to him."

  (End of this chapter)

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