Necromantic Myth

Chapter 247: Sphinx

  Chapter 247 Sphinx

  Whether the Temple of Apollo has received any reports, no one knows this, because before the Temple of Apollo reacted, Ryuzhi and Nick had left the city of Madfuna.

  Ryuzhi is not a fool. Of course he understands that if a player is staring at Horus’s underground palace, then the things hidden underneath will definitely not be that simple.

   is likely to be like the Golden City he encountered in the last game. On the surface, it is a place where a necromancer is employed, but underneath is the divinity of the feather snake god, and there is even a demon player.

  In the current situation, it must be who gets the upper hand first, and Liu Zhi won't wait for that player to pass first.

  After Nick and the others were about to rest, Ryuzhi and the others went on the road with their luggage.

  As for camels, Ryuzhi doesn't plan to rent them anymore. Who knows what the Sphinx eats, if he accidentally eats all the camels.

  In addition, the place is not far from Madefuna, and their strength is not bad, so they simply walked over like this.

   After walking for about four hours, they were out of the city in the middle of the night. When the sun was about to rise to the top, Ryuzhi and the others finally came to a place about fifty miles south of Madefuna.

This is a small valley. In fact, after passing the city of Madfuna, the land type composed of valleys and deserts is the main land type here, and the legendary valley of the kings is also the same, and it is even said that all the peaks there are All have been dug up and turned into the tomb of the pharaoh.

  The valley in front of you is not as big as the legend, but is shrouded in a layer of yellow sand. If you don’t go here especially, no one will notice that there are living creatures in this valley.

  But after Ryuzhi and the others got here, Ryuzhi directly digs out the box that Thoth gave him from his backpack.

   Then Liu Zhi said loudly: "Is there anyone, is there any beast? I'm here to deliver something."

  Ryuzhi's words fell, and a violent wind rushed toward her face.

Liu Zhi has a good understanding of wind. After all, his extraordinary powers have mastered the art of strong wind, but his strong wind that can blow sailing ships is nothing under this strong wind. Liu Zhi just feels like he has been blown up. I can’t control myself at all.

  At the next moment, the wind stopped unexpectedly. Liu Zhi looked down and found that he seemed to be standing in the air. He looked down at his position with a bit of speechlessness, as if he was still in the air at this time.

  What's the situation? Although he has seen the battlefield from above the universe, he can't fly.

  Before Yuji went down, a huge sphinx appeared in front of him.

The sphinx in front of me is more than 20 meters high and more than 50 meters long. If it is a long tail, it will be about 70 meters long, with a pair of wings spreading nearly 30 meters, and that’s it. Unfolding flat, the strong wind rolled back down his wings and fixed him in mid-air.

The face of this sphinx is more than five meters long. It is an ordinary and majestic face. On his head, he wears the unique royal family of ancient Egypt. It has fan-shaped "Namus" turbans hanging down on both ears. The kind, with the decoration of a cobra engraved on the forehead, I don't know why a lion would use such a decoration to dress himself up.

  His lower jaw has a drooping long beard. The long beard is at least seven meters long and is tied into a bunch, which looks full of wisdom.

  The Sphinx looked up and down at Ryuzhi, and then the lion's claws stretched forward and beckoned to something on the ground, and the box given by Tot flew in front of the Sphinx.

He didn't open the box either, just put the box on his fingertips, and said with some nostalgia: "It's the **** of wisdom. Since the exhibition of Abydo Stott's **** was removed hundreds of years ago, I have never I haven't seen Thoth."

  Liu Zhi didn’t know there was such a thing, and he didn’t know what to say.

At this time the sphinx said: "Well, this thing is for my clan king. I will take you to see the king. By the way, let some of your men follow in, but you have to remind Good them, don't mess with things in the valley."

  He didn't wait for Liu Zhi to react, but a gust of wind whistled away. When Liu Zhi reacted, he had already fallen back to the ground.

  Ryuzhi always feels that something is wrong, as if there is something important in the box and he doesn’t know it.

  But after thinking about it, Liu Zhi didn't plan to fight his brains with the so-called Wisdom God. The Wisdom God’s brains are generally better.

  Wait, Liu Zhi suddenly flashed the shadow of a somewhat lost wisdom **** in his heart for some reason.

Shaking his head, Liu Zhi said to Nick and the others: "Okay, let's go into the valley, but you saw the one just now, Sphinx. He said that when we go in, be careful not to disturb the inside. thing."

  Nick is not a fool. They naturally know when they can’t move and when they can carry everything away like a tomb raider.

  In the process of entering the valley, Nick and the others are all honest, and a little brother next to Nick is still there jokingly said.

   "This time the task is to follow along. It is so much easier than the previous task."

Liu Zhi ignored him, but looked at the situation in the valley. After entering the valley, Liu Zhi understood why the sphinx should not disturb the contents when he came in. This valley is clearly the sphinx. Of the lair.

In addition to two sphinxes about the size of the sphinx just now, there are about forty sphinxes the size of ordinary horses, and about ten sphinxes the size of elephants. There are four sphinxes that are 20 meters long and more than ten meters high.

  It can be said that there are sphinxes of all levels.

   On both sides of the valley, there are a large number of one-person-high eggs. These eggs look like rocks, and they seem to be weathered when the wind blows.

  On the top of each egg, there is a green gem. Those gems seem to have a kind of light of life, and they are breathing gently with the wind.

   Even if he reached level 7 of gem knowledge, Liu Zhi was stunned when he looked at these gems. He could only confirm that these gems were real gems, but could not judge why it became such a state.

  At this moment, the sound of the previous sphinx rang again.

  "This is our king, the contemporary Sphinx."

  Liu Zhi looked up, only to realize that they had been led to a mountain wall. The 30-meter-high mountain wall turned out to be a half-asleep human face.

  (End of this chapter)

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