Necromantic Myth

Chapter 248: Riddles and stories (350 monthly pass plus more)

  Chapter 248 Riddles and Stories (350 monthly pass plus more)

   "Let's guess a riddle." The huge Sphinx's eyelids moved lightly and said directly.

  For an existence like Ryuzhi, he didn't pay attention to it at all. When he reached his level, he would definitely play whatever he wanted.

   Regardless of what the uncle thinks, Liu Zhi still can only suffer.

  The one who didn't wait for Liu Zhi to answer whether he was willing to participate, he started to talk about it.

   "Something can fly but never walk, has a mouth but never speaks, has a head but never sheds tears, and has a bed but never sleeps."

  Yagiji, feeling a group of crows flying above her head, is this a riddle, a child’s riddle?

  The imposing Sphinx became excited, "Quickly guess, quickly guess, there will be a prize if you guess it, and you will be punished if you can't guess it."

  Ryuzhi thought for a moment, "River."

"Well, you are a clever boy." Seeing that Liu Zhi guessed the riddle, the excitement of Sphinx dissipated. Not only did the sphinx stretch out from there a thing like a cane, in Liu Ji's He touched the top of his head, "That's it, you are going to the palace of Horus, right? A little lion will take you there at night, I want to rest."

  There was no slightest dissatisfaction with Liu Zhi, but a glimmer of excitement flashed in his eyes. Just when he was gently touched by something like a cane, he received the reward the Sphinx said.

  This piece of information is evidence.

【Ding! Complete the riddle of the sphinx, get the approval of the sphinx, spirit +3]

Sphinx’s approval is nothing. What’s important is the spirit +3 behind it. Ryuzhi never thought that Thoth’s mission would make such a profit. Just running errands would give him enough mental power. It's a 6-point improvement. For Liu Zhi, this is a rhythm that almost doubles.

  This kind of thing has to happen several times, and Liu Zhi can stand up and say that he is a serious mage.

  Nick and they don’t know why Ryuuji laughed so happily. Nick asked with some worry: "Are you sure they will take us to the underground palace?"

When asked by Nick, Ryuzhi hesitated. Finally, he said, "It should be. I suspect that what Thoth gave to the Sphinx is going to the underground palace, although I don’t know it is. What, but this must be important, so they will definitely pass it once, and we just hitchhiked."

   "But they have no reason to take us there." Nick is still a little worried, "They can go there by themselves."

   "I think they must be useful to our place, or directly say they are useful to me."

  Listening to what Liu Zhi said, Nick also nodded. He took his subordinates to be relatively honest, anyway, their task was to accompany Liu Zhi to come over this time, and it would be finished if he solved his curse.

  As for how to talk to the Sphinx, it is his own business.

  For the next half day, the Sphinx seemed to have forgotten Liu Zhi and the others, and did not control Liu Zhi and them, and did not let them do anything, just doing their own things.

  Such time, Ryuzhi will naturally not waste. He ran to talk to those little sphinxes who were only the size of horses, and learned some history about sphinxes from them.

Regarding this, the big Sphinxes did not come out to stop them. After all, what Liu Zhi asked was only historical knowledge, not their basic magic. These are just equivalent to their bedtime stories. Liu Zhi listened as much as he wanted.

  However, Liu Zhi is different. He is a systematic person. All kinds of knowledge will be useful to him, because he knows that great wisdom is often hidden in history.

  Yagiji listened to the story for half a day, from which he heard about the origin of the Sphinx, the enemies of the Sphinx, the historical wars they participated in, and so on.

After that, Ryuzhi got the news unexpectedly that a necromancer wanted to make undead similar to the sphinx. They used griffon and scorpion to make it. In the end, the griffon product did not Success, instead of combining lions and scorpions with humans to become a kind of undead creature.

  This kind of creature is called Lamasu. There were a lot of this kind of creatures for a while. It fought a battle with the Sphinx, and was finally destroyed by the Sphinx.

However, this method of making Ramasso is still preserved, and according to Sphinx, the method of making Ramasso is quite mature. If you train well, it is possible to grow to Sphinx in the end. The level of X.

  For this, Ryuzhi just listened to it. After all, the little sphinx brags there, which is not necessarily true. Maybe it is a method used by the big sphinx to scare the little guy.

  It can only be determined from the system side. After listening to this story, Ryuzhi's knowledge of the undead has been improved to a certain extent, and he has also mastered the preliminary method of making Ramathu.

  "It's another method to make a corpse naga. The idea is good, but the materials are hard to find."

  For this kind of harvest, Liu Zhi is not too happy. He is very clear about what he wants at this stage.

  The harvest this time can only be said that I will use it in the future. At most, I will use it as a piece of music, and record this as useful information.

  After entering the night, all the Sphinxes seemed to have disappeared in this valley, and all were gone.

  Liu Zhi noticed that outside the valley, a gloomy feeling appeared in the air, as if all nearby valleys had become ghost domains.

  For this situation, as a necromancer, he has the most say. He can feel that too many pharaohs have been buried in the nearby Imperial Valley. For thousands of years, the power of the pharaohs has affected this place.

  If it weren’t for the sphinx in the valley in front of you, maybe this valley would also become a part of the ghost realm.

  Ryuzhi has been standing at the exit of the valley at this time, watching the changes outside, he has a feeling that he must use these in the future.

   At about three o'clock in the middle of the night, the sphinx that had brought Yuji into the valley appeared in front of him.

   "Call your friends, we are going to leave."

   "Is this time?"

  Ryuzhi asked curiously.

   "Yes, only after this point in time can you enter the Earth Palace, otherwise even if I bring you to your place, you will not find it there."

  Ryuzhi didn't understand the meaning of the words, but he still called Nick and the others, and under a gust of wind, they flew behind the Sphinx and flew towards the end of the Valley of the Kings.

  (End of this chapter)

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