Necromantic Myth

Chapter 250: The team gathers (for subscription)

  Chapter 250 Teams gather (for subscription)

  Yuzhi hadn't considered whether to come forward and talk to the iceberg Gloria, there was another noise from the trail in the valley.

  Liu Zhi looked up and found that a man in linen clothes was supporting the Holy Light, walking out step by step, and behind him was a team of two men and two women paladins.

  Looking more closely, Liu Zhi's face became uncomfortable. He held the death rod and lit the sun crystal on the top of the rod.

  Because he saw Gina, the Saint White Legion player who made him uncomfortable, who was walking at the end of the Paladins.

Looking further along Gina’s position, Ryuzhi found that all the five Paladins in front of him were players. Except for Gina, which was only level 2, there was also a level 2 player. The remaining men and women should have level 5. Above, as for the big guy wearing linen, it is very likely that he is level 10 or higher.

After seeing Ryuzhi, Gina seemed to want to come forward and say something. He did not expect that the heavy-armored man who followed the boss came out. He pulled the helmet mask upwards, revealing something. Zhang young face.

  "Hello, I am a third-level paladin of the Saint White Legion, Winter Clive, I don’t know if you are..."

   "The Fourth Scourge Homecoming Group, Level 1 Necromancer, Sandro Ironfast."

Winter thought for a while, and did not have any impression of the Fourth Natural Disaster Returning Group. He was about to say something. The one wearing the linen said: "The Fourth Natural Disaster Returning Group, I know, help me to Hello, number 4."

  Liu Zhi was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that their No. 4 target seemed to be the God of Light. It seemed that there would be some connections among the players of the Light Group.

  With the endorsement of the boss, these players have no idea of ​​being hostile to Liu Zhi. They found a place to sit down, seemingly waiting for the dawn.

  But Gina stared at Liu Zhi fiercely, as if Liu Zhi had offended him.

  For this kind of situation, Liu Zhi can only ignore it. He is still thinking about whether he has done something wrong during this period and why such self-righteous women always appear around him.

   Just when Liu Zhi complained about a woman who made him speechless, something he didn't expect happened again.

  The third team finally came out of the Valley of the Kings before dawn.

Compared with the three teams with only four or five people in front of them, the team in front of them has more than three hundred people. They are leading the horses and carrying a lot of goods, and they just walked over with torches. .

  Under the protection of some seemingly mercenaries, Evelyn, Richard, and the wealthy merchants and players around the wealthy merchants that Liu Zhi had seen before, all appeared at one end of the valley.

After seeing Liu Zhi, the player snorted. Although he wanted to go forward to fight Liu Zhi, his reason suppressed his idea of ​​rushing to fight. He just poked his lips and said something to the rich businessman. What sentence.

  The wealthy businessman glanced at Liu Zhi and didn't say much. He looked down at the time and jumped off the sedan chair carried by the four and walked to Liu Zhi and the others.

   "Several people also came for Horus's upper palace."

  The wealthy businessman said that, everyone's eyes were focused on him, even the Sphinx stared at him.

But the wealthy businessman didn’t care and said, “I know that everyone is here for that place, so do we, and we have made great efforts. I want to do the same for everyone. I think everyone will not want to let out into Horu. The opportunity to go to the ascendant palace, so let’s just do it. After the local ascendant palace is opened, we will find our own, and whoever finds it will belong to whoever. Of course, if there is nothing useful to you, you can trade it out. I think more Personal search is always good."

  Yiu Zhi did not speak, the Bingberg Gloria just snorted, Gina of the Saint White Legion wanted to come forward and say something, but was stopped by her mentor.

  At this time, the whole situation became quite embarrassing. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't take the initiative to speak.

In the end, the player next to the wealthy businessman stood up and said, "I think your goals here must be different. Horus’s underground palace is so big, it’s impossible that our goals are the same or conflicted. Let’s talk about it. As long as our respective goals do not conflict, then we can help each other and communicate with each other."

  For this player, Liu Zhi didn't believe it at all. If he really wanted to think so, he wouldn't send someone to trouble him before.

  However, those of the Saint White Legion glanced at each other and nodded to agree to this method.

Liu Zhi was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted. When they wanted to come to the Saint White Legion, their idea was to get what they wanted first. As for the things that didn’t belong to them, if they wanted to take it out after falling into their hands, they had to It depends on the price they paid.

   Just can their plan come true?

  Liu Zhi glanced at the large team of more than 300 people here. Although Liu Zhi didn't believe that money could rule everything, the situation before him was that the rich man had the upper hand at this time.

At this moment, the iceberg Gloria also smiled and said: "Yes, our goal here is very simple. I heard that Horus's left eye is hidden here. This is what we are looking for. "

  The rich businessman heard that it had nothing to do with his own. It was good. He was about to nod and agree, and Evelyn over there shouted, "No, the Eye of Horus belongs to us."

  Liu Zhi raised his head and looked over there, a thought flashed in his mind, this is the gem hunter who steals the praise of the gods by Evelyn in all likelihood.

  Nick behind Liu Zhi and the others also flashed this thought. They glanced at each other, and finally Nick walked to Liu Zhi's side.

   "That woman is very likely to be a gem hunter, the one we are chasing, do we want to."

"It's still not the time, wait for me to deal with it." Liu Zhi said while standing up, "My request is very simple, I have been cursed, I am here to find Horus's supernatural power to lift the curse, and I I promised someone to deliver the item, so no matter what you want, I will deliver the item to the designated location first."

   Hearing that Liu Zhi was here to lift the curse, the players around the wealthy businessman showed a trace of annoyance on their faces. He knew that Liu Zhi didn't want to fight Heliopolis, and he didn't need to fight against Liu Zhi like that before.

   At this moment, the Sphinx patted the ground and said.

"Time is up."

  (End of this chapter)

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