Necromantic Myth

Chapter 251: Enter the city (subscription required)

  Chapter 251 Entering the city (for subscription)

  At the reminder of the Sphinx, everyone put aside the dispute in front of them and looked at the place where the sun came out.

Immediately after the sun appeared under the horizon, Liu Zhi noticed that there was a ghost of a city in the desert in front of him. As the sun slowly rose, the ghost became more and more solid, and finally turned into a city. A huge and deserted city.

After    waited for the city to fully appear, Liu Zhi noticed that the area in front of him was quite large, at least about four to five times the size of his palace.

However, there is no one in the city anymore. Most of the buildings have collapsed. It looks similar to the Golden City that Liu Zhi encountered last time. It is a little better than the Golden City. Yes, because it is located in the desert, most of the buildings here are all It is stone, even if more than a thousand years have passed, it is only part of it being deserted, and it has not been completely destroyed.

  There are things that look like statues, buried in the soil by yellow sand, making the city in front of you look quite old.

   Seeing the city in front of him, the rich businessman laughed, "I found it, the underground palace of Horus, the entrance of Heliopolis, I finally found it."

  After finishing talking, this wealthy businessman took a batch of hands and said to the more than 300 people who followed: "It's up to you next."

  Under his order, those people took the tools and entered the city in front of them. It can be seen that they are a professional archeological team, and they are preparing for the excavation of such relics.

  After the wealthy businessman went down, the player smiled at everyone, "We agreed before, whoever finds it, if you find it faster, then you can also take things out for trading."

  After finishing talking, the player smiled triumphantly, took a look, Liu Zhi and the others, finally snorted with some disdain, and went on like this.

  Gina of the Saint White Legion couldn't help but yell when she saw this situation. If her instructor hadn't stopped her, maybe she would have to rush down and fight the player.

  However, there were no players in Bingberg Gloria's team. They didn't know the player's thoughts, and they had their own tasks, so several men surrounded the little painter and went on like this.

  Liu Zhi glanced at the Saint White Legion, nodded to them, "I'm going down first. If you need anything, you can come to me."

   "What is your use, your strength is not as good as mine, you..."

  Gina hadn’t finished her words, she was stunned, because next to Liu Zhi, who was walking towards that city, groups of undead began to appear slowly.

  In addition to the two corpse soul naga and the spider girl, Ryuzhi only released 30 golden skeletons and rust bones, plus a squadron of crown swordsmen.

  After this period of training, Liu Zhi’s Crown Swordsman team has gained some gains. The Crown Swordsman team has been fully organized, and the second team is beginning to reorganize.

  When the crown swordsman was released, Liu Zhi felt the surging sword aura from the skeletons or zombies.

  After releasing these undead troops, Ryuzhi released nearly 50 skeleton laborers and 40 zombie miners.

  When Liu Zhi walked to the gate of the city, his team had become vast and mighty. Although the number might not be as many as that of the rich businessman, his momentum was definitely not weak.

Liu Zhi went faster and faster, and even caught up with the player who walked past before. When he walked to this player, Liu Zhi smiled and said: "Have I told you before that I am a necromancer." "

  Looking at Liu Zhi like this, the player's face became more and more ugly, he shouted: "You will remember it for me, I will not let you go."

   "Monroe." The wealthy businessman also saw the situation here. He pointed to the undead behind Liu Zhi with a little dissatisfaction and said, "What's the matter?"

   "Mr. Turner, this is just an accident. Don't worry, I will take care of things here."

  After talking about Monroe, he was about to walk towards Liu Zhi. At the same time, Liu Zhi noticed that the two iron **** he was playing in his hands started to flash with different lights.

  Yagiji is holding the death staff in his left hand, and the thin thorn sword has been drawn in his right hand. At the same time, Vidnina and another corpse soul, Naga, also guarded Liu Zhi by their side.

  At this moment, the wealthy businessman Turner said: "Monroe, come back, now is not the time to do this, hurry up and find the entrance of Heliopolis, the other is not important."

  Monroe hadn't spoken yet, and Evelyn on the side called out, "Mr. Turner, you promised us."

"I promised you, but I haven't found the Eye of Horus yet, and you only need to read the scriptures we found to hold a sacred gem. This is what you earned, so don’t bring it up again. The conditions are up."

  Evelyn wanted to say something more, but was pulled over by Richards on the side.

  At this time, Liu Zhi also understood their intention. It seems that Mr. Turner has also made a lot of preparations.

Liu Zhi thought for a while, turned his head and said to Nick: "I need to find clues to break the curse. These skeletons and zombie miners will be handed over to you. You can let them dig where you want them to dig. Don't worry. Now, they won’t complain or be tired."

   Speaking of Ryuuji, he took Vednina and the others towards the center of the city.

This city is the layout style of ancient Egypt. In the center of the city is the palace. One side of the palace should have been built like a temple, but the city itself is the ground dwelling of the gods, so there is no temple or something. A large number of statues appeared on the ground.

  Ryuzhi soon found the main hall of Horus.

  The main hall is located in the middle of the city where the imperial palace is located. The entire building looks like a super huge temple, with a rectangular doorway sandwiched between a huge trapezoidal stone wall and huge reliefs on the stone wall.

  Behind is the inner courtyard, which is open-air, with colonnades on both sides. Behind the inner courtyard is the hall, which has a large space, supported by rows of huge stone pillars on the roof.

  Between the gate and the hall, there is a tall obelisk full of Egyptian characters.

  Liu Zhi stood on the obelisk and looked up, and he felt that he could not see the top of the obelisk.

   only took two steps forward. Before entering the lobby of the backyard, Liu Zhi felt cold all over, as if something was staring at him.

Liu Zhi turned his head and looked around, but did not find anything wrong. At this time, Liu Zhi was about to retreat, but found that on the stone pillar in the inner hall, there seemed to be a statue of an eagle staring at him, or staring at him. Somewhere behind him.

  (End of this chapter)

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