Necromantic Myth

Chapter 252: Curse lifted (370 monthly ticket plus more)

  Chapter 252 The curse is lifted (370 monthly ticket plus more)

  In the next moment, Liu Zhi just felt as if he was being hit by a ray of sunlight, and then his eyes turned white, as if he had used a flash burst in his usual way, his eyes were stinging, and he could hardly see anything.

  All there is is a short conversation in his ears.

"what's up."

   "Apollo is about to fall, and the priesthood of the sun **** will be vacated. This is your opportunity."

"I know."

   Before Liu Zhi could react, everything in front of him came back again. At this time, he only felt like he had stepped on his feet.

  Liu Zhi looked down and found that he happened to be standing on a floor tile that had been trampled on, and there was a pool of black liquid on the ground.

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, turned his head and glanced at the Fangming Spider Girl behind him, "What happened just now?"

"I don’t know, it’s just a white light coming down, and then there seems to be a black shadow coming out of you. The black shadow becomes the liquid under your feet. By the way, it seems that I heard the eagle's cry just now. It’s true, but I don’t know where it came from."

  Liu Zhi thought for a moment, and when the death rod plunged into the black liquid, he felt as if he had touched the death rod into a feeling of fear, and the wailing of countless people seemed to rush toward his face.

   "It seems that this is Seth's curse."

Liu Zhi opened his clothes and found that all the curse marks on his body were gone. Then he nodded in satisfaction. Then he glanced at the black liquid and patted the altar of the palace on his waist. The liquid was collected into the Hades.

  At the moment the black liquid was collected, Liu Zhi only felt that his Hades Palace altar was slightly shaken, and the entire Hades Palace altar was wrapped in a black atmosphere.

  Although he didn't get the prompt from the system, Liu Zhi had seen such a situation. The last time he had such a change in the altar of the Hades, Hades absorbed the power brought by the Heart of the Sea.

  I want to come this time to improve the Hades again.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi stopped taking care of the Hades. He carried the death rod and headed to the temple in front of him.

  Vidnina and the others didn't know what happened, but they still followed quickly.

  At this time, Liu Zhi felt that the temple in front of him seemed to be missing something. When he came in before, although it was shabby, there seemed to be a little bit of charm. How could it be that in a blink of an eye, this place seemed to have changed.

  Just as Liu Zhi was walking inside, the teams outside also felt that the situation was wrong here.

Since the people of the Holy White Legion walked the slowest, they clearly saw that a huge falcon with golden feathers on its head and an ancient Egyptian crown flew from the city and headed towards the sea, blinking. Disappeared into the sky.

The people of the Saint White Legion will come over and naturally investigate some of Horus’ situation. They know that there is such a look in the avatar of Horus. Is it possible that what happened just now? The avatar of Horus has already left the city. ?

  These several glanced at each other, but couldn't take much care of them. They rushed into the city.

  It is precisely for this reason that they did not notice that the Sphinx, who had been standing in place, showed a smile after success. They opened their wings and turned their heads and flew towards the Sphinx Valley.

  Already in the city, Monroe, Bingberg, Gloria, and the others did not see such a situation, but they also found that the situation was not right from a different angle.

The first thing from the wealthy businessman Turner was Evelyn. He was dragged by Richard, so he was a little dissatisfied. She didn’t care about what Chad used to coax her, she just ignored it, just looked up at the sky. .

  It was precisely for this reason that she saw a blue jewel-like light across the sky.

  As a gem hunter, Evelyn is very sensitive to the color of gems. At first glance, she thought of her goal this time, the legendary Eye of Horus.

In ancient Egyptian legends, Horus’s left eye was taken down, and that eyeball became the size of a fist. The sapphire glows in the eyes. Under the sun, this sapphire is As the color of the sky.

  So Evelyn jumped up for the first time, "Quickly, Horus is gone."

  The wealthy businessman Turner turned his head to look at Evelyn, and said nonchalantly: "Horus left and left, it's impossible that you still want to find Horus's idea."

  However, Evelyn did not notice that the wealthy businessman Turner said indifferently, and waved his hand to speed up the cleanup of the city.

  On the other side of the iceberg Gloria, at this time, they have entered the other side of the city. Their goal is not the power of Horus. They are looking for something suppressed by Horus.

  Compared to Ryuzhi and the others, the progress of Bingberg Gloria’s progress was more difficult. When Horus left, they only felt light on themselves.

  This feeling is more obvious in Bingberg Gloria. She smiled, "Very well, the people at Setter’s Bone are right. We have found a place. Let’s start now."

   said that when Gloria beckoned to the little painter, the two strong men pushed the little painter in front of Gloria.

  She reached out and touched the little painter’s face and said, “My lovely Jack, didn’t you say that, if I jump, you just jump. Now we are standing on the abyss, let’s jump down together.”

  The little painter Jack's face turned pale. He kept struggling and wanted to leave here, but his hands were held by two strong men, and he couldn't even move.

  Gloria glanced at the captured little painter Jack, and said to the brawny men: "You guys can handle it faster. If Horus comes back, we will be in trouble."

  The strong men nodded repeatedly and dragged Jack to a room.

  Only one strong man said hesitantly: "My lord, do we really want to help do this, the man from the bones of Set..."

"Their people helped us draw the attention of the sea dogs of the 33rd Legion, helped us deal with the head and tail of the Zeus, and showed us a clear way, and all we had to do was to help them unlock Seth. It’s very reasonable that Seth was not released by a seal of.

Besides, we don’t have time. Lord Triton can’t wait any longer. The chaos of Olympus will begin. This time the Seagod will fall like Pluto. Lord Triton can’t wait any longer. . "

  (End of this chapter)

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