Necromantic Myth

Chapter 255: transaction

  Chapter 255 Transaction

  [Design of Royal Ecological Researcher: City upgrade building, the upper limit is level 4, and the number of uses is 4 times. After collecting enough materials, you can build the Royal Ecological Researcher at the designated location and upgrade it 3 times. 】

  【Royal Ecological Researcher: A machine used to make special undeads, but this researcher is forcibly locked in research and production methods, and can only make legal undeads. 】

[Note: At level 1, the Royal Ecological Researcher can train a skeleton mage (using fireball or ice arrow), at level 2 it can increase the option of plague mage (using poison storm or poison cloud), and at level 3 it can increase blood Mage option (use curse of blood or bloodthirsty spell), acolyte option can be added at level 4 (use psychic ritual or soul extraction)]

  Looking at the design drawing in front of him, Liu Zhi swallowed his saliva and patted his hand, "Change it."

When Santori heard it, I knew you would be satisfied with a trace of expression on his face. Then he said to Liu Zhi: "Then you can let your subordinates withdraw. Don't worry, we only take what we want. Yes, the rest is yours."

Liu Zhi nodded, and while letting the Spider Girl retreat, he asked curiously: "Can you tell me what's the matter? I just saw some problems in that direction over there. , They seemed to have transported something from below, and they released some black kobold mummies that looked like black ashes."

  St. Doré waved to his two disciples and asked them to deal with the preliminary work first, and then he sat directly on the ground and began to paint seriously.

  Ryuzhi noticed that the things Santori drew turned out to be maps of the city.

  Although there are many places not drawn, but the general situation is drawn.

  St. Doré pointed to the map he drew and said, “This is the palace of Horus, the temple is here, this is our location, this should be the location of the problem you just mentioned.”

  Liu Zhi saw that it was really like this, he nodded quickly.

  "Then have you discovered that these two points are exactly the points on the edge of the Horus Palace's control range. They are affected by the palace, but cannot affect the palace."

  Ryuzhi is not a fool, even if he doesn’t understand anything, a lot of knowledge is enough for him to understand what Santori said.

  This is clearly similar to the situation in his Hades Palace. The function of these two points is to prepare the location of the Soul Recruitment Tower and the previous Soul Resurrection Tower in his Hades Palace.

  And the function here is to suppress some things that are inconvenient to put in the palace, but not suitable for putting them too far away.

"There are not many things that can be suppressed by Horus. According to the information I have, Horus was the **** of vengeance before he became the **** of the sky. He became the **** of revenge after defeating Seth. The **** of the sky, even the **** of the sun, so there are only two things that can allow him to suppress, one is the power of Seth, and the other is the power of vengeance he used to get revenge, and our intention is very simple."

  "The power of revenge." Now, without Santori's explanation, Liu Zhi would know their intentions.

  At this time, Liu Zhi is also a little unsure whether he has made a profit or lost in this transaction.

   But anyway, this power of revenge is not very useful for him, but this royal ecological researcher is quite useful.

   Thinking of this, Ryuzhi stopped saying anything. He was also a little curious. He wanted to know what the power of revenge is. Is it possible that that thing can be taken out?

  At this time, the Spider Girl had already collected the little spider that she had put in. Of course, there was no way to deal with the spider web, and the paladins didn't care, they just prayed before the statue.

  Ryuzhi knows the situation inside the player. For the player, he can become a **** of a plane at level 15. He can't figure out why these five still have faith.

However, the five did not pay attention to Liu Zhi's thoughts. After they prayed, a thick white light was enveloped on their bodies. Saint-Dorei stood at the entrance and said calmly: "You go in, I am here to protect you. "

  This sentence made Liu Zhi sweat. What kind of thing is this? You go in and die, and I will protect them outside.

  But in the next moment, Liu Zhi knew what he was thinking was too simple, because a white light gushed out of Saint Dory’s body, and that light went down the channel like the same domain of faith.

   Standing outside, Ryuzhi can even feel that if he stands in the white light, he can get endless mana, endless physical strength, and endless vitality.

  At that time, there is no need to think about anything, just take the axe and go over it.

  The same is true for the four paladins. Regardless of whether they wear a shield or what weapon they are holding, standing in the white light, they are like transformed Super Saiyans with their hair shining.

   Then they roared, as if shouting some slogan, they rushed down like this.

  Looking at the points like this, Liu Zhi also somewhat understands why Gina is so proud when talking about the Saint White Legion. If there are hundreds of players like this, forming a legion charge, who can stop it.

  At this time, Liu Zhi had already figured out, if he had formed a corps, he would also learn such a field control skill, maybe with such a skill, his combat power might be improved.

  Yuzhi hadn't finished thinking about it, when he heard a boom from the ground.

  Liu Zhi couldn’t help but looked at the underground passage, but at this time Santore said, “Don’t worry, they’re all right.”

  Where am I worried about this, just get what you want, and the rest is mine, mine!

  Ryuzhi wanted to roar, but seeing Santorei's relaxed look, Liu Zhi finally suppressed his impulse.

   Just then, there was another boom. At first, Liu Zhi had planned to drag it back to the Hades Palace to serve as the guardian stone lion statue of the eagle head cracked from the middle, and finally hit the ground.

   Seeing that he had his half-high eagle head before him, Santore raised his head and glanced at Liu Zhi, "Do you want this?"

  Ryuzhi glanced at Saint Dorei with some discomfort, "No, I am a necromancer, the statue of the kobold over there is actually good."

"That's a pity, you obviously have a good light power in your body. If you study hard, you may not be able to become a Paladin." Saint-Dore shook his head, as if the teacher found a child with a talent for science. The same as liberal arts.

  (End of this chapter)

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