Necromantic Myth

Chapter 256: The bottleneck of legendary knowledge (390 monthly ticket plus more)

  Chapter 256 The Bottleneck of Legendary Knowledge (390 monthly pass plus more)

  About four or five minutes later, Saint-Dore suddenly said: "Here."

  Liu Zhi was shocked, and the thin stabbing sword was pulled out directly, staring at the situation on the side of the passage closely. He was afraid that there would be a batch of black kobold mummies like before.

But fortunately, there were only two explosions from the underground, and then a beam of light was exploded from a relatively rear position, a large amount of yellow sand was blown up, and the lower body of the statue buried in the yellow sand was also blown up. , Smashed heavily to the ground and was smashed into pieces.

   Then Liu Zhi saw a huge hole exploded in the ground. Under the white light, the four Paladins came up supporting each other.

  Except for the gem in the hand of the 5th-level male paladin, most of the things in the passage below were blown to pieces.

  Looking at the situation in front of him, Liu Zhi couldn't help but exclaimed, "I'm losing."

  From the big hole that was blasted, Liu Zhi also saw the following situation. Apart from the others, the murals destroyed on both sides of the passage were enough to make Liu Zhi feel heartbroken.

And Liu Zhi also saw that there were many altars and pots on the ground with some yellow sand inside, but after going through the previous situation, Liu Zhi believed that those were not ordinary yellow sand, but things that could be used to make mummies. Originally, he It is possible to collect these things in one's own palace, and now, everything is gone.

  Santori looked at the triumphant faces on his side, and then glanced at the tunnel that had been blown out in half, with some embarrassment on his face.

  He had promised well before, as long as he had the power of revenge, all the rest belonged to Liu Zhi.

  As a result, what is left here.

  Compared to a few of them, Saint-Dorei is considered a middle-level member of the Saint-White Legion, and he naturally knows when it should be smoother.

   put away the white light shrouded in his body, Santore was also a little embarrassed, "That, little brother Sandru, I'm so sorry, but our people didn't control it..."

  Speaking of this, Saint-Dorei suddenly stopped. He noticed that Liu Zhi hadn't listened to him at all. Liu Zhi's attention was all on the gem held by the Paladin.

  The gem is larger than the gems Yanagi has seen before. It is the size of a normal human fist and looks like a polygonal sphere.

  In that gem, there seems to be something like liquid.

  But at this time, Liu Zhi ignored the others. He just looked at the gem from a distance, and numbers like +3 and +4 kept beating before his eyes.

  He understands that this gem is rapidly increasing his gem knowledge, and he needs this.

  At this time, the paladin was also staring at Mao. He handed the gem to Saint Dore’s hand and blocked Ryuzhi's sight with his body.

  Only then did Liu Zhi react. He raised his head and glanced at Saint Doré, and said in embarrassment, “Well, can that gem be let me take a look, I promise not to move, just watching from the side.”

  Santori wanted to refuse at first, but glanced at the destroyed passage, and finally nodded slowly, took the gem in his hand, and stretched it out in front of Liu Zhi.

   Liu Zhi looked up and down for nearly an hour, and the beating experience stopped.

  He retracted his gaze, raised his head and asked, "Is there a divine in it?"

  Santori was taken aback by Liu Zhi’s question, and finally he shook his head, “No, it’s just beyond the extraordinary level of power, and has not reached the level of divinity.”

  Liu Zhi nodded, and just stepped back. The reason why he asked that question was entirely because of the prompt that popped up in front of him.

  [Gem Knowledge Level 8: Master the methods of making and distinguishing various extraordinary gems, and will not be cursed unnecessary because of some stories behind the gems. 】

  [Gem Knowledge (Legend): Your gem knowledge has reached a bottleneck. You must have seen it with your own eyes and witnessed the legend of that gem before you can break through the bottleneck. 】

  【Note 1: Before breaking the bottleneck, all experience related to gem knowledge will be stored and used after the breakthrough. 】

  【Note 2: Breaking through the bottleneck is quite beneficial to all knowledge, and legend is better than extraordinary. 】

  It is for this reason that Liu Zhi asked Saint-Dorei to see if he knows some stories about gems.

Of course, Liu Zhi is not an idiot. He didn't ask directly. He just asked from the side. Hearing what Santore said, Liu Zhi knew that Santore had a certain level in some aspects, but he was knowledgeable about gems. He did not put too much experience into it.

   Now, Liu Zhi has a headache. Where can he go to find a legendary gem? What gem is legendary?

   Suddenly Liu Zhi thought of something, that Evelyn is here.

  Although Nick didn’t say anything, they had locked on Evelyn a long time ago, thinking that he was the gem hunter who stole the gem of the gods.

  If her goal this time is also a gem, it must be a gem of the same level as the gods.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi immediately jumped up. He ran and handed it to the Spider Girl Fangming to deal with, and went to find Nick by himself.

  At this moment, what Evelyn was thinking of by Liu Zhi, at this time, she and her attendant Richard were studying the gems on the four jars with a magnifying glass.

  Because they didn't do anything, and because they were also the people invited by the wealthy businessman Turner, no one stopped their actions.

  But Evelyn started to move again with that little caution, and she raised her head to look at Richard from time to time, as if she wanted to say something.

Richard knows Evelyn’s personality very well. When Evelyn looks at him, he always shook his head seriously, "Remember your goal this time? You don’t want the Eye of Horus anymore. ?"

Speaking of this, Evelyn will always say helplessly, "Okay, okay, I won’t move, but these gems are so beautiful, have you seen them? There are shadows in this gem, it looks like Human pupils are the same, and it can be seen. My research is correct. When gems are placed in the place of the gods, they will be affected by the divine power and undergo subtle changes. It would be great if you can get some experimental materials."

  Evelyn had only finished speaking, and under the statue of the kobold, there was another chaos.

  Richard looked up and looked over there. He didn't notice. Evelyn's hand moved slightly on the jar, and one of the jars seemed to be missing a gem.

  (End of this chapter)

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