Necromantic Myth

Chapter 257: Target: Eye of Horus (400 monthly pass plus more)

  Chapter 257 Objective: Eye of Horus (400 monthly pass plus more)

  When Ryuuji found Nick, Nick was studying the structure of the temple in this city.

  He is a treasure hunter. Retrieving the praise of the gods is just a task assigned to him by the Temple of Zeus. He hasn't done much research on gems.

When Ryuzhi explained his intentions, Nick hesitated for a long time before saying: "The praise of the gods is not actually a legendary gem, it is just a gem that has been enshrined in the temple for a period of time, with the power of the gods. , If you have to count, transcendence is his level, and legendary gems should be the kind of gems that have experienced legendary stories. Perhaps the gems in the story may be an inexplicable prop."

   Hearing this, Liu Zhi was very serious about it, "Then what do you think are the legendary gems?"

  Nick shook his head. Liu Zhi was a little helpless. He knew that he was a little bit obsessed. Let's talk about this later. Anyway, he has to experience so many games, and there is no reason why he can't find legendary gems.

At this moment, Nick seemed to have thought of something. He suddenly said: "It seems that I have heard a legend that Horus' eyes have been dug down. The dug out eyes have turned into fist-sized gems. Take it away, although Horus later retrieved his eyes, it also left the legend of the Eye of Horus."

  Ryuzhi heard this and couldn't help but stop, "What do you mean?"

   "The Eye of Horus may be hidden here."

  Hearing this, Liu Zhi's eyes lit up. Yes, it must not be ordinary gems that can attract Evelyn. Only the legendary eye of Horus is attractive to a gem hunter.

  So Evelyn is embarrassed, I have to order this gem.

【Ding! You have started the challenge mode, and the target is the mythical gem, the Eye of Horus. Please find it before the opponent finds the Eye of Horus, and prevent the opponent from taking it away]

  [Reward: Eye of Horus (pseudo, legendary), gem knowledge (legendary) breakthrough]

  【Explanation: No matter what method is used, the winner is found, no matter what method is used, the opponent will not lose. 】

  Looking at this message, Ryuuji raised his head and glanced at Nick, "Nick, the man named Evelyn, do you think he is a gem hunter?"

"You said she, we have stared at her for a long time, but no one can move her. Her identity is different. There is a Duke-level figure standing behind her. What happens even if we catch her? You don’t know. She almost destroyed the Wudu Museum, and she was fine in the end."

   "What if she died during the archaeological process?"

   "Dead?" Nick shook his head. "She has a lot of good things on her body. She can't die for the time being. I heard that she has a teleportation charm that can send people directly from one end of the Mediterranean to the other."

   "Then you just leave her alone like this?"

  "This is not my business. I came here just to **** the praises of the stolen gods back. As for the rest, it really has nothing to do with us."

  Nick’s words made Liu Zhi understand some of the relationships. In this way, Liu Zhi also had some thoughts in his mind, and he asked: "If you came to hide the Eye of Horus, where would you hide?"

"I don't know this anymore. I took over after the praise of the gods was stolen. I'm really not a professional." Nick already understood what Ryuuji wanted to do at this time, so he immediately changed his own. Attitude, he doesn't want to get involved in this kind of thing.

  Liu Zhi didn't ask much. At this time, he raised the death rod in his hand, and released a group of undeads. This time, all the corpse dogs released by Liu Zhi were those who hadn't been trained.

  Every three dogs, under the leadership of a skeleton dog trainer, stood honestly in front of Yanagi.

Liu Zhi waved his hand, "Go and find out all the secret paths for me, and you, Letoz, this kind of search for secret doors is left to you. I only have one goal this time. Gems, gems with magical powers."

  Letoz, who was called out together, nodded. Although he was an assassin, in the current situation, only he could meet the requirements of Ryuzhi.

  After they went out, Liu Zhi considered whether he would find a place to watch Evelyn.

  After all, as a gem hunter, Evelyn also has the ability. If she really finds any clues, then maybe she can follow this clue to find the Eye of Horus.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi suddenly heard someone calling for help.

  This makes Liu Zhi a little speechless, what can happen in such a place?

Somewhat curiously, Liu Zhi took a look and found that several strong men were dragging someone away from the place where he called for help. Liu Zhi only saw the silhouette of the person over there, but he didn't see it clearly, it was just a little bit like that. Like that little painter.

  Ryuzhi wanted to go over and take a look, but found that people had run out of sight.

  Considering the situation in the city before him, Liu Zhi still did not chase after him.

  Instead, waiting for the search results of his own hands.

   Until dark, the corpse dogs he sent out did not find anything new, but they found some tarnished golden utensils in the sand.

  Letoz found a few secret doors, but there are no good things inside, let alone gems, there are not many stones.

  Seeing that the sky was already dark, Liu Zhi could only return to the position of the previous statue with the death rod.

  His death rod is like a street lamp, which can emit light, allowing him to see the night as nothing, and the undead under him are haunted in the dark, and can work at any time.

But Liu Zhi is hungry now, and today’s hard work has made him a little tired. He needs to take a good rest. If it doesn’t work, Liu Zhi still plans to wait until after twelve o’clock to have a meditation, using La Xia Zhi Yan Ming wanted to take a look at the sky above the city to see if he could find a different place.

   Before returning to the statue, he found that the Spider Girl had already put together the broken statue, and used spider silk to tightly wrap the broken statue.

  When Liu Zhi came over, Fangming Spiderwoman said: "You are finally back. Look at what good things I found. You didn't expect it. Look, there is a map on it."

   Speaking of the Spinning Spider Girl, she pulled Liu Zhi to the statue and pointed to some murals on the surface of the statue.

Under the description of Fangming Spider Girl, Liu Zhi became more and more frightened as he looked at it. He noticed that the lines left by these murals after removing something were really like signs of some maps, and this map was somewhat similar to the city in front of him. Like, but what do those points on the map represent?

  Earth vein node?

    Continuously adding more changes, I will work hard and work harder!



  (End of this chapter)

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