Necromantic Myth

Chapter 258: Change (subscription required)

  Chapter 258 Change (seeking subscription)

  A very unexpected discovery.

  Liu Zhi looked at the map and laughed. He only looked at the earth vein nodes after he learned how to shuttle through the underworld. The so-called earth vein nodes are energy nodes. It is also learned where to put his own underworld.

  Of course, after looking at the location of the vein node for a while, Liu Zhi moved his idea to other places.

  As a city lord, Liu Zhi of course knows that the energy and ground nodes of a city have been drawn, so these locations must also be used. Is there a place to hide the eye of Horus?

  Thinking of this, Liu Zhi will be at the location where Santo's drew the map before, and drew the map just now. He has one night to analyze it, and it is still very early.

Fangming Spider Girl watched Liu Zhi sit down to do something, and didn’t bother him. She just arranged for the spider to dig down continuously. Sometimes Fangming Spider Girl would run down and take a look by herself. From this point, it’s okay. It can be seen that spiders are quite advantageous to this kind of tunnel.

   Spinning Spider Girl prefers to run around in this tunnel. With her size, she can easily run to places where others can't get in.

  In this tunnel, the Spider-Maid Spinning carefully put some things together carefully, but after the destruction of those paladins, there are not many good things that can be found.

   Spinning Spider Girl is looking for the organs that are placed here. Ancient Egyptian organs are very interesting. Many of them spray acid directly.

  And that acid solution turned out to be a toxic alchemy product, and I don’t know how it was made. The Spider Girl Spinning Life wanted to collect some and take it back to study it.

  However, the bottles were almost weathered, and the Spinning Spider Girl took it up very carefully and wrapped it up with spider silk.

   Just when she found a new bottle with acid in it, suddenly the bottle seemed to be irritated and exploded.

   Spinning Spiderwoman responded very quickly, and as soon as she raised her hand before the acid fell on her, she threw the acid on the opposite wall.

  Then the wall melted unexpectedly. Looking at the scene in front of her, Spinning Spiderwoman couldn't help but said, "It wasn't me."

Liu Zhi jumped down when he heard the movement. He saw this scene in front of him. He wanted to pat the spider **** the shoulder, but found that the position was wrong, so he waved his hand and said, "It's none of your business, we found out. Something."

After the wall melted, a cloud of golden liquid like mercury flowed down. After the liquid fell on the ground, it automatically formed a book-like thing, about the size of a normal human computer case, but the pages inside. It doesn't seem to be much, and it seems that there are only six pages including the cover.

  On this cover, there are also some constantly changing texts, which is exactly the metaphor of the gods.

  Liu Zhi’s knowledge of literary figures and figures has reached level 4, but he looked at the text on it was still intermittent, and could only recognize a few of the more common words.


  After reading for a long time, Liu Zhi hadn’t recognized all the words on the cover. In the end, he didn’t recognize it at all. He wanted to reach out and pick up the book to see what was inside.

  But the moment he took the book, he was embarrassed. The book exists in his hand, but when he wants to open it, the book will turn into a liquid and flow down and reassemble into a book. This obviously does not want Liu Zhi to read it.

   "This." Liu Zhi was speechless. Finally, he thought for a while, wondering if he was going to take the book to Hades to have a try. Maybe Hades could swallow this book.

   Just when Liu Zhi was about to enter the Hades, there seemed to be a roar in his ears.

  The sound was as if a car drove by him in an instant, and then a woman was chanting something in the murky wind brought up by the roar.

  ‘Night... Hell... Death... rise... Resurrection... rise... rise! ’

  "Stop reading it!" A voice interrupted the woman's reading, but it was too late.

Everyone who entered this city felt that the sky was enveloped by a cloud of dark clouds, and Liu Zhi clearly saw that at this moment, the underworld and the real world seemed to be connected together, and who seemed to be from the underworld. Came out.

In the next instant, different reactions came from other corners of the city. Not far from Liuzhi, a white light formed a beam of light straight through the sky. Under the white light, it was Saint Doré who raised the wooden sword in his hand. .

The four Paladins guarding the gems they got from Ryuji followed Saint Dorei behind, and they could see their choice. They had found what they wanted, and they would not participate in any chaos in this city. In the middle, they only have one goal, and that is to leave the city.

  And in a corner of the city underground, the trembling little painter Jack seemed to feel something, and he raised his head.

  But the iceberg Gloria standing in front of him was a little angry, "What's the matter, who opened the passage to the underworld."

The strong men standing behind didn’t even have the idea of ​​raising their heads. They finally found this position, spent a lot of time arranging the altar, and almost let the little painter run away. In the end, something like this happened. They also had a sentence in their hearts. MMP should speak well.

  But they had to act. Gloria commanded loudly: "Hurry up, I just need to deal with it a bit more. Before that, don't let people disrupt our actions."

  After speaking, Gloria stretched her hand forward, and a small ball of ice appeared in her hand.

Then she looked at the little painter with a gentle look, "Jack, this is your destiny. You should have died in the iceberg sunken ship, frozen to death in the sea, the corpse did not rot for thousands of years, and finally became the descendant of Triton. Body, but you know, the destiny has already begun. If this opportunity is missed, Triton will have to wait another thousand years. We can't wait, and Sir Triton can't wait, so you have to be obedient."

Speaking of Gloria, he put the ice cube on the little painter Jack. At this time, you can notice that there is already an iceberg piled of crushed ice behind Jack, and he has two-thirds of his body. Was buried in an iceberg.

Seeing the little painter still struggling, Gloria said softly: "Observe, you will be fine soon. Here is the position we chose. When you are completely frozen, we will open the altar and let you His corpse has become the kind that will not rot in thousands of years. Don't worry, it will be soon."

  As Gloria said, a small mass of ice appeared, ready to press the little painter’s face.

  At this moment, something seemed to be heard in the little painter’s ear, and he yelled, "I don’t want it!"

  (End of this chapter)

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