Necromantic Myth

Chapter 259: Change 2 (subscription required)

  Chapter 259 Change 2 (seeking subscription)


  The next moment the little painter Jack’s body exploded, exploding the iceberg that sealed him, and even most of his flesh and blood.

  Gloria was the closest, and was blown out at the moment of the explosion.

But at this time, she didn't even bother about the injuries. He looked at the little painter's body with only the skeleton, and looked at the little painter's head that was beginning to deform. Gloria shouted: "You lie to me! "

At this time, the little painter’s head has become like a jackal, and a large amount of black ash is surging behind him, wrapping his body, making his head bigger and bigger, and finally becomes a four-meter tall one. Black Jackal.

  The black jackal was only wrapped in two gold cloth strips around his waist and neck, revealing some dry muscles.

After completing the transformation, the black jackal twisted his body and said disdainfully: "This body is really bad, and I don't know how these people chose, but that's fine, brothers, for Seth, Destroy this **** city."

  After speaking, the black jackal grabbed Gloria.

   Gloria raised her hands, and a cloud of ice appeared in her hands, trying to block the attack of the jackal.

But Gloria has forgotten what this place is. It is in the desert, far away from the sea. In the past, to deal with the little painter, she consumed too much power. Now the ice released is just a little The group of people simply couldn't stop the attack of the black jackal.

  After tearing Gloria to pieces with his paws, the black jackal roared, "Come out, for Seth."

  The situation is wrong, very wrong.

  In fact, when the spell sounded, Liu Zhi already felt that something was wrong, but he did not expect that the situation would become like this.

  As time passed, more and more black and gray formed kobold mummies one after another in front of him.

  At the same time, there was a rustling sound from the underground passage. While Liu Zhi commanded the skeleton soldiers to prepare to fight the kobold mummy, he looked at the Spinner Spiderwoman. The underground tunnel was full of cobwebs, and he was most familiar with it.

   At this time, the Spider Girl screamed, “It’s a beetle. There are a lot of beetles. I can’t stop it. I need the help of other spiders. Moreover, those beetles have undead attributes and are difficult to deal with.”

Liu Zhi turned his head and took a look, and found that the Spider Girl was constantly throwing various alchemy potions into the underground passage. There were combustible and highly corrosive potions in it, which had a good effect on a large number of enemies. .

  But obviously there are too many enemies, and this alchemy potion can't stand it.

  "Scarab?" At this time, Liu Zhi flashed a task in his mind. Supplementary task 1: Roasted scarab.

  Before, Ryuzhi was still thinking about where to find a large number of scarabs, isn’t that here?

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, the death rod pointed at that side, and the star fell and put it down.

  Of course, Liu Zhi just used ordinary skills, only to expand the scope.

  Those scarabs just accounted for a large number, the real vitality and attack power are actually not strong.

  Yagiji’s star fell and put it down, and he heard a crackling sound in his eyes, and a large number of scarab beetles were beaten to powder under the attack of the stars.

  But neither Liu Zhi nor Fangming Spider Girl looked so good. Although they had killed a lot of scarabs, the number of scarabs below was increasing.

   "Do you still have spiders?"

"I didn't bring it out." Spinning Spiderwoman said quickly, "But I brought out a lot of spider eggs, all of them are mature. You can use them as long as you deal with them, but the combat power may not be good, and the spider webs are not in a hurry. The battle is over, and I plan to set up a big battle. It seems to be a bit early now."

However, Liu Zhi has no time to listen to this at this time. His undead have been crushed and beaten by the kobold mummies. Although the crown swordsman is good, the number is relatively small, and the corpse dogs are not effective when released one step in advance. , But more flexible.

  But the problem is also that the number is small. Ryuzhi found that the enemy was fighting more and more, and his subordinates were fighting less and less. If this continues, he may only have a way to escape like a paladin.

Thinking of this, Ryuzhi looked at the Paladins and their side, with Saint Dore’s defense, they easily smashed outside the city, but they did not go in the direction of the Valley of the Kings. At this time, they were in the direction of the Valley of the Kings. On the side, a large number of mummies have already poured out.

  Although they are different from the kobold mummies, who knows their attitude towards the living, so the Paladins simply went to the other side, and with their strength, there was no problem with crossing the desert.

At this time, Liu Zhi's eyes turned to Turner, the wealthy businessman. At this time, there was a mess. Among the more than 300 people he brought, most of them were laborers. Even if there were some mercenaries, they were nothing more than laborers. Ordinary people holding muskets to scare the enemy.

  There are not many people who can become transcendents. When encountering such a thing, they have no other effect except screaming and running wild.

Turner, under the protection of Monroe, rushed to the outside of the city. Evelyn and Richard were also mixed in the team. Along with them, there were a few strong men who had reached an extraordinary level. Even Liu Zhi saw a thick black book in Evelyn's hands.

It can be seen that they all know that they are not the opponents of these kobold mummies in front of them. Even if they kill a few, it is impossible to kill all the enemies here. Now the only chance is to escape, no matter what. Let's talk about it out of town.

  Looking at the two waves of people escaping, Liu Zhi's intention to escape also flashed in his heart. If he did not consider the skeleton laborers and zombie miners he released, it would be quite simple to kill him.

  But Liu Zhi always felt that if he killed himself this time, he would never have a chance to come back next time.

  This feeling made Liu Zhi give up the idea of ​​killing him on the spot. At this time, he looked at more and more kobold mummies and made a decision in his heart.

   "Vidnina, protect me to that location."

  Ryuzhi pointed to the center of the city not far away, and quickly gave orders.

  In fact, at this moment, Vidnina and Fangming Spider Girl rushed over, and together with Liu Zhi's troops, they protected Liu Zhi and rushed there.

  In the process of running over there, Liu Zhi didn't make a move, but kept calculating something.

When they rushed to the center of the city, the number of soldiers under Liu Zhi had been reduced by one-third, and a huge pothole had appeared there, and a face made of black mist was in the pothole. In the condensation.

  (End of this chapter)

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