Necromantic Myth

Chapter 268: Hanging coffin (for subscription)

  Chapter 268 Hanging Coffin (for subscription)

  With the extraordinary shipbuilding skills, Liu Zhi was emboldened. There were enough wood in his city, and Liu Zhi called a few skeletons to help, but he quickly set up a platform.

  With the efforts of Liu Zhi, Liu Zhi finally completed his first shipbuilding work in the afternoon of the next day.

Looking at the sun boat on stilts in front of him, Liu Zhi didn't look at that attribute. What he noticed was his own ascension experience. After completing an extraordinary ship building, he got 1327 experience in shipbuilding, which relieved Liu Zhi. Quite a few, at least he would not spend half a day building a boat on his own, and in the end there was an embarrassing thing with only 1 point of experience.

  Slowly, Liu Zhi focused his eyes on the boat in front of him. From his eyes, the boat did not meet the standard at all. The real solar boat is made of cedar wood, and various materials are required.

  Where does Ryuzhi go to find these materials now, he can get wood and it is considered good.

  In addition, the sun boat did not use nails, but tied the wood with ropes. Although Liu Zhi did nothing wrong, strengthening it was definitely impossible.

  The solar ship in front of you has an attribute ‘one-time’.

[One-time transcendental solar boat: an incomplete solar boat made with inaccurate materials. It cannot be used again after sailing. However, since the manufacturing method and processing method have reached the standard, the transcendental attributes are not reduced at all, and it can be easily used. The earth enters and exits the real world and the underworld. 】

  Holding the death rod, Liu Zhi jumped onto the sun boat with some skeleton sailors. At this time, he was standing in the bow position, and the sun crystal on the death rod radiated white light.

  This time the ship didn’t need him to control the sails. He had his own skeleton sailor to help him do it, and the ship soon started moving.

Also boarding with the ship were Vednina and the Spiderwoman. In the previous battle, Vednina was shaken out by the iceberg, and all the swords in her hand were broken, but compared to the other one. For Naga's corpse soul, her luck was pretty good, and Liu Zhi at least pulled her blood line back.

  The other corpse soul, Naga, had a broken upper arm due to a bad position in the final battle. Now there is no way to take the two-handed axe, and it is being arranged by Liu Zhi to repair it there.

  So this time, the corpse soul Naga couldn't follow it. Only Vednina was not badly injured. After changing four long swords, she followed Liu Zhi.

  As the Sunship leaves the dock, Ryuji activates the extraordinary ability of the Sunship. In fact, he can enter and exit the underworld himself, but in the game, he enters and exits the underworld through the Hades.

  Where is the Hades, where he entered the Hades.

  On the contrary, the sun boat is different. As long as there is water, you can move forward. As long as you activate extraordinary abilities, you can freely enter and exit the underworld no matter where you are.

  As Liu Zhi activated the role of the solar ship, he heard the sound of the solar ship coming from the sun ship for the first time.

  Liu Zhi frowned. He still hadn't built this solar boat. He didn't expect to encounter so many troubles just in and out of the underworld.

   Just as Yanji wanted to enter the sun boat to see where it needed repairs, he was stunned by the scene before him.

  As soon as they entered the underworld, they saw a golden coffin hung in the air, and a silver-white liquid dripped out of the coffin from time to time.

Looking up along the coffin, you can see nine golden chains are extending into the air of the underworld. Behind the chains, there are nine huge vortexes. Liu Zhi took a serious look and could see that they were in the vortex. There was a ghost in the clothes of an ancient Egyptian emperor who was dragging the golden chain tightly.

  Ryuzhi just glanced at it and recognized the phantoms one by one. At least several of them had the same appearance as the coffin found by Liu Zhi.

  They were expressionless, they just pulled the chain seriously, so that the coffin entangled in the chain did not have any chance to fall or rise.

   "That's it." Liu Zhi made a judgment in his heart.

   Then he pointed the death rod to that side, and a ray of light shot out from the sun crystal.

  This is the impact on the Sun Crystal after Liu Zhi had forcibly absorbed and borrowed the sun's divine power. In addition to the original bright light and flash burst, Liu Zhi can also use the Sun Crystal to emit light magic such as scorching rays.

  Of course, Ryuzhi didn't want to attack the coffin this time, but wanted to stimulate the coffin with the power of the sun to see what reaction inside.

  Unexpectedly, the light hit the coffin, and there was a scream inside.

  The scream was like a banshee wailing, almost causing Liu Zhi to squirt out a mouthful of blood.

  But this also proves one thing, that is, there are people in the coffin.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi raised his head and glanced at those phantoms that were not affected by love, and finally turned to look at the skeleton sailor, "Raise the sails and drive the boat over."

   Talking about Liu Zhi, he stared at every move in the coffin. He understood that the coffin in front of him was the key to it. Whether he could benefit from it depends on this.

  When Liu Zhi’s solar boat drove directly under the coffin, Liu Zhi suddenly raised the death rod in his hand, and a few blazing white rays of light shot straight out, just hitting the chains.

After    released the attack, Liu Zhi couldn't help but cried out bad. He thought that the golden chain was put down by Horus or other sun gods. After all, the golden light was related to the sun at first glance.

  So he just wanted to stimulate the chain and see how the chain would react.

But he did not expect that the chain was made of pure finance. It has been hung here for so many years. Under the influence of the dark wind and wind, this attribute has gradually become the attribute of the undead, although it seems to be flashy. The golden light moved, but was restrained by the scorching light released by Liu Zhi.

  More importantly, in order to try which is the weak point, Liu Zhi shot at the nine chains at the same time.

  When the nine rays of light fell on the chain, Liu Zhi didn't react properly.

  At the spot where the light hits, there was a black spot unexpectedly, and then from that black spot, the chain turned black quickly and began to melt.

Let’s not talk about Liu Zhi in this situation. Even Vidnina discovered that something was wrong, and the Spider Girl Spinning was there yelling, "No, the coffin will definitely be broken if it falls. We can put a layer of spider web, no , One layer of cobweb may not be enough. If you give me time, we must lay down at least three layers."

There is no time. When Spinning Spiderwoman was talking, the coffin suspended in mid-air lost its fulcrum. Before the Liuzhi Sun Boat arrived, it fell from the sky and fell apart on the spot. The female body shook out.

  (End of this chapter)

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