Necromantic Myth

Chapter 269: Female Corpse Amanite (3/30)

  Chapter 269 Female Corpse Amanite (330)

  When Liu Zhi hurried over, what he saw was a coffin that fell apart, mercury spilled all over the floor, and a female corpse lying motionless on the ground.

The female corpse didn’t look very tall, and was covered in white bandages. It looked like a normal mummy. Because she was lying on the ground, her face could not be seen clearly. However, you can notice that her nails should be coated with lapis lazuli or Materials such as turquoise have dyed that part of the bandage into blue.

   Seeing such a situation, Liu Zhi also had some doubts, who this woman was and why was she hung in such a place.

  The situation in front of him is clearly the act of banishing people to the underworld, and don’t want the other person to enter the underworld reincarnation sequence.

  This kind of situation is in the East, it is called that people can never live beyond life, what a hatred is this.

  Thinking of this, Liu Zhi pointed at the Spinning Spider Girl, and a bunch of spider silk went down, and the Spinning Spider Girl dragged the woman to the sun boat, and even the coffin that had fallen apart was dragged up.

   Looking up at the nine vortexes in the sky, Liu Zhi hesitated, "Leave here immediately."

  Yagiji’s choice was correct. When he returned to the real world in his solar boat, new chains also popped out of the nine vortexes, searching the ground nearby.

  It seems that it is quite common for the chain to be broken, but the new chain was searched on the ground for a long time, but they did not find the coffin fragment and the female corpse they were looking for.

  After searching like this for about ten minutes, a large number of green figures emerged from the whirlpool. They frantically searched on the ground, but they could not find anything except a pool of mercury.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi also returned to his own palace. It was still at noon when his solar boat came out of the underworld before stopping to the surface of the sea, and then fell apart.

  Yagiji has the ability of a sailor, so naturally he is not afraid of falling into the water. The skeleton sailors swim quickly towards the shore.

  Then the fishermen swam from all directions and began to salvage the parts of the sun boat. Although the sun boat fell apart, there were still many parts that were washed and reused.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi noticed that the female corpse he had brought had sunk directly into the bottom of the sea. It seemed that the female corpse had stone properties and could not float in the water.

  In the end, a group of murlocs dived into the water, wrapped the female corpse with water weeds, and dragged her to the shore.

  Looking at the female corpse being dragged up by the fish people and the traces left by the dragging on the ground, Liu Zhi couldn't help but shook his head.

   "What's the situation, is she made of iron?"

  You must know that the female corpse in front of you looks only about 1.5 meters tall, and is not that fat type. She doesn't look like a few taels of flesh on her body, but she weighs at least 300 kilograms and moves upwards.

  This makes Liu Zhi quite puzzled, is it possible that the female corpse in front of him is the kind of existence that can be transformed by pressing the F key?

  Yuzhi hasn't seen what the situation is. In the process of dragging, the bandage on the female corpse was rubbed off, revealing the face hidden under the bandage.

I don’t know what happened to this female corpse. It was clearly dressed as a mummy, but it was not made into a mummy. Her face was the same as before her death. She was not drained and drained, but stabbed in her face instead. A large number of ancient Egyptian characters seems to be suppressing something.

  However, what Liu Zhi paid attention to was not this, but the silver liquid flowing from the female corpse’s mouth.

  Liu Zhi thought for a moment, and stepped forward and grabbed the female corpse's hand. He found that just as he had guessed, all the blood in the female corpse had been drawn out and filled with mercury.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi drew a thin stabbing sword, and the wind blade swiped the female corpse’s wrist, then he hung the female corpse upside down and began bleeding the female corpse.

  With drops of mercury dripping into the ground, Liu Zhi found that the female corpse had actually opened her eyes.

  What is the situation, do you wake up?

  Liu Zhi's heart tightened, and the death rod fell into his hand, ready to hit her directly when the female corpse had any intention to attack.

  I didn't want the female corpse to open her eyes and look at Liu Zhi, but she didn't have any aggressiveness. Instead, she opened her mouth and said something softly.

  Liu Zhi has a level 3 basic language. He heard that it should be the language of ancient Egypt. Although he didn't quite understand the meaning, he still felt the gratitude in the words.

  After all the mercury in the body of the female corpse was released, the female corpse twisted her body slightly, fell to the ground from the upside down state, and began to talk quickly.

  But she soon discovered the doubt on Liu Zhi's face. After thinking about it, she changed her language and said, "Are you here to pick me up?"

  Liu Zhi was stunned for a moment, then picked her up and left, what's the situation?

Fortunately, he understood the words, and at the same time he heard it. The female corpse used a common language in the game. This is in the basic language, so that players can meet in different worlds. Will fight because of language problems.

   "No, I found you accidentally, can you tell me about your situation?"

  The female corpse was a little disappointed, but she soon realized, "You also speak this language, so can you take me away?"

   "Take you away, wait a minute, I haven't figured out the situation here yet, let me explain first, I am a necromancer, if I take someone away from the real person, that person must be a dead person."

  The female corpse froze for a moment, then lowered her head, "But I am also dead, and I don’t know how long I have been dead."

Then the female corpse talked about her own affairs. Her name was Amanite, a princess from ancient Egypt, but there was a very serious problem here, that is, she had been the crown prince before his brother was born. The existence and growth have been growing until she was sixteen years old.

  In that year, something happened in Egypt. Two outsiders appeared in Egypt, one became Amanit’s teacher, and the other became the priest of the pharaoh at that time.

There was a battle between them. In the end, the pharaoh made his newly-born son the crown prince, and announced that Amanit was a follower of the evil **** Seth, used capital punishment on her, poured mercury in her body, and Exiled to the underworld, he can never enter the underworld reincarnation.

When Amnet was cast into the underworld, her teacher secretly appeared once and told Amnet that she had failed in this battle, but Amnet was not without any chance, as long as Amnet was willing Waiting, she will go back and tell the organization called Zongmen behind to take Amanit out of this world and become the saint of the Zongmen.

  (End of this chapter)

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