Necromantic Myth

Chapter 270: Ways to take away key people (4/30)

  Chapter 270 Ways to Take Away Key Persons (430)

  An organization named Zongmen?

  Yagiji was taken aback for a moment, and then he also reacted. This should be a player sect similar to the Bone Wind Academy. Can Amanite become a saint? It seems that her potential is good.

  Listening to Amanite’s explanation, various thoughts flashed through Liu Zhi's mind.

  Her teacher and the priest of the Pharaoh, out of all likelihood are two players, they fought a battle through the territory of ancient Egypt.

Amanite was only unlucky. At the beginning, Pharaoh had no sons, so he would train her as a crown prince. With a son, what she needs to do, even if there is no such thing as her teacher, death is just random. The fate that comes from it.

What makes Ryuzhi a little speechless is that the princess who is falsely accused of being a believer in Seth is actually the purest Horus believer. She has good archery skills, can fight with spears, and has also learned something. Something that the priest would learn.

"No wonder they would suppress you with mercury. I thought it was a bit weird at first. There is something like mercury in the necessary materials for making high-level undead. When mercury is used to suppress you, I don't know whether it is suppression or strengthening. Your father knows you very well."

"Hmph, I also know him well. When I died, I cursed him and cursed that all his descendants were derailed by the high priest around him. Anyway, he should not want to pass on the things I can't get to his descendants. Go down."

   Liu Zhi listened to the sweat, this kind of curse can only be done by the one in front of him.

  After talking about her own affairs, Amanite also stood up. She moved her body, and then asked: "Can't you really take me away?"

  Ryuzhi hesitated, "Yes, but I may want to make you an undead, let you become a part of this city, and leave with my city."

  After listening to Ryuzhi's words, Amanite lowered his head and thought, finally raised his head and said decisively: "Well, anyway, I don't want to stay in this world anymore. Take me away."

  Yagiji nodded, asked Amanite to stand aside, raised the death rod, and chanted the spiritual spell.

  But in the next instant, the power of the spell bounced back, and a reminder appeared in front of Liu Zhi.

  [Warning: It is not possible to convert key figures into undead servants, please choose another way to deal with it. 】

  "Key person?" Liu Zhi's expression became serious. In Sandro's memory, he clearly remembered what the key person was referring to.

That is the key point of destiny. The objects that the gods pay attention to are those that will be stunned by people when they move. Such people are a treasure no matter where they are. Even if they are taken away from this world, they are not so easy to transform into Servants of the undead.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi couldn't help sighing, "Forget it."

  Hearing this, Amanite was a little anxious. She had been educated by the royal family since she was a child. She could tell at a glance that Liu Zhi had given up her plan to take her away.

  But this is her only chance. Otherwise, what can she do in a place where she is not familiar with her life? Have been waiting here, waiting for her teacher to come back to find her?

Thinking of this, Armanet said quickly: "My teacher told me that if I want to leave, I have to sign a contract with her. I promise that I will sign the contract you take out. Please take me away. Is it possible here?"


Liu Zhi thought about it seriously, and finally dug up some memories for him. Players can sign contracts with some people from various worlds, but the people who signed the contracts are not servants of the undead. They are just the players. The employment relationship is not completely obedient like the undead servants or heroes.

  On the contrary, the relationship between them is like the comrades in the team, or the mentor and apprentice.

  This is the one that Liu Zhi has never contacted before. He has contacted his subordinates or peer players before.

  Yagiji thought for a while, and said to Amanite: "I know there is such a contract, wait for me."

  After talking, Liu Zhi found a place to sit down, and carefully searched in his own memory.

Finally, Liu Zhi found several contracts suitable for the current situation. He called Amanite, "I have several contracts here, one is an employment contract, I hire you, you protect me, and you can always follow me. By your side, but you have to work for me, and if I die, or if the conflict between you and me cancels the contract, you will return to this world.

Another is the alliance contract. We become an alliance. I will help you out. You can develop on your own, but when I need it, you must return to me. The advantage of this is that you are free after you go out, but you owe me once. Just return.

  There is this..."

  Yiu Zhi quickly talked about the several contracts he had found out.

  Amnet listened very carefully, and finally she asked in a puzzled manner: "Why is there no mentorship contract like my teacher said?"

  Liu Zhi was stunned for a moment, and said with some embarrassment: "I have nothing to teach you. You and I take different routes."

  "How could it be different? You have the power of Horus. Although your body has changed, your origin cannot be wrong, and the breath you bring during meditation cannot be wrong."

When Amnett said this, Liu Zhi couldn't help but look at the woman in front of him. He found that the princess also had a faint golden light on her body. Although she had been in the underworld for so many years, she still had no habits. What changed, also the power she gathered during her lifetime did not change much because of being trapped in the underworld.

"Light attribute? It’s no wonder, but I really can’t teach you anything. Although I also have such a mentoring contract in hand, if you sign this contract, you may become a necromancer or It's a death knight, and finally embarked on a path different from your attributes."

  Liu Zhi persuaded that he did not want to waste such a good seed of Amanite.

  At this time, Amanite seemed to think of something, "By the way, my teacher said that there seems to be a contract from God, and I can sign this too."

  Liu Zhi almost spit when he heard it. The God contract is a contract to sign the God into the God system. Of course, this kind of contract can be signed to key figures, but the problem is that this can only be signed by players above level 15.

  Wait, it’s not right here. From a **** contract, it seems that as long as there is divinity, you can sign a contract. Yanagi has divinity here, and there are a lot of them. What about Amanite?

  Is she divine?

  For this question, Amanite gave an affirmative answer.

  As the descendants of Horus, their family blood is born with a trace of divinity, which is why the pharaoh always calls himself the sun **** on earth.

  And Amanite also has a touch of sun divinity, although only a little, but signing is not a problem.

  (End of this chapter)

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