Necromantic Myth

Chapter 271: Huntress

  Chapter 271 Huntress

   Set the direction, everything is much simpler, and soon Amanite became the **** of death under the fourth natural disaster homecoming group, the **** of death Ryuzhi.

  From now on, Ryuzhi can freely take Amanite into and out of the game and watch her grow. Naturally, there is also a certain time limit, this time is three thousand years.

  At the moment of signing the contract, Ryuzhi saw Amanite’s attribute column. Compared to an undead servant like Widnina, or a hero like Mander, Amanite’s attribute column was more comprehensive.

  【Amanite (interplanetary game Galaxy Cantilever Plane V4 player, the fourth natural disaster homecoming group No. 9 from God, number 9-1)】

  【Occupation: None】


  【Magic: 0/0】

  【Title: Egyptian Princess】

  【Deputy post: None】

  [Attributes: Strength 2.0, Agility 2.0, Physical 2.0, Spirit 2.0]

  【Active Skill: None】

  【Passive skills: None】

  [Special Skill: Horus Bloodline Level 1]


  Looking at this long string of 0s, Liu Zhi didn't know what to say, but he also understood that this is a privilege of key figures and a limitation of the game for players.

  Otherwise, as soon as all players enter the game, do not play games, do not do tasks, just want to find those BOSS, draw them to join their team, and go out to the level of the sky, then there will be people playing games?

  So for Amanite's strength to instantly become 0, Yanagi still quite understands.

  He glanced at this attribute column, and then said to Amanite: "Do you feel that your strength has become weaker?"

Amanite shook his head, "It seems to have lost something, but I am not worried. It only took a few years before I became the strongest prince in Upper Egypt. I think I can do it easily in the future. Before that, I need some weapons and equipment."

Liu Zhi nodded. Armanet and Vednina are different. She can use the player's equipment. Although Liu Zhi doesn't have much equipment in his hand, there are some things that he can't use are still in the Hades. Inside.

  Yiuzhi pointed towards the other side, "Look at what you need. If not, I also have a suitable blacksmith shop here, which can be customized for you."

  Amanite turned her head and looked at the side that Liu Zhi was referring to. She was about to say that she didn't have anything she was looking for, and she wanted to look for it slowly, but found that there was a spear stuck in the pile of things.

  Amanette was taken aback for a moment, and he hesitated to go there, and then, under Liu Zhi's surprised gaze, she drew out the spear.

  When the spear fell into his hand, a strange light gushed out of Amanite's body, and that light seemed to be injected into her body and control everything about her.

But Armanet was unaffected. There was a golden light flashing in her eyes. She held a spear tightly in her hand, and slowly the color of the spear began to change. It changed from an ordinary steel spear to A kind of pale golden spear, it looks like the whole spear is plated with gold.

  Yagiji didn't expect that spear would react like this. He was about to step forward, but found that Amanite was flying.

  It is obviously absorbing the power in the spear and assimilating the spear with itself.

   Just when Ryuzhi retreated to absorb space for Amanite, Amanite suddenly said: "Juggernaut, Paladin, Hunter, which one do I choose?"

Liu Zhi was stunned for a moment, turned his head and looked at Amanite’s attribute column. He found that after absorbing the power of the Spear of Leonidas, Amanite gave a system based on the characteristics of her own blood. There are three priority choices. If you don't choose these three, it's okay, but when you grow up, you won't be as strong as these three.

[Juggernaut (spear): As a swordsman who only uses a spear, he can fully exert the power of the Spear of Leonidas. Although it has no magic power, it has strong melee combat ability. When it grows to the end, it also has the same killing effect. God's level. 】

【Holy Knight (Sun God): As the bloodline of Horus, there is the power of the sun in the body of the celestial being. It can be used only by activation. It will grow correspondingly in melee and magical attacks. It is a holy horse of the light series. seed. 】

   [Hunter (Huntress): Give up the power of bloodline and spear, and walk out a different path with oneself. Spear and bloodline are only the foundation, and self-growth is the real key. 】

Looking at these three options, Liu Zhi hesitated. He understood. The sword saint is to strengthen the role of the spear, the paladin is to strengthen the bloodline, and the hunter is to strengthen Amanite himself. effect.

Although it is obvious that the Sword Saint and the Paladin are better, what Liu Zhi wants is not a Leonidas spear user or a Horus blood power person. He wants Amanite. .

   "Choose a hunter."

  Amanette is not a fool, she can naturally see his thoughts from Liu Zhi's choices.

  Amanette smiled, nodded and made a choice.

In the next instant, some changes occurred in Amanite. The golden light that had originally enveloped her disappeared. At the same time, the bandage on her body became a simple leather armor. It can be seen that the leather armor has Nice decoration.

When    fell to the ground, Amanite moved barefoot and then said: "I think I need a set of armor."

  Ryuzhi ignored it. At this time, he was looking at Amanite's attribute column, and this time there were some subtle changes.

  【Amarnet (No. 9-1)】

  [Occupation: Huntress]

【Grade 1】

  【Magic: 20/20】

  【Title: Egyptian Princess】

  【Deputy post: None】

  [Attributes: Strength 2.0, Agility 3.0, Physical 2.0, Spirit 2.0]

  [Active Skills: Shimmer Spike Level 4, Spur Spike Level 4]

  [Passive Skill: Spear Mastery Level 4]

  [Special Skill: Horus Bloodline Level 1]


  Looking at Armanet’s situation, Liu Zhi drew out the thin stabbing sword, "Come and try your combat power."

  Only when Liu Zhi finished speaking, he felt his eyes light up, as if he had been hit by a flash, and then his neck became cold, and the spear had been placed on his neck.

  "This is the glimmer thorn. The spur is faster. I suspect that I may not be able to hold it."

"That's it." For Amanite's strength, Ryuzhi is very satisfied. At the same time, he is more satisfied that Amanite is not his own servant. She can be regarded as a half player, which is for him in the future. The growth is quite favorable.

  But that's all in the future. Amanite wants to reach level 15. There is still a long time to go.

  Before that, the things in front of him were more important. Now Liu Zhi's gaze fell on the long sword with the spear.

  (End of this chapter)

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