Necromantic Myth

Chapter 272: communication

  Chapter 272 Communication

  The spear is the spear of Leonidas, and the long sword used by the assassin along with this spear is definitely not an unknown person.

  With this thought, Liu Zhi stepped forward and drew the long sword.

  But he did not expect that the effect of Armanet's spear was not applied to Liu Zhi's body at all. What kind of long sword should be, or what it is, there is no change at all.

  If it was before, Yanagi might just forget it, but Amanite’s performance made it impossible for Yanagi to treat this long sword as an ordinary long sword.

  He thrust the long sword into the ground, raised the death staff, and began to use the sun crystal to communicate the divine power of the sun in the sky.

   Pointed the death rod toward the long sword, and the sun in the sky shot a blazing white light.

  Then the long sword turned red in an instant, and Liu Zhi finally heard the tink that he wanted to hear.

【Ding! Found the sword of Damocles...]

  Yuzhi sprayed it before he finished reading it, and finally suppressed his mood. Only then did he discover that the sword of Damocles was followed by a small legendary symbol, which showed that it was not a divine weapon.

   But this almost didn't scare him to death.

   Then he remembered something, as if the sword of Damocles had fallen into the hands of an organization of assassins since the death of Dionysius II.

  Now this sword appears here, is it possible?

  An idea appeared in Liu Zhi's mind, and he was not in the mood to read the following explanation.

Fortunately, this thing is only a legendary item, it does not look like something with a little divine nature. Adding it will enlarge the size of the Hades. The sword of Damocles in front of him melted by itself even though Ryuzhi ignored it. After being integrated into the Hades, there is no longer any shadow.

  When Liu Zhi reacted, he found that there seemed to be some changes in Hades.

  This sword of Damocles has its own arrogance. It has not been integrated into the mass grave. Like those previously integrated into the Liuzhiming Palace, it provides an extra unit of choice for the mass grave.

  Rather, a gleam of light was emitted directly near the Liuzhi Blacksmith's shop, and it seemed to tell Liuzhi there that this is a treasure land and should be used well.

  For this kind of being silent at first, but now still asking for this and that, Liu Zhi didn't give any attention at all.

  He still has a lot to do now.

  For example, he needs to communicate with Nick and the others to see how things are going to be handled here.

  I also want to move out of the city in front of me with Amanite.

  These two things are the focus of his immediate task.

The previous battle between Ryuuji and the Sun Divine Power, but in the eyes of Nick and the others, the situation was different, because at the beginning, Ryuuji was a member of the Apollo Legion. Now it seems that he doesn’t look like it at all. It is the subordinate of the sun god, at best the necromancer with the power of the sun.

  Not to mention that Liu Zhi also released such a big city.

In addition, they heard some rumors, it seems that something happened on Olympus, it seems that besides the **** Zeus, the position of the other eleven main gods is about to be unstable, so Nick automatically made up for it. Big drama.

  Now what Liu Zhi has to do is to pull them out of this trance-level harem fighting scene, don't cause too much trouble for himself.

  In this kind of world, acting freely and acting after being watched by the gods are completely different things.

  So Ryuzhi can only ask Nick to stop thinking and talking nonsense, and don't pull yourself in.

  It is precisely for this reason that the search of this city fell into the hands of Amanite.

  Ryuzhi also had to admit that some things must be handled by experts. When Amanite was alive, the city was at its most prosperous time, and she traveled almost every corner of the city.

  As a prince who is very likely to become the crown prince, she also knows where to take charge and where to find good things.

  With her leading the way, Liu Zhi’s speed of moving things has obviously increased a lot, and some secret things have been brought out.

  There are some possessions about several pharaohs, but Liu Zhi has noticed that no matter how Amanite moved, he did not move any belongings belonging to Horus.

  For this, Liu Zhi also understands, after all, everyone has their own beliefs in their hearts.

   Anyway, Ryuzhi was not bad at all, and did not want to cause the hostility of Horus, who is likely to be still alive, so he let Amanite act on his own.

  But soon Ryuzhi received a message that Armanet seemed to stay in a secret room and refused to come out.

  The news left Liu Zhi speechless. What kind of situation is this? He hasn't finished his work yet, so how come this kind of thing happened again.

  In desperation, Liu Zhi could only run to the secret room where Amanite stayed under the leadership of the skeleton laborer who was used to carry it.

  Before entering the door, he heard Amanite singing there. It was an ancient Egyptian song. Ryuzhi couldn't understand the meaning of the song, but he heard Amanite's feelings.

  Liu Zhi listened outside the door for a long time, until the singing stopped, he opened the secret door and walked in.

After entering the secret room, Liu Zhi found that it was a relatively small room. In the middle of the room, some murals were painted, and Amanite sat on the floor with his back against the wall, staring at the murals motionlessly. of.

Feeling Liu Zhi coming, Amanite said in a low voice, "This is my mother’s secret room. When my name is not allowed in the whole country, she left my last stroke here, in my mother’s painting. Here, I’m not a believer in Seth, but the prince’s daughter who is about to become the crown prince. I just lost myself in the solar storm and never returned."

  Speaking of this, Armanet hugged her knees and buried her head between her legs, unwilling to look up at the murals.

Liu Zhi also understood what was going on. He sat beside Amanite and didn't speak, but waited quietly there until the sun cleared and darkness enveloped the secret room. Ah Manet just stood up.

   "I'm sorry, Sandro, I don't want this either."

   "It's okay, at least you will feel much easier when you cry. Do you need me to help you transport these back?" Liu Zhi pointed to the mural here and asked.

"No, let him stay here with the past. I'm no longer me. By the way, I will show you something." Amanatra took Ryuuji's hand and ran to the other. The secret room.

"Have you seen this? This is my brother’s secret room. He became a pharaoh after my father died, but my curse succeeded. He was given green by his high priest, although he imposes on his high priest. Insect punishment, but green is green, hahahaha..."

  (End of this chapter)

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